Sayoko (sayoko) Translations

5.0 2 reviews
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Almost 13 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English German Italian
Arts Marketing Business
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sayoko English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Renren, of course, is China’s largest social networking platform, with over 120 million users. MSN is perhaps best known here for their instant messaging service, MSN Messenger. Given that, this partnership could be grim news for Tencent QQ, which enjoys a lead in the Chinese instant messaging market but has recently seen a downturn in user activity and is already facing some new and powerful-looking competitors in the IM market. Integrating MSN seamlessly into Renren’s giant user base might give users yet another reason not to bother opening a separate program like QQ.


Renrenは勿論、1億2000万人の利用者を抱える中国最大のソーシャルネットワーキングサイトである。一方MSNはインスタントメッセージ機能であるMSNメッセンジャーで最も知られている。この2社による協同体制の知らせは、インスタントメッセージソフトのトップシェアを誇るTencent QQなどにとっては脅威であろう。同ソフトは昨今既にユーザー数の伸びに不安を抱えているところに、新興の強力なライバルたちの出現が重なっているのだから。RenrenのSNSの仕組みのなかに、シームレスにMSNのメッセンジャー機能を組み込むことが実現すれば、ユーザーはQQのような別プログラムを立ち上げる手間を避けるようになるかもしれない。

sayoko English → Japanese
Original Text

Consumers in Southeast Asia Are More Influenced By Social Media Ads

As social media turns into the Internet’s new playground, brands and products are flocking there en masse in an effort to catch customers. And according to Nielsen’s latest study, consumers in the Southeast Asia region are highly influenced by such online advertisements, especially when ads are displayed on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. The study reveals 73 percent are ‘highly’ or ‘somewhat’ influenced by ads in social media. The rate jumps to 80 percent if social context is factored in, showing who has liked or followed the advertised brand. (See chart below)


