Nobu in LA (nobula) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
United States
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

The Story Behind the Headrest

A few years ago, the founder of VendorGear purchased a Herman Miller Aeron Chair. Placed in his home office, he would spend countless hours in the ergonomic marvel performing all sorts of business-like activities. After a hard day’s work, he would often find himself leaning back in his chair to take in the day’s accomplishments, read the news, or watch an episode online. A few weeks later, he started to notice that his neck and upper shoulders were beginning to ache. Consulting a Chiropractor, it was clear that the countless hours leaning back in the chair with no support for the head was taking its toll on the muscles of both neck and upper shoulders.




nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Thus began the mission to find the missing piece.

It all began with the HR-01. The idea of this first generation headrest was to have a free-flow motion that made the headrest able to adjust with the movement of the body in the chair, as we rarely stay still in one position. The HR-01 was well received by corporate and individual customers, and shortly after a leather version, the HR-02, was created to match the stylish armrests of the Aeron Chair. With the initial success of the HR-01 & HR-02, customers started to chime in on what they’d like to see in the next generation of headrests.
The two main features customers desired was the ability to move the headrest forward......




nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

........while sitting upright and to make it lock into place. Thus, the HR-03 was born.

The future of the next generation of headrests is also looking bright. The HR-04 is currently in development to accommodate taller people and those that like to sit farther forward in their chair. There is also a line of colors and different mesh weaves in the works to brighten your office at home and in the workplace.

From large corporations to home offices, the new headrests are a must have for every avid Aeron owner!

Us and Herman Miller

VendorGear is not directly related to Herman Miller. We are avid users and huge fans though. We highly recommend HM products.







nobula English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

so I have tried to take a picture showing the 909 silvers on the rack in the middle, the 2/80's top and floor alongside a 99 Classique CDP2 with the speakers on the side and hopefully you can see what I am meaning - too many pictures just confuses me, so make of them what you will...but even in that one picture the top looks as if okay to go with the gold / greenish tinge on the valve products, whilst the bottom looks more a darker silver when close against the valve tricks with the camera folks...and second picture shows a near perfect match with an original 303.


製品を説明しようと写真を撮ってみました。ラックの中央にあるのが909シルバー製品、2つの80が上部と床の上に、そのそばに99 Classique CDP2 とそのペアのスピーカーを横にあります。私が伝えたいことが分かってもらえるといいのですが ― 多くの写真は私を混乱させるだけなので、これらの写真からご自由に判断してください...この一枚の写真だけでも、上部が例のバルブアンプ製品のゴールド/緑っぽい色合いとよく似合いそうに見え、一方、バルブアンプと近くに並べればその底部がより暗い感じのシルバーカラーに見え...カメラトリックはなしです...2枚目の写真はオリジナルの303とほぼ完璧な調和を見せています。

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

Almost unbelievable luck for me with these amazing speakers as I discovered a pair almost by accident when I purchased for a customer who wanted them to match his 99 silver range he was using - they were supposed to be 'silver' of some sort supposedly to match ranges of machines mainly from their now sadly discontinued product in the 99 range and when I saw these, wow...I could not believe it...almost a match for the Classique and valve amp line of products also - especially from a distance and in natural light - seriously unusual colour and way beyond my descriptive abilities to be unquestionably accurate...


この素晴らしいスピーカーを見つけたのは信じられないくらい幸運でした。使用中の99シルバー系に合わせたいと所望していたある顧客のために購入しようと、このペア・スピーカーを偶然見つけました。このスピーカーは、その顧客所有の残念ながら製造中止になった99系の製品のシルバー系の機器に主に合う、一種の『シルバー』の色の類のはずでした。私がこれらを見た時、おぉ...信じられませんでした...Classiqueとバルブアンプの生産ライン製品に匹敵するぐらい ― 特に離れて自然光の下で見ると ― 本当に独特な色で私の表現能力では正確に言い表すことができないほどです...

nobula English → Japanese
Original Text

His theory goes that merchants and users share three basic needs: To find the information; to provide coupon and discounts; and to offer flexible and satisfying service. Zhang sees group buying as just one way of giving coupons to users. There are coupons, discounts, rebating or loyalty program as well, but none of them is as attractive as group buying in his opinion. “The core value of this service is all about marketing. On consumer side, they might buy something from a promotion sale even if they are not familiar with the merchant. And on merchants side, group buying is the best campaign for them”.

