monagypsy Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Founded in 2009, Happy Elements which is a top-ten gaming vendor on Facebook platform over the past two years operates in both Beijing and Tokyo. The company has been making gaming titles distributed through 15 of the world’s most popular social platform, including Facebook, Tencent Pengyou, Tencent Qzone, Mixi, Gree, Cyworld, Daum, StuVZ, Kaixin001, RenRen and so on. It claims to own 2.5Million daily active users on Facebook, the #2 and #3 popular games on Mixi in Japan.

The Beijing-based company has also extended its reach into new territory by unveiling three mobile titles in Japan.

Happy Elements raised US$ 5 million from DCM in middle 2010.


2009年に設立され、過去二年の間、Facebookプラットフォームでトップ10ゲーム販売会社であるHappy Elementsは、北京と東京の両方で運営している。会社は、Facebook、Tencent Pengyou、Tencent Qzone、Mixi、Gree、Cyworld、Daum、StuVZ、Kaxinoo1、RenRenなどを含む世界で最も人気のある15のソーシャルプラットフォームを通して、ゲームタイトルを流通させている。Facebookでは独自の日ごとのアクティブユーザーを250万人獲得し、日本においてのMixiで2位と3位の人気ゲームである。


Happy Elementsは2010年半ばにDCMからUS$500万の資金調達を得た。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Annoyingly, TV-time demands a separate sign-up, with no third-party login – eg: via Weibo, or Kaixin – yet available.

Similar TV-oriented social media sites have taken off in the US, such as GetGlue.

The only trouble I can see with this TV-time is that – in its current, limited form – it’s easily replaceable. If Chinese TV stations were to get a bit more with it and think up hashtags for some popular TV shows – as is now common in the UK and the US – then viewers could engage with each other more easily on Sina (NASDAQ:SINA) or Tencent (HKG:700) Weibo instead.

Check out the TV-time website to sign-up and get mobile downloads.






monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Mr. Lei also said that personally, he invests only in markets and people that he’s familiar with. This might seem obvious — why would you invest in a person or business you don’t understand? — but Lei takes it to the next level, saying that once he’s chosen to invest in someone, he might follow them through multiple failed projects, so long as his faith in the person remains intact. “We’ve already lost the money anyway, must we also lose a friend?” he asked rhetorically. That might seem unwise, but before you scoff at him, remember that Lei Jun has a lot more money than you do (probably) and most of it came from his successful investments.


Lei氏はまた、個人的に彼は自分の馴染みのある市場と人々にのみ投資すると述べた。これは、明らかであろう-なぜあなたの理解しない人々や事業に投資するのか?-しかし、Lei氏はそれを次のレベルまで昇華し、一度彼が誰かに投資すると選択したら、彼がその人物に対する信念を持ち続ける限りは、プロジェクトが何度も失敗てもフォローするであろうと述べている。「私達はすでにお金を失ってしまったからといって、友達も失くさなければならないのか?」彼は修辞的に尋ねた。それは浅はかに見えるが、彼を嘲弄する前に、Lei Jun氏は(おそらく)あなたより託すんのお金を持ち、その多くが彼の投資の成功からの物であることを思い出してほしい。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Nevertheless, Lei Jun was convinced by the iPhone that the smartphone would eventually entirely replace the PC even in terms of things like work, and he began thinking about how a phone could fill new roles like, for example, how phones could serve as office tools that are even more convenient than say, word processing software. Those thoughts are now manifesting themselves in his company’s software, like MIUI, their Android-based OS, and Miliao, their chat app, which Lei Jun suggested could work well as an office tool too, although these products are still in early iterations and will be improved with further development and streamlining.


それにもかかわらず、Lei Jun氏はスマートフォンが最終的には作業においてさえもPCと全面的に取って代わるであろうとiPhoneによって確信し、例えば、電話がどのようにワープロソフトウェアよりも便利なオフィスツールとして使えるかなどのように、どのように新しい役割を満たすことができるかについて考え始めた。それらの考えは今、MIUIやAndroidベースのOS、Milano、チャットアプリなど彼の会社のソフトウェアにおいて彼ら自身が証明しており、Lei Jun氏が提議したようにオフィスツールとしても上手く作動している。これらの製品はまだ初期のイテレーション段階であるが、更なる開発と合理化ともに、改良されるであろう。

monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

His belief in mobile e-commerce as one of the next big market directions led him to market and sell Xiaomi exclusively through the web, a move which he says helps them keep the phone’s price down. Touting the phone’s speedy 300,000 preorders, he said the approach has obviously been successful, although later in the evening he ducked a question from an audience member about how the online-only sales operation would handle repairs and other issues if problems arose with the phone. In response, Mr. Lei spoke about the company’s website, the promises they’ve made, and how he’s confident they will meet or even exceed them, but his answer was glaringly void of specifics.



monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

Report: Half of iDevices Are Jailbroken in China

Innovation Works portfolio company UMeng which helps app developers gathering up app usage statistics released its latest report on iOS usage in China. According to the report, as of late July of this year iPhone 4 commands 84% of all iDevices while iOS 4.3 becomes the dominant version with a drastic increase from 0.5% to 69.3% in 7 months.
Some highlights:

・ iPad2 grows rapidly to 59.8% share in all iPads.
・iOS 4.3 hits mainstream from 0.5% to 69.3%. New iOS the mainstream iOS version,increased from 0.5% to 69.3% among 7 months. New iOS update easily outruns older version in a month after launch.



アプリデベロッパーがアプリの利用分析を収集するのを助けるInnovation Works投資先企業のUMengは、中国においてのiOS利用の最新のレポートをリリースした。そのレポートによると、今年の7月の終わりの時点で、iPhone 4は全てのデバイスの84%を占めており、iOS 4.3は7カ月で0.5%から69.3%への強烈な増加とともに、最も支配的なバージョンとなっている。


monagypsy English → Japanese
Original Text

・With some similarities to Android penetration, Guangdong、Beijing、Shanghai、Zhejiang、Jiangsu remains a stronghold of iDevices, combined commands 50.5% of iOS devices market.
・1 out of 8 or 9 people in Beijing owns an iPhone.
・When it comes to app usage, iPhone users are not that different from Android guys. During weekdays, business, travel, information and news apps are among the top-used categories. While at the weekend game, photo, music, social and lifestyle apps rule.
・People use biz, travel, news app between 8 – 10 AM, while play games, consume entertainment contents between 5 – 9 PM. iPhones are mainly used during daytime (7 AM – 5 PM), while iPad are more active in the night (6 PM – 11 PM).

