oier9 (oier9) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

WeiboSuite should prove an invaluable tool for China researchers and journalists who don’t speak Chinese but still want to keep track of what’s happening on China’s most happening social network. Obviously, with billions of posts, WeiboSuite hasn’t — and cannot — translate every single post into English, but it indexes and auto-translates the 1,000 most recent deleted posts, which makes it valuable for journalists who generally only need to see recent posts anyway. For example, when I searched for “Tibet,” WeiboSuite turned up an interesting post from yesterday alleging that there was a fairly major anti-government protest in Naqu Biru County in Tibet on Sunday.


例えば、「チベット」を検索すると、日曜日にチベットのでNaqu Biru郡では超大規模の反政府デモがあったとする興味深い記事を、WeiboSuiteは昨日分から表示する。

oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

WeiboSuite also includes an image-to-text translator that should be effective in helping journalists deal with those pesky “long weibo” posts that include long sections of text uploaded as an image to circumvent Weibo’s character limit (not to mention its keyword blocks).

Finally, WeiboSuite also comes with an image splitter. Weibo users often upload multiple photos in one long image, and while that format is convenient for Weibo it’s not great for other platforms. WeiboSuite’s image splitter helpfully breaks those images down into separate image files for each photo without the need for any editing software or tiresome cropping.



最後に、WeiboSuiteには画像分割機能も付属している。 Weiboユーザーは普通、複数の画像を一つの長い画像にしてアップロードする。この形式はWeiboには便利だが、他のプラットフォームにはほとんど適さない。 WeiboSuiteの画像分割機能で、こうした画像を別々の写真ファイルに分割することができる。編集ソフトも退屈なトリミングも必要ないのだ。

oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Issues have released an official statement regarding the departure of drummer Case Snedecor. The band attributes the split to an overall "style and musical direction" disconnect, but they assure fans that they are not going anywhere. Check out a snippet of the statement below, and read the full thing here.

"This may be hard for some of you to hear, especially considering the lineup changes we have already experienced in our short history, but we promise we are in this for the long haul and remain committed to making music and meeting as many of you as we can."

Snedecor also released a series of tweets earlier this week in junction with his parting, which you can view below:


ドラマーのCase Snedecorの脱退についてIssuesは公式声明を発表しました。同バンドは全体的な「スタイルと音楽の方向性」の不一致が脱退の原因だとしたが、彼らはどこにも行かないとファン安心させた。以下の声明の抜粋をチェックしてほしい。全文はここで読める。



oier9 English → Japanese
Original Text

Micepad aims to improve the conference experience

One of the key drivers of Singapore’s hospitality industry is the Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) business. SGpad, an iPad rental service, is looking to ride on the growth in the MICE industry with Micepad, an app that enhances the conference experience for attendees.

With Micepad, an event organiser can easily customise and deploy a complete event engagement app by choosing the required modules and uploading content. One of the things I frequently do at events is to google further information about the speakers. Micepad eliminates the constraints of print and enables event organisers to provide more information to their attendees.



シンガポールのサービス業界の主要な推進要因の一つに、Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE)ビジネスがある。 iPadのレンタルサービスであるSGpadは、Micepad(会議のエクスぺアレンスを高める参加者向けのアプリ)を利用してMICE産業での成長に乗じようとしている。

Micepadを利用すれば、必要なモジュールやコンテンツのアップロードを選ぶことで、イベント主催者は簡単に完璧なイベントエンゲージメントアプリをカスタマイズし、展開することができる。私がイベントでよくやることの一つに、演説者の詳細情報をググる、がある。 Micepadによって印刷という制約は排除され、イベント主催者は参加者により多くの情報を提供することができる。