Oregonian (noppy) Translations

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Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
noppy English → Japanese
Original Text

-  Realise that we have been thinking, feeling and behaving like spoilt financial teenagers who didn’t have good parents around to respect money
-  We have relied on others and now we need to grow up
-  Each of must say – I have been acting like a sheep or child and acting like 
the world owes me a job and I can spend like crazy and I don’t have to 
face it
-  We need maturity – take back your power
-  Take responsibility for your own life 
What do I need to do?
-  You can’t let people make your decisions for you
-  You can’t let them set up the system and not question it
-  Get your hands on assets that grow in value and stop wasting your money 
in liabilities
-  Create value for other people


- お金を敬うことを知る良い親に恵まれなかった、お金に関して甘やかされたティーンエイジャーのように、考え、感じ、振る舞ってきたことに気づきましょう
- 私たちは、他者に依存してきました。これからは成長しないといけません
- 一人一人がこう言う必要があります。- 私は羊か子供のように振る舞ってきました。世間が自分に仕事を与えてくれ、お金を馬鹿みたいに使えて、それと正面から向き合わなくていいかのように振る舞ってきました。
- 成熟することが必要です。力を取り戻しましょう。
- 自分の人生に対して責任を取りましょう。私は何をすべきですか?
- 他の人にあなたの決断をさせることはしてはなりません。
- 彼らに仕組みを作らせて、自分はそれについて問わないのはいけません。
- 価値が増える資産に手をつけましょう。負債にお金を費やすのはやめましょう。
- 他者のために価値を創りましょう。

noppy English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, COD would most likely be the biggest payment method for IG9, as this is how many of Vietnam’s e-commerce giants get payment.

In a nascent market like Vietnam where crowdfunding is alien, how are you going to get your name out?

Our strategy is working with projects that already have a huge community. One of our first projects is a dance group called St. 319, who easily has hundreds of thousands of FB likes and a lot more views on Youtube. When these projects work with us, it’s our mutual agreement that both sides will leverage on their existing community to promote it.





noppy English → Japanese
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Lovvd is a marketplace for buying and selling pre-loved bags and shoes

Fashion startups are quite popular, especially those that run on the e-commerce model. Lovvd mixes the e-commerce and social media models in an interesting twist by enabling users to buy and sell pre-owned designer bags and shoes.

Fashionistas would probably prefer calling these items “pre-loved” rather than “pre-owned,” much like how car enthusiasts would treat their rides, or how gadget lovers would be reluctant to part with even their obsolete gadgets after upgrading. Lovvd connects shoe and bag lovers with each other, focusing on finding a new home for premium brand items that have been pre-loved but no longer used.





noppy English → Japanese
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e27 spoke with co-founder Ralph Wintle, who explained that the service is still currently in beta, but the marketplace for buying and selling pre-loved bags and shoes is gaining traction, especially with its recent launch of their MVP program. Ralph actually got to the idea of building a marketplace for these pre-owned items after a first-hand experience with his sister — Anicka, who is likewise co-founder — trying to sell her own stuff. “The problem of re-selling or recycling of second-hand or vintage fashion has been around for a while now, and I noticed it first hand when my sister was trying to off-load some of her pre-loved designer shoes, this past Christmas.”


e27は共同創業者であるRalph Wintle氏と話した。彼曰く、まだサービスはベータ版であるものの、愛用されたバッグや靴を売買するマーケットプレイスはインパクトを及ぼし始めているとのことだ。とくに最近のMVPプログラムの立ち上げ後は顕著だそうだ。

noppy English → Japanese
Original Text

Lovvd lets users choose photos from their Instagram accounts, thereby making it easier to source media for their listings. Ralph is also working to incorporate live listings when certain hashtags are used, such as #lovvdbags or #lovvdshoes, for instance. Focusing on premium items, though, we can’t expect the startup to have big numbers at first, especially because they’re still picky with accepting users. “There aren’t many products up for sale at the moment, since we are quite picky as to who may sell on Lovvd. Once we finalize this latest version, we’ll be approving a lot more sellers and you should see quite a few products go live.”



noppy English → Japanese
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Aussie startup Canva raises USD3M seed round to build collaborative design platform

Canva, an Australia-based startup that is aiming to disrupt the desktop design industry, has announced today that it has raised USD 3M in seed funding from Australian and US investors, including Matrix Partners, InterWest Partners and 500 Startups.

The other participants in this deal are: angel investor Bill Tai, Blackbird Ventures, Director of Engineering at Facebook Lars Rasmussen, Yahoo! CFO Ken Goldman, and former Seek co-founder Paul Bassat and partner at Square Peg Ventures. Commercialisation Australia, a government funding scheme, also contributed in this round.



オーストラリアにあるスタートアップ、Canva社はデスクトップデザイン産業を破壊しようともくろんでいる。今日、Matrix Partners、InterWest Partners、500 Startupsを含むオーストラリア、アメリカの投資家から3百万米ドルのシード資金をあげたことを発表した。

このディールに加わった他の参加者は、エンジェル投資家Bill Tai氏、 Blackbird Ventures、Facebook社のDirector of EngineeringであるLars Rasmussen氏, Yahoo!社CFOのKen Goldman氏、そして元Seek社co-founderでありSquare Peg VenturesのパートナーであるPaul Bassat氏である。またCommercialisation Australiaという政府のファンドスキームも今回のラウンドに参加した。

noppy English → Japanese
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The relatively huge seed round indicates that Canva’s investors are extremely confident in the team and its vision. “Design is moving into a more collaborative and social world, and I predict Canva will be leading the way,” said Lars Rasmussen.

Rick Baker of Blackbird Ventures thinks this startup is proof that Aussie companies can think global from day one.

“The desktop design industry is ripe for disruption and the Canva team are the best people for the job,” he added.

Visit VentureDex for a directory of angel funds, accelerators and venture capital firms in Australia and Asia.


かなり大きな金額のシードラウンドは、Canvaの投資家が極めて強い確信をチームとそのビジョンに対して抱いていることを示すものだ。「デザインはより共同的、ソーシャルな世界に向かいつつあります。私はCanvaがそれを率いるものと予想しています。」とLars Rasumussen氏は語った。

Blackbird VenturesのRick Baker氏は、このスタートアップの存在が、オーストラリアの企業がグローバルに考える事ができるということの証明になると考えている。



noppy English → Japanese
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China’s M-Commerce Shopping Spree to Hit $27.1 Billion in 2014, Surpassing US Mobile Shoppers (Infographic)

We recently looked into China’s vast e-commerce market and saw that, by 2014, China will have an estimated 322 million e-shoppers who’ll spend about $285 billion that year. But how about mobile commerce? According to a new infographic from Alibaba, China’s biggest online shopping company, China’s m-commerce sector will hit another major milestone in 2014, seeing $27.1 billion in on-the-go sales and thereby surpassing the figure from US mobile shoppers. By 2015, Chinese m-commerce will be worth over $41 billion.




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Another highlight on the infographic is a fun breakdown of what happened during the 24-hour shopfest that is China’s “Singles Day.” As we wrote last November, the most recent Single’s Day far surpassed America’s comparable Cyber Monday sales event as China’s e-commerce buyers spent $3 billion in just one day on Tmall and Taobao. This new infographic tells us for the first time that $193 million of all that came from mobile shoppers – and they used their smartphones to snap up the equivalent of 428 pairs of shoes per second. Alibaba also runs the e-payments platform Alipay, so there are some good mobile-related stats for that in there as well. Here’s the full thing:



noppy English → Japanese
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It’s simple, really. Good entrepreneurs build good teams who build good products who attract users who are willing to pay for those products. You want Series A money? There are investors in Asia who will give it to you, but first, prove that you can build a f-ing awesome product. Prove that you can gain traction. Prove that it’s a scalable and profitable business model. (Alternatively, sell a f-ing good dream that investors might buy). If you can’t do that, then no one can help you. Even if there were millions of Series A investors, no one would invest in your shitty startup.



noppy English → Japanese
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So where can you find these Series A folks with cash in their pockets ready to invest? That’s your problem as an entrepreneur (this is why entrepreneurs need to be strong and resourceful). It’s not hard to find startups who raised Series A or beyond. Some, like MyRepublic, even scraped from 40 investors to raise $10 million. Is this doable? Yes, but only if you have an awesome team and product.

As entrepreneurs, we shouldn’t be looking at the ecosystem, shaking our heads, and saying, “Oh man, this is a fucking mess, ain’t a good place to build a company. Let’s sit at one corner and sulk.” Leave that problem to the bloggers who write about the big picture.


