Shimauma (shimauma) Translations

ID Verified
About 9 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
shimauma English → Japanese
Original Text

G’Day Cuong

Look forward to receiving the parcel. Just dawned on me that the instructions are likely to be in Japanese, is that correct ? Probably should have asked first. Not to worry I will manage. If you know of anyone else looking to sell the volumes that are missing let me know !

Best Regs from Oz

Hmmm interesting but quite a bit more than the other I just purchased from you. I assume the instructions are all in Japanese for this one as well !?!?

The series I see has 85 issues in it. Does this cover all 85 issues ?

There is another complete set going for $USD 776.63 (GBP 500) in English from the UK !!.

What would be your best offer inc shipping ???



商品の到着を楽しみにしています。 ちょっと気になったのですが、取説はおそらく日本語ですよね? 最初に聞いておけばよかったですね。 まあ、なんとかしますのでご心配なく。 不足分の量を売りたい人がいれば、教えてくださいね。


うーん、不思議ですが、あなたより購入した物よりかなり多いですね。 この商品についても、取説は全て日本語ですよね!?!?

私の見ているシリーズには、全部で85巻あります。 これで、85巻全てですか?

イギリスの出品者が、英語版を1セット$USD 776.63 アメリカドル(イギリスポンド 500)で販売しています。
