maomao3333 Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Oita, Japan
English Chinese (Simplified) Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
maomao3333 English → Japanese
Original Text

Of course, none of that is officially coming in WeChat v5.0. We know there is a social gaming platform coming for sure – similar to those from rival apps Line and Kakaotalk – but it might not be ready to go live this month. E-payments are far from a certainty as well; indeed, when we listened in on Tencent’s most recent earnings call in March – revealing $7 billion in revenue in 2012 – Tencent president Marin Lau had this to say of mobile payments:

We take a long-term view – there are so many hurdles and a lack of standardization [for payments]. So it’s an experiment that we take a lot of interest in, but it takes a long time to see what needs to be done to build a business model on it.


もちろん、これらのWeChat v5.0の公式発表は無いが、よく似たライバルアプリのLineやKakaotalkをから考えても、ソーシャルゲームのプラットフォームは確証できるだろう、今月中には用意できないにしても。eペイメントはまず有り得ないだろう。実際、Tencent社の直近の収支報告を3月に行った際、2012年の収益で70億ドルと発表し、取締役のMarin Lau氏はモバイル決済についてこう語っている。


maomao3333 English → Japanese
Original Text

As for paid publishing or subscriptions for content, that’s also an area covered by Line and KakaoTalk. Just a few weeks ago, KakaoTalk rolled out its KakaoPage platform for selling digital content, while Line recently started selling e-books. Neither of those will impact WeChat in China, we suspect, where most of its users actually are, but it’s interesting to see these similar patterns.

It’s conceivable that WeChat will pursue many other channels in the future as well, such as a rumored mobile wallet capability.

My own feature request for WeChat is a badly needed makeover – especially for its slow and clunky Android app with its dated, pre-Android 4.0 stylings.




私個人のWeChatへの追加要求は、必要に迫られた変身だ。前作Android 4.0スタイルによる、特に遅くて不細工なAndroidアプリの為に。

maomao3333 English → Japanese
Original Text

the version I am haveing the problem with is PD, the character is stuck in a tree(an object that should not be able to get in to). Action Replay is a small third party device that is inserted with the game to cheet or hack a game. I has many uses, but a popular cheet is to walk through walls, trees, and on water. it is just a small problem, I am just trying to find a fix for the problem. I atached a photo I am sending this from my phone so I don't know how well it will work, but if you can see it ther is a small red dot in the middle of a forest with no trail. That is my charactor, I have tryed walking and flying but I am still stuck.


問題があるバージョンはPDです。キャラクターが木の中で動かなくなります(対象は木の中に入れないはずなんです)。Action Replay は、小さなサードパーティーの商標で、ゲームに挿入してチートやハックをするものです。色々な使い方が出来ますが、人気のあるチートは壁、木、水のすり抜けです。ただの小さい問題なので、今ちょうど修正中です。うまく行くか分かりませんが、電話から写真を送ります。写真が見れたら、そこには道無き森の中央にある小さな赤いドットがあります。これが私のキャラクターです。歩いたり、飛んだりしようと試みていますが、未だに動けていません。

maomao3333 English → Japanese
Original Text

Applicant Acknowledgement and Agreement
Order, Cancellation and Return Policies (Important - please review this section carefully)
Due to the collectible nature of some of the products we sell, we cannot guarantee availability of items, exact ship dates, action figure
assortment breakdowns, packaging or product variations, or exact quantities available to sell. We reserve the right to limit quantities sold.
We reserve the right to refuse any sale. Product specifications, prices and ship dates are subject to change and availability without notice.
Buyer consents to all products having an indefinite ship date extension beyond the original estimated ship date. Orders may not be modified



maomao3333 English → Japanese
Original Text

other than to change quantities or cancel items. Cancelled or changed orders are subject to a 15% processing fee. Returns will not be
accepted. While all action figures and collectibles are inspected for quality prior to shipment, the Entertainment Earth Mint Condition
Guarantee does NOT apply to EE Distribution orders. Claims for packaging dents and dings will not be accepted. Claims for damaged items
must be submitted within 14 days of the ship date. Claims for defective merchandise must be submitted within 60 days of receipt.
Merchandise is shipped F.O.B. from Simi Valley, California.

Payment for merchandise must be made when orders are in stock and ready for shipment, via Visa, MasterCard, American Express,


数量の変更または商品のキャンセルの他。キャンセルまたは注文の変更には15%の処理費用がかかります。返品は不可です。アクションフィギュアと収集品は出荷前に品質を調査され、Entertainment Earth Mint Condition
GuaranteeはEE Distribution の注文にあてはまりません。梱包の凹みや傷のクレームは受け付けません。損害を受けた商品のクレーム請求は配送日より14日以内まで受け付けます。欠陥品の場合は商品到着後60日以内にまで受け付けます。

商品の支払いは、注文品の在庫があり配送の準備が出来次第、Visa、MasterCard、American Expressによりお支払いください。

maomao3333 English → Japanese
Original Text

Good Morning!
Well, your next four cutleries are on their journey to Japan since one week. I always try to be fair when I pack the parcel with type of quality. Some are very good, some normal, some less good. Hope you are still sadiesfied. The Hildesheimer Rose I have in my stock is not marked Antiko, only marked with 100. Please look fotos. It is impossible to find "Antiko 100" in good quality and in suitcase for less money.
I also want to show you special cutlery to eat fish. It is same style as the cutleries I always send to you. Maybe your customers like this special.
Good-bye and greetings Erika Zarrabi


貴方の、次の4つのカトラリー(食卓用のナイフ・フォーク・スプーンなど)が日本へ向けて出発して1週間になります。私が小包を荷造りしている時は質の状態が公平になるように努力しています。いつくかはとても良く、いくつかは普通で、いくつかは良いとは言えない状態のものです。それでも満足頂けるとありがたいです。私の在庫の中で持っているHildesheimer Roseは、Antikoと刻印されず、100と一緒に刻印されています。どうぞ写真をご覧ください。この業界で、これ以下のお値段で、質の良い"Antiko 100"を見つけることは不可能です。
Erika Zarrabi

maomao3333 English → Japanese
Original Text

That never happened to us, in our country, when the postman found no one at home, they will give the receiver a telephone(on our package we wrote your telephone ) or they will send the package to the receiver the next day, sometimes for some times,
But your postman found you were not at home, then send it back, so irresponsible!
My friend, now after we receive it, we will send it to you again,
but my friend, could you please pay us some postage, as we did send the item to you, but you didn\'t at home, then it sent back,
We just want you pay us some, just some,
Is that ok?
waiting for your respond,
Happy new year to you and your loved ones!

