minori (minori) Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
minori English → Japanese
Original Text

Facebook Lets Expectant Parents Add Unborn Children to Friends & Family

Expectant parents can announce the good news to their Facebook friends via a brand new Facebook family member status option.

Facebook’s 750 million users can reveal their soon-to-be bundles of joy by updating the “Friends and Family” section of their profiles to include an “Expected: Child.” Parents can also choose to add a photo, the name of the unborn child and a due date.

Once added, the unborn child is listed alongside family members on the user’s profile, and a notification is posted on the user’s Facebook wall.


フェイスブックの新機能 - これから生まれる子どもも家族として登録可能に




minori English → Japanese
Original Text

3 Cool Start-Ups from Korean Incubator – Seoul Space

It would be a travesty to go to Seoul Space and only talk about the program but not the start-ups themselves. So here is an overview of some of the start-ups I met.

Party Monster is a weekly group-buying deals site for clubbing, music festivals and concerts in Korea, offering party-goers 50% off retail ticket prices. They identified an opportunity in Korea’s wild night life market by realizing that, clubs will have a guest list but only half of them would actually turn up. To fill that gap, they offer heavily discounted tickets. The target market are early 20-something year old’s who want to start to experiencing clubbing life at a cheaper price.


有望なスタートアップ3社 - 韓国のインキューベーター、ソウルスペースより



minori English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear Daisuke.
I am sorry that there has been a delay but we have to wait till we recieve them from Berghaus as they hold the stock so there is always a slight delay in these products because of this.
2 parcels have been despatched by Royal mail. Tracking numbers



The 3rd parcel will go out Monday also by Royal mail . Please confirm you still want the items. If yes you need to reverse the paypal . If not then we will need the 2 parcels returning and we will not despatch the 3rd on Monday .
Please confirm by return I wait to hear from you.
Many Thanks


発送が遅くなり申し訳ございませんが、商品の在庫はバーグハウスにありますので、それが私どものところに届くのを待たなくてはなりません。そのため、これらの商品の発送には毎回少々の遅れが生じます。小包2個はロイヤルメールで発送いたしました。問い合わせ番号は、RJ725264909GB RJ725264890GB です。
