C.Salvador (salvador0426) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Tagalog
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

Focus on long-term satisfaction, not satisfaction right now. Many times what we want right now will work against what we want long term, and we need to let the long-term goal overrule the short-term goal. For instance, our long-term goal might be to lose weight, but we want a candy bar now. If we choose the candy bar, we are working against the long-term goal of losing weight. Even if we end up choosing the short-term goal, at least we became aware that we have a longer-term goal we are in conflict with, and over time we may begin to choose the longer-term goal on a more consistent basis.



salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

Do you want to get better at something? Here is a technique to make you better at it in seven days. Every day ask yourself these four questions regarding the area you want to be better at: (1) What did I do today that I must stop doing, in order to improve? (2) What didn't I do today that I must start doing, in order to improve? (3) What did I do today that I should continue doing, in order to get better? (4) Did I take action on each of these questions?

Pick one thing you want to get better at, and do this exer¬cise for the next seven days. The result will be real improvement.




salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

I have problem getting gift receipts as well, especially Coach store gift receipts, not just for the reasons that I have told you a few time before, also my friends buy Coach for me, they dont want to provide gift receipts for buyer. Coach now ask for ID when we buy bags, so all receipt and gift receipt will showing names who purchased the bags. I think Coach or all other brands, If your buyer did not request for gift receipt, dont give gift receipt. Only for the buyer who request for it, I can try to get it, buy sometimes still can not have one. b/c when I ask coach store for gift receipt, they will answer me: you can return your bag without receipt. but need to show ID.



salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

Looking for a role model to follow? Be the person your friends say you are, and avoid being the person your enemies say you are. Follow the positive traits people say you have and build on them. You will find people drawn to you and they will help you succeed.

For one hour today, step into the role of the person you want to be. Be that person totally. Talk like they would, walk like they would, read what they would read, even eat what they would eat. Do whatever it takes to get into the role completely. Notice how you feel, how you approach decisions, what you do and what you don't do. At the end of the hour, ask yourself what part of that role you can take on right now and keep going.




salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

Look ur not dealing with my wife any more...check this out, send the boots back u pay for shipping and you'll get ur refund...no returned item no refund...for all I know u walked around and got them muddy and then took pictures....I never wanted to sale them the wife did...so u pick...u paid 100$ and 15$ shipping...ok well u price the shipping and if u feel u need or want to return them well re turn them and u can get purchase price back, open the case I'll submit mine u submit Yours and we'll see what eBay says. It's sad it's come to this, those boots are worth over 1/2 more than you paid, then we still shipped them at cost to us. Grow up be an adult enjoy ur boots or return them. Have a good day...





salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

Touch: Beginning around 4-6 months, babies explore using not only their hands but also their mouths. Babies put everything in their mouths because this is an effective way for them to explore their environment and learn about it.

Vision: Baby is now able to follow an object with his eyes to 180°, as far as his head turns. Baby’s focus has improved and he is able to see at greater distances now. More colors continue to become visible. Eye contact with others begins and baby will begin to mimic facial expressions.

Touch: Baby will deliberately reach for objects at 3 months of age and is developing head and neck control. Baby may begin rolling from side to side at this age as well.





salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

What your baby can do:
Recognize faces, voices, and smells
Respond to your smile and touch with pleasure

How you can help:
Talk and sing to your baby
Hold your baby, engage in skin-to-skin cuddle time

What your baby can do:
Use sounds, facial expressions, and body movements to tell you "how" she is feeling
Show you when she wants to play and when she wants a break

How you can help:
Watch your baby and learn her signals
Respond to your baby's signals, and encourage more signals

What your baby can do:
Grip your finger or a toy you put in her hand
Move her head toward a bottle or mother's breast when she is hungry







salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

Amazing Facts About Infant Development

Babies have all their brain cells, or neurons (some 100 billion), by just six months in the womb. However, these cells remain poorly connected until months after birth.

At birth, babies' brains have very little white matter or myelin, the fatty substance that dramatically speeds up information processing. As myelin is gradually added to their brains, babies' perception increases and they move more quickly and efficiently.

Newborn babies are more alert for the first two hours after birth than they will be for the next week or two. This is due to stress hormones released during delivery, which arouse babies, dilate their pupils and promote bonding with their new parents






salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

The good news is we know that 90 percent of heart disease is preventable by reducing risk.
That means becoming or remaining a non-smoker, controlling or avoiding diabetes,...
...exercising 30 minutes most days, maintaining a healthy weight, eating the right foods,...
...and managing or reducing stress.
Heart disease increasingly affects women in developing countries.
Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian places a lot of blame on the global obesity epidemic.
People are getting chronic diseases not from eating too much but eating poorly, and so in fact,...
...what they're not eating is actually, probably, mostly what's harming them.
Dr. Mozaffarian recommends increasing our intake of fish, whole grains, vegetables,...


モザファリアン・ダリウシュ(Dariush Mozaffarian)医師は、世界規模での肥満の増加について強く批判しています。

salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

Together, eBay sellers are making a huge difference on key issues, including the following:

• Internet Sales Taxes: Small businesses and individuals using the Internet should not face new sales tax burdens. When California enacted an Internet Sales Tax law last summer, Main Street members were critical in convincing state legislators to exempt from the law all sellers with less than $1 million in sales into the state. That pro-small business provision protected nearly all eBay sellers. Now the U.S. Congress is considering a new Internet Sales Tax. Main Street members will play a pivotal role in ensuring small business protections are included in any federal law.




salvador0426 English → Japanese
Original Text

]• Sensible Privacy Policy: There is no national law governing the collection and use of customer data. This creates a risk for businesses large and small, as well as all Internet users.
eBay Inc. has called on Congress to pass a federal privacy bill that would provide clear rules for businesses as well as fundamental consumer protections. This would promote Internet and mobile commerce growth, while protecting small businesses and sellers from burdensome privacy and data security laws.
eBay sellers can lead the way for Congress and make it easier for small businesses to become active participants in the global marketplace

