Aleksandr (pupal) Translations

5.0 21 reviews
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About 9 years ago
Russian Federation
Russian (Native) Japanese English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
pupal English → Japanese ★★☆☆☆ 2.0
Original Text

Well, I want to know more information, I hope I won't bother you if I ask some question.
- Is there any scratches/cleaning mark on glass ?
- Is there fungus/fog/haze inside the lenses ?
- And had that lenses opened/fixed/CLA formerly yet ?

☆Hi seller, I am from Hong Kong. I am planning to spend a sum of money (around Yen 450,000 every quarter). So want to ask whether you could give discount to me?

☆Im waiting for my batteries to arrive to make sure that the camera works. I'll leave feedback as soon as i can.

☆OK, $518 is fair. Let send me an Ebay invoice if your item still available


ーレンズの中に フォッグ、かすみ、FUNGUSなどはありませんか?

ー今日は、セラー、私はホンコンからです。各四半期に約45万円を 使いたいと思います。割引はできるのか、聞きたいです。


ーOK. 518USDはOKです。あなたのアイテムがまだ出荷可能であれば、EBAY インボイスを私に送って下さい。