Sayoko (sayoko) Translations

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About 13 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English German Italian
Arts Marketing Business
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
sayoko English → Japanese
Original Text

Looking for a role model to follow? Be the person your friends say you are, and avoid being the person your enemies say you are. Follow the positive traits people say you have and build on them. You will find people drawn to you and they will help you succeed.

For one hour today, step into the role of the person you want to be. Be that person totally. Talk like they would, walk like they would, read what they would read, even eat what they would eat. Do whatever it takes to get into the role completely. Notice how you feel, how you approach decisions, what you do and what you don't do. At the end of the hour, ask yourself what part of that role you can take on right now and keep going.




sayoko English → Japanese
Original Text

The IFC’s annual ‘Ease of doing business survey’ consistently ranks Singapore at the top [5]. According to Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Teo Chee Hean, 5000+ new tech enterprises have been registered in Singapore every year since 2006 [6]. He also shared that 61 percent of all enterprises survive for more than three years. These are impressive credentials!

It is often said that chaos breeds creativity. Asia as a whole should be a hotbed of creativity – and it is. However, a factor that is often ignored is that unsupported creativity often leads to failure. Creativity needs nurturing and support to turn it into something tangible.


IFCが毎年行う「ビジネスがしやすい環境」に関する調査では、シンガポールがトップとなっている。同国副首相のTeo Chee Hean氏によれば、2006年以降毎年5000を超える数のIT企業が新たに登録を行っているという。また彼の明らかにした所によればそれらのうち61%が3年以上継続して稼働出来ているとのこと。これは驚くべき数字である。


sayoko English → Japanese
Original Text


Vision: Baby reaches for and pats mirror image. Depth perception is fairly developed at 7 months and baby can discern shadows.

Touch: Baby is able to sit up and shake and bang toys! Baby also spends more time exploring her own self with her hands and mouth. For example, baby will put her feet in her mouth at this age.

Hearing/Communication: Baby responds to changes in her world. Loud noises, soft music, bright lights and darkened rooms all have an impact on baby.

After about 6-7 months, baby’s development rapidly expands. His senses are developed to a point where milestones change to Physical, Cognitive and Social/Emotional.





