Maki (moco) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
moco English → Japanese
Original Text

[Infographic] Is Hong Kong The New Tech Hub Of China?

Hi there, if you’re reading this and are not so sure about the title, you should go on. The following infographic’s produced by the Hong Kong team at, and was inspired by the tech start-up culture that is currently blossoming in Silicon Harbour.

By comparing four tech cities of China (Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and HK), the author uncovered the potential of Hong Kong in Internet population, access, and censorship. It is shown that 90% of Hong Kong citizens are online, and its neighbor Shenzhen comes the second while Shanghai unexpectedly has the least netizens (66.2%).



このタイトルを見ても、何のことなのかさっぱり分からないあなたは、この記事を最後まで読むべきだ。下にあるインフォグラフィックは、HotelClub.comの香港チームによって制作されたもので、現在、Silicon Harbour計画で発展しているハイテクスタートアップ事業から発想を得たものである。


moco English → Japanese
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Perx partners American Express to offer instant rewards on mobile

Perx’s partnership with American express will enable cardholders earn more rewards on the mobile loyalty app in addition to existing card benefits.

Perx, a Singapore based mobile loyalty app has just announced their new partnership with American Express, an American multinational financial services corporation to offer instant rewards on mobile.

The exclusive partnership is extended to all cardmembers who have a consumer credit or charge card issued in Singapore, by American Express, or an American Express-branded card issued by network partners DBS Bank Limited and United Overseas Bank Limited (“American Express Cardmembers”).


PerxがAmerican Expressと提携、モバイル上でのInstant Rewardサービスを開始

PerxがAmerican Expressと提携したことにより、カード会員は、現在のポイントサービスに加えて、モバイルアプリの使用で更にポイントを稼ぐことができるようになる。

シンガポールに拠点を置くモバイルアプリ開発元のPerxは、モバイル上でのInstant Rewardサービスを提供するために、アメリカの多国籍金融サービス企業であるAmerican Expressと新たに提携したことを発表した。

この提携により、DBS Bank LimitedやUnited Overseas Bank Limited(American Express Cardmembers)といった取引先によって発行されたAmerican ExpressまたはAmerican Expressブランドのクレジットカード、シンガポールで発行された消費者金融やリボルビングのカードにまでパートナーシップが拡大される。

moco English → Japanese
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The rumor mill has provided a steady supply of pictures of the alleged lower-cost iPhone that Apple is rumored to release later this year, but now we have some comparison shots of what the rear shell looks like compared to the iPhone 5.

Weekly ASCII in Japan got their hands on what they claim is the rear shell for the budget iPhone. While we can’t verify the authenticity of the case, it’s very similar to the other leaked photos of the budget iPhone rear shell we’ve seen and the screw hole layout is similar to the iPhone 5s logic boards that leaked earlier this week.

The mag says that they saw casings in pink, blue, orange, black, and white as well.





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We have processed your cancellation of, and you'll receive an additional confirmation email which shows the date in which your store is paid through.
You will not receive another bill again, but before you go we'd like to work with you to make your store more successful. If you decide to stay, the next two will be just $20.00, and you'll receive 2 free 30-minute consultations with a member of our Success Squad! The service is valued at more than $100.

Start selling in as little as 30 minutes.

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZWJ-264-53554

Department: My Big Account
Type: Issue
Status: Pending Acceptance
Priority: Normal



あなたは今後請求書を受け取ることはありませんが、我々は、あなたの出発前に、あなたの店をより成功させるために、協力したいと思っています。もしあなたが留まることにしたのなら、次の2件はちょうど20ドルになり、Success Squadのメンバーとして2回の無料相談窓口サービス(30分)を受けることができます。このサービスは100ドル以上の価値があると評価されています。


チケット ID: ZWJ-264-53554


moco English → Japanese
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By 2013, more people will use mobile phones than PCs to get online, according to Gartner. In mid-2011, we also reached the point at which consumers were spending more time on their mobile devices than on their PCs.

In such an environment, a site designed to be viewed on a desktop PC comes across as woefully lacking. Say you’re accessing such a site from the Safari browser on your iPhone. The first thing you’re likely to notice is that it takes a relatively long time to load. The second thing is that the type on the page is pretty small. It might take a lot of zooming and pinching to navigate the site as well. If you have Flash on your site, it’s not going to come across at all on an iPhone.




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At that point, your potential customer may start looking around. According to a recent survey from Compuware, 40% of users have turned to a competitor’s site after a bad mobile experience.

Yet currently, most businesses haven’t optimized their sites for mobile. Jesse Haines, group marketing manager for Google Mobile Ads, says the company canvassed its large advertisers early in 2011 and found only 21% have launched a mobile site.

If you’re among the other 79% or so, take heart. Optimizing your site for mobile or creating a mobile site from scratch isn’t a big deal.



それにもかかわらず、現在のところ、ほとんどの企業がモバイル向けにサイトを最適化していない。Google Mobile Adsでグループマーケティングマネージャーをしているジェシー・ヘインズは、2011年初期にGoogleが大きなスポンサーを個別に調査した際に、そのうちのたった21%しかモバイルサイト事業に着手していないことがわかった、と述べている。


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In part, that’s because Google has stepped in. The company is eager to expand its online advertising empire further into mobile. With an eye towards “growing the mobile ecosystem” as Haines puts it, Google last month launched GoMo, an initiative that aims to help businesses go mobile.

Google’s is a clearinghouse of information on the topic and even includes a feature that lets you see how your site looks on a mobile device.

For those looking for a quick fix, Google provides a list of companies that will build your mobile site for you, and you can specify what you want to spend. Haines says that you can get up and running for as little as $100 a year.





moco English → Japanese
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Dennis Mink, VP of marketing at DudaMobile, one of the vendors Google lists on GoMo, says he thinks the average price for a decent mobile site is more like $200 to $500. If you’re comfortable with website design, though, DudaMobile offers DIY tools as well, which are just $9 a month. While the company’s web-based software is free, the fee goes toward hosting and site analytics. (Yes, if you’re running a mobile site, you have to pay two hosting fees — one for your traditional website and one for mobile.)

One recent DudaMobile customer is TriStar Automotive, a Santa Rosa, Calif., repair shop.



最近のDudaMobileの取引先は、トライスター自動車、Santa Rosa、修理業者のCalifである。

moco English → Japanese
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Why Groupon Must Change Its Business Model for Long-Term Success

I needed sunglasses, the prescription kind. I hadn’t owned a pair in years, but this past summer I finally became fed up with squinting and wincing while daytime driving. Lo and behold, a few days after I decided to invest in some new shades, a Groupon for a local optical shop appeared. Pay $75 now for $175 off frames and lenses later. Serendipity.

That was in July, and a couple of weeks ago, I finally found some free time to head downtown and cash in my coupon. I found some nice frames, haggled a little on the price ($312 was hard to justify for sunglasses when I spend half my time in front of a computer screen), then I pulled out my Groupon.



