Oregonian (noppy) Translations

ID Verified
About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
noppy English → Japanese ★★★☆☆ 3.0
Original Text

I have checked the order A and I could see, that it is currently neither confirmed nor canceled. I would like to give you two options how you can cancel the order:
1. You make the cancellation on your own in your seller account. This will influence your customer metrics. But if you discussed the situation with the buyer and choose as cancellation reason that this was the decision made by the buyer, it will not affect your account and metrics. Information about cancellations can be found her

2. Advice the buyer to contact our buyer support and the colleagues will be able to assist with the cancellation. The buyer can not cancel the order on his own, therefor he has to contact the colleagues for help.




noppy English → Japanese
Original Text

Baidu’s Robin Li: Don’t require real names to use public wi-fi

Robin Li’s proposal to the CPPCC is focused on making public wi-fi faster and easier to use. According to Sina Tech, the current regulations governing public wifi require wifi providers to track and store users real names, and what sites they visited. Public wifi time is also limited, and logging in is difficult. Li’s proposals states:

Under the current system, wi-fi loses the convenience and speed that was originally the point, and raises the difficulty and threshold for using wi-fi to the extent that many people have just given up on it. When you make users take one extra step, you lose 90 percent of them.


BaiduのRobin Li氏:公衆wifiを使うときに実名を要求すべきでない

CPPCへのRobin Li氏からの提案は、公衆wifiをより迅速かつ簡単に使えるようにすることに焦点が置かれている。Sina Techによれば、現状の公衆wifiに関する規制では、wifi提供事業者にユーザーの実名と訪問したサイトを追跡し保存することを要求する。また、公衆wifiの接続時間は限定され、ログインも難しい。Li氏は提案で以下のように述べる。:
