Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

When you place the order, mention you want all to ship together please.
ISBN and Title is fine when ordering.
If you want to order 10 units or more of an ISBN, please send to us for review of discount. A spreadsheet is good for us to examine.
We can then let you know a quote. If you are happy we will then process manually.
AMEX is accepted but not DINERS.

I hope all is well. Our max discount is 49% off, but we have our Back to School promotion going on now which is 50% off. If you order 1,000 units, I will honor the 50% off promo on your order.
Attached is the sales quote with your total. When you are ready to move forward with the order, you can pre-pay with Amex.




shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

2) Now, since you have not received any response from your seller, we suggest that you please open an item not receive request on June 12. Please know that opening an Item Not Received request is one of the steps for you to get you money back and to get in touch with your seller for not shipping your item.

For your convenience, here’s how to open an item not receive request:

1. Go to Resolution Center (this is located at the bottom most part of every eBay page)
2. Click I haven’t receive it yet, Then click Continue
3. Select the item you want help with.
4. On the next page, select I want a refund or I want the item. If you wish, you can also include a message to your seller.
5. Click Send request.



1 レゾルーションセンターへ行ってください(eBayのほとんどのページの下部に位置しています)
2 「I haven’t receive it yet(商品を受け取っていません)」をクリックした後、Continueをクリックしてください。
3 当該商品を選んでください
4 次のページで、「I want a refund(返金希望)」もしくは「 I want the item(発送希望)」のどちらかを選んでください。ご希望であれば、セラーへのメッセージを記載することも可能です。
5 「Send Request(リクエストを送信)」をクリックしてください。