Mars16 (mars16) Translations

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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

From the environmental point of view, it's not about whether you eat meat or dairy, it's about how much," he said in London on Thursday.

The report, Nitrogen on the Table, examined the impacts that changes in consumer food habits would have on nitrogen emissions from livestock.

It said a 50% cut in meat and dairy intake would cut greenhouse gas emissions by 25-40% depending on what the freed-up land was used for. The amount of imported soybeans, mostly used to feed livestock, would fall by 75%.

The taskforce concluded that the amount of nitrogen lost into the wider environment – into the air and into water – was 25 times higher per unit of food protein from beef than for cereals.



Nitrogen on the Tableというレポートは、消費者の食習慣の変化が家畜からの窒素排出にもたらす影響を検証した。

ここでは、肉や乳製品の摂取を50%減らすと、解放された土地が使用される程度に応じて、温室効果ガス排出を25~40%削減すると報告されていた。 多くが家畜の餌に使用される輸入大豆の量は75%減少する。


mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

I have received a notice from Royal Mail (UK national delivery service).

I have been charged £17.92 for customs and handling.

According to what you've put on your information you state: "Additional tariffs may also apply. Please contact us if this is the case. Be rest assured that we will pay the full amount. *We will ship items with a tracking number."

I have attached a photograph of the notice I received as proof.

I need to pay this fee before I can get my item, how do you wish to proceed?

I have received 1 of the 2 packs of 3. Please can you confirm that the 2nd pack of 3 has been shipped? I would have thought that both sets of 3 would be shipped together.


ロイヤルメール (英国の郵便配達会社)から通知をもらいました。


そちらが記載されている情報には、「追加の料金が適用されるかも知れません。その場合は当社に連絡ください。当社で全額お支払いいたしますのでご安心ください。 *追跡番号を付けて商品を発送いたします」とあります。



3の2パックのうち1パックを受け取りました。3の2番目のパックが発送されたか確認できますか? 3の両方のセットが同時に発送されたと思っていました。

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi there your baby is packaged and ready for shipment in the morning she will be sent priority 2 day mail and will have tracking uploaded for your need to watch her travels, Once your little one arrives please email me and let me know if your are pleased or if there is anything i can to do to assist your further. I am so sorry but your item was sent out today to a another buyer, I cannot say sorry enough, i can refund your full payment or i can wait for a response form the lady I sent it too, it is up to you please advise me on how to proceed, again i am very sorry for this mix-up. Fairy Dust Nursery


こんにちは。あなたの赤ちゃん(人形)は梱包されて朝には発送準備ができます。プライオリティ2日の郵便で送られます。お客様が配送状況を確認できるようにするため追跡情報をアップロードしておきました。その子を受け取られましたら電子メールでお知らせください。ご満足いただけたかどうか、何かお手伝いさせていただくことにつきましてもご連絡お願いします。申し訳ありません。お客様の商品は本日別のバイヤーに発送してしまいました。 お詫びの言葉もありません。全額返金させていただくか、本日派遣した女性からの反応を待ちます。全てお客様次第ですので、今後の方針をお知らせください。 今回の混乱、申し訳ありません。Fairy Dust Nursery

mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

In Quora’s case, the founders were not the first to build an internet answers site (Ask Jeeves in 1996, Yahoo Answers in 2005), but instead were able to draw from their experience working at Facebook to apply a Facebook-style user interface to the well-trodden Q&A format.

Perhaps the key lesson from the Valley’s rise and continued prominence as a global epicenter of creative output is that innovation does not occur in a vacuum; rather it’s the result of generations of product iterations and failures that are eventually reorganized and recycled into the framework for a successful new product or company.


Quoraの場合、同社の設立者はインターネット上の回答サイトを最初に構築した人ではなかった(Ask Jeevesは 1996年、Yahoo Answersは2005年)。しかし彼はFacebookで勤務した経験を生かし、Facebookスタイルのユーザインターフェースを馴染みのあるQ&Aフォーマットに適用した。


mars16 English → Japanese
Original Text

After being awarded the Nobel for their work, Shockley left Bell to form his own company in Silicon Valley—Shockley Semiconductor Laboratory—intending to commercialize the transistor. Shockley’s lab would fail, but spun off a sister company called Fairchild semiconductor, consisting of the infamous “traitorous eight” who defected in protest of Shockley’s abrasive management style. Fairchild’s founders would eventually found successful semiconductor companies of their own, including the now well-known Intel and Advanced Micro Devices, as well as the VC fund Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, which funded countless others.


その功績によりノーベル賞を受賞したのち、Shockley氏はBellを去り、トランジスタの商業化を目指してシリコンバレーで自らShockley Semiconductor Laboratoryという会社を立ち上げた。Shockleyの実験室は失敗したようだが、Fairchildセミコンダクタという姉妹会社をスピンオフさせた。 そこにはShockleyの傲慢な経営スタイルに抗議して物別れした、悪名高い「8人の反逆者」がいた。最終的には、Fairchildの設立者は自分たちの半導体企業が成功したのを目の当たりにした。この中には有名なIntelやAdvanced Micro Devicesのほか、ベンチャーキャピタルファンドのKleiner Perkins Caufield & Byersがある。このファンドは無数の会社に資金を提供した。