maomao3333 Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Oita, Japan
English Chinese (Simplified) Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
maomao3333 English → Japanese
Original Text

Terrified of Shakespeare? Or do you love it, but feel it is out of your grasp? Don't fear! Here is the long awaited course taught by AW that will teach you simple approaches to the text that will let you bring it to life!
You will learn methods of making sense of Shakespeare or any classical English text. The techniques taught in this class will make a Shakespeare-capable actor out of you!

This 8-week workshop will focus on the text of "Henry V" while examining topics such as:

-how to read verse
-text breakdown techniques for classical text reading
-archaic words and meanings
-history vs mythology

There is some paperwork and theory involved, but all the topics above will be explored in the context of performance.






maomao3333 English → Japanese
Original Text

If people think Shakespeare is boring, it's because they are just reading it and not watching or performing it!

By the end of the course, each student will showcase a monologue or scene appropriate to his or her respective level of progress.

Each session will have 3 parts:

Either a new technique will be introduced or a previous topic expanded on or reviewed. This will include general acting exercises and Shakespearean ones.
Presentations of work
Homework for the next week will be assigned

(Additional rehearsal time may be available for booking.)


English (native-level fluency is not required, but a familiarity with the language is useful; please ::CONTACT US:: if you are unsure)









maomao3333 English → Japanese
Original Text

Now Gaius Octavius , as the son of Caesar's niece, Attia, was named, came from Velitrae in the Volscian country; after being bereft of his father Octavius he was brought up in the house of his mother and her husband, Lucius Philippus, but on attaining maturity lived with Caesar. For Caesar, being childless and basing great hopes upon him, loved and cherished him, intending to leave him as successor to his name, authority, and sovereignty. Caesar, accordingly, founded great hopes upon him as a result of all this, enrolled him among the patricians, and trained him for the rule, carefully educating him in all the arts that should be possessed by one who was destined to direct well and worthily so great a power.


さて、ガイウス・オクタウィアヌスと呼ばれている、カエサルの姪アティアの息子はウォルスキ国のウェリトラエ出身である;父オクタウィアヌスの死後 彼は母と彼女の夫であるルキウス・ビリップスに育てられたが、成人するとカエサルと暮らすようになる。子が無いカエサルにとっての大きな希望として、愛され大切に育てられることになる。カエサルの名、威信、君主の地位の後継者になるべく期待された彼は、貴族階級に登録され、国家統治の為の訓練を受ける。強大な権力にふさわしく、それを支配すべく、あらゆる学問の教育を徹底的に受けることになった。