Nao (naokey1113) Translations

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Almost 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

I certainly agree with Lauria’s assertion that startups would have to be crazy to be creating a competitor for Facebook or Twitter and that leveraging platforms like that is a great idea. But why does that put startups in China at a disadvantage?

Sure, Facebook and Twitter are blocked in China. But Chinese startups can leverage platforms like Renren and Sina Weibo and WeChat to exactly the same end. They may not be as international as Facebook and Twitter, but with hundreds of millions of users, China’s major social networking sites offer some pretty impressive opportunities to startups willing to leverage them.



確かに、FacebookとTwitterは中国で除外された。しかし、RenrenやSina Weibo、WeChatのような中国のスタートアップは全く同じ様な形でプラットフォームを活用している。彼らはFacebookやTwitterほど世界に広まってはいないが、数億人のユーザーを抱えている。中国の主要なソーシャルネットワーキングサイトは、それらを活用しようとしているスタートアップに印象的な機会を提供している。

naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

Other divergences to look out for in China and Asia, points out the UCWeb report, include an aversion to paid apps in many markets (not counting in Japan or South Korea), necessitating free apps with ads, or a freemium model that’s backed up by in-app purchases.

Even everyday lifestyle patterns in China and the region make the mobile web an important part of life, such as a large percentage of the populace – relative to the west – living in urban environments. That means that phones and the web become a part of commuting, with more screen time available. Also, social activities in Asia and China tend to be more communal, and so apps and the web have become integral to socializing in China too.




naokey1113 English → Japanese
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A Look Back at Last Year’s Mashable Media Summit

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Definition 6 is a Unified Marketing Agency that creates brand experiences that unite brands and people in motion. Through imagination, innovation and insight, we execute ideas that deliver continued value across all brand interactions. For more information, please visit

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A limited number of sponsor opportunities are available for the Mashable Media Summit. This is an excellent opportunity to get in front of Mashable’s passionate and influential audience. Contact for opportunities.







naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

5. Starbucks: Works on Connecting with Customers

Starbucks is all about “connecting,” whether that’s chatting with a customer over a steaming latte, interacting with fans on the company’s Facebook page or posting fascinating photos on Instagram. The well-known coffee chain has effectively created an emotional connection with its customers. In countries like the U.K. and Ireland, this connection made the company’s recent campaign to have its baristas start connecting with customers on a first-name basis that much smoother. The company launched the campaign with a promotion promising customers a free latte to come in and introduce themselves.


5. スターバックス: お客様とのつながりに対する努力


naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

Starbucks is also making the most of the features and functions of its social networks to grow its fan base and maximize likes, shares and re-tweets. All these digital word-of-mouth marketing opportunities help Starbucks get found by a growing audience that, on Twitter, currently exceeds 2.8 million followers and, on Facebook, has registered more than 31.5 million likes to the company’s business page.

And, speaking of social, the company’s strong focus on social responsibility hasn’t hurt its popularity either. In short, the gentle corporate coffee giant has become the company everybody loves to love.




naokey1113 English → Japanese
Original Text

4. GE: Focuses on Experts, Ingenuity and Innovation

When GE reinvented its marketing in 2011, much of its effort focused on several disciplines that today would be considered critical components of inbound marketing. These included strategy and innovation, branding and communications, value creation and pricing.

One key strategy the company embraced in its new marketing mix was the practice of highlighting its experts and the critical role they play in bringing GE products to market. Currently, the company is reinforcing that focus by featuring links to its experts’ Twitter profiles on the GE homepage under the heading “Meet the People Who Make GE Work.”


4. GE: エキスパート、工夫、そしてイノベーション

