Noriko2020 (noriko_s) Translations

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About 10 years ago Female 40s
Japanese (Native) English
Business Hospitals and Healthcare
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
noriko_s Japanese → English
Original Text



編著者は、佐野昌行氏(日本体育大学 助教)、黒田次郎氏(近畿大学 准教授)、遠藤利文氏(スポーツデータバンク 代表取締役)の3氏。



Book Introduction: It also refers to the event and travel industry

Soubun-sha issued "sports business at a glance with diagrams" in April 7.

Editors are Mr. Masayuki Sano (Nippon Sport Science University Assistant Professor), Mr. Jiro Kuroda (Kinki University Associate Professor), and Mr. Toshifumi Endo (Sports Data Bank Managing Director).

Great variety of writers, not only those 3 professional but also researchers in the field of sports science and active practitioners in the sports industry, answer the questions like "What kind of areas are there in the sports industry?", "How big is the sports industry?", and "What is a business mechanism in the sports industry?" in the book.

The book consists of 6 parts and 22 chapters.

noriko_s English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

アマゾンで"Shiseido Pure White W For Shiny Skin 270 Tablets 3 Set"を検索してみてください。







We are sorry for misleading .

We sell it by the bottle.

Please try to search for "Shiseido Pure White W For Shiny Skin 270 Tablets 3 Set" in the Amazon .

The page shown as search result is about the one sold in three sets .

Lowest price in this page is $ 134 .

You wrote that I said "yes" when you asked me if it was sold in three sets in the email, however this is my first time to get email from you, so I didn't answer like that.

You may misunderstand with someone defferent.

If you are not satisfied , please choose from one of two ways below.

1 If you receive as it is, we will refund $ 15 .

2 Please return the product within 7 days to Japan in the process of tracking number.
We will be refund $ 62.1 of commodity price after arrival to us .

 Please choose either one.