renay Translations

ID Unverified
Over 10 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
renay English → Japanese
Original Text

We are writing to inform you that these offers have been removed from our site:
ASIN: ●●
We took this action because we were notified by the rights owner that the items infringe their rights. According to our records, this is the second complaint we have received against your items in this category. Subsequent complaints may result in the removal of your selling privileges.
Per our policies, items that infringe another party’s rights are prohibited. For more information on this policy, search on “Prohibited Content” in seller Help.
To resolve this dispute, we suggest that you contact the rights owner directly:


ASIN: ●●
権利者から、これらの商品が彼らの権利を侵害するものであるとの報告をうけた為、この様な処置を取らせていただきました。こちらにあります記録によりますと、あなたのこのカテゴリーの商品に対するクレームはこれで2回目となっております。これ以上クレームが続くようでしたら、あなたから売る権利を剥奪しなければなりません。私たちのポリシーでは、他者の権利を侵害する商品は禁止されております。このポリシーにつきまして詳細が必要でしたら、ヘルプ(Help)内にて禁止事項(Prohibited Content)で調べてください。