ogata (ogamai) Translations

5.0 2 reviews
ID Verified
About 10 years ago Female 30s
Japanese (Native) English
20 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
ogamai English → Japanese
Original Text

I solved my interest in the whole thing amicably.To sumary up if I send the watch back pay 50USD tax I paid 250USD so I underwent 300USD if ebay but did not accept my complaint.But I think I succeeded because the picture that you put in the description are low resolution and only the naked eye you can see how the glass is scratched and buckle too.I am honest and if everything was okay I did not solve anything , I have only positive reviews and bargain for a long time.As the satisfaction I received the refund 100USD and violations on ebay can be no question it's up to us whether we agree on a solution!

Thank you,Frantisek Hermann!



ありがとうございます、Frantisek Hermannさん!

ogamai English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Two months ago Weibo joined a US$100 million round of investment in personalized news app Toutiao. A recent chat with a mid-level exec at Sina proved me right that Sina saw traffic growth slow and needed Toutiao to direct traffic, otherwise they couldn’t raise ad rates, which the company has been doing in order to grow revenue.

Sina’s major revenue sources are display advertising on the news portal and 2G mobile services, with the latter keeping declining in the past years. The company counts on traffic growth to increase ad revenue. The portal ad revenue only increased 5.9% year-over-year in Q2 2014 and non-ad revenues declined 11%.


