篠崎誠 (makocho) Translations

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Over 11 years ago Male 50s
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
makocho English → Japanese
Original Text

The action and intonation are more than acceptable straight from the factory. I'm gigging with mine and didn't even bother with a setup. The instrument holds its tuning very well whether you strum, flatpick or play fingerstyle.

One of my favorite things about this guitar is the low action higher up the fretboard. If you spend a lot of time on the higher registers, you'll appreciate this attribute.

The guitar has a very bright, clean sound, which makes sense as it's a very light instrument. It projects well when it's not plugged in, and the difference in tone between plugged and unplugged is almost nil. My Martin is deeper and more "wooden" sounding; the Taylor really expands my acoustic tone options.





makocho Japanese → English
Original Text



前回2011年開催には268社・団体が出展し、1万6455人が来場した。 出展対象は、車両・構造、運行システム、インテリア・内装や駅の快適性・安全性を高める旅客設備、軌道技術、トンネルや橋梁など土木関連、その他。


The Fujisankei Business Eye announced they are going to hold the "3rd railroad technical exhibition" for three days from November 6th to 8th in Makuhari Messe, and got exhibition person collection into stride.

The railroad technical exhibition is the comprehensive show in which all railroad technology turns out ,which was held twice the past with 2010 and 2011,and will be held the 3rd time in this time.

In 2011, 268 companies and organizations were sent to holding for their display, and 16,455 persons came. The exhibition targets are vehicles and structures, operation systems, interior desighs, passenger accommodations which improve the comfortable nature and the safety of a station, Orbital technologies, engineering-works relations such as tunnels and bridges, and others.

      ,passenger and others.

makocho English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

For a long time I’ve wanted to share my experiences with the startup community in Singapore but couldn’t find the right fit. Whilst there are a few incubators operating in Singapore, they are commercially-driven enterprises sometimes negotiating almost 50% of equity from a startup in exchange for seed funding and ongoing mentoring.

SMU is an educational institution and takes no financial stake in startups participating in its incubator program, although individual mentors like myself can opt to invest for small amounts of equity. This means founders enjoy a great sense of freedom and ownership which – in the early stages of market discovery and pivoting business models – is of critical importance.




makocho English → Japanese ★☆☆☆☆ 1.0
Original Text

It was reported on Wednesday that Samsung has substantially boosted its U.S. advertising budget for the company's mobile phone lineup,spending in excess of $401 million during 2012,up from $78 million the year prior. The Korean firm managed to outspend Apple,which consistently generates media buzz when it announces a new product.

The battle for smartphone supremacy has become a two horse race between Apple and Samsung. According to a recent report from research firm Canalys,the two companies accounted for a respective 22.1 percent and 29 percent of all global handset shipments for the fourth quarter of 2012. It should be noted that the estimates are based on shipments,not sales.




makocho English → Japanese
Original Text

4.If you hear the flame burn, but cannot see it, it could mean that an under burn condition exists. This means the flame is burning inside the cap. The cap may also overheat and the metal may appear orange in color. If this condition is present it is advised to immediately shut off the fuel and wait about 10 to 20 seconds before relighting.Installing the QuietStove
1.Remove the flame spreader plate.
2.Place the QuietStove into the bell housing and press down.
3.Rotate the QuietStove so that the arrow is pointing at the fuel line.
1.The cap must be fully seated into the bell housing.
2.Ensure that there are no gaps between the bell housing and the outer lip of the QuietStove.4.Prime the stove and1.Pressurize the fuel


4. 燃焼するのが目ではなく耳で確認できる場合、燃焼条件が不足していることになります。
1. 火炎拡散プレートを取り外します。
2. ベルハウジングにQuietStoveを置き、下に押します。
3. 矢印が燃料ラインを指しているようにQuietStoveを回転させます。
1. キャップは完全にベルハウジングに装着する必要があります。
2. ベルハウジングとQuietStoveの外側リップの間にずれがないことを確認します。
4. 総理ストーブと
 1. 燃料ボトルを加圧します。

makocho English → Japanese
Original Text

2.Open the fuel bottle valve. (close after one to two seconds if your stove does not have a valve at the stove)
3.Open the stove valve for about one to two seconds to prime the stove.
5.Light the stove and let the priming fuel completely burn away.
6.Reopen the stove valve and re-light the stove by aiming your flame at the QuietStove holes. Do not aim your flame below the QuietStove as this will cause underburn. See Notes tab.Removing the QuietStove
1.Wait for the stove and the QuietStove to cool completely.
2.Grasp the QuietStove by the sides and pull upwards.
3.A condition exists that may require additional effort to remove the QuietStove from the bell housing. When the bell housing on your stove is heated,


2. 燃料ボトルのバルブを開きます。(お使いのストーブに燃料ボトルのバルブがない場合は、1〜2秒後に閉じます)
 3. ストーブをプライミングするために、約1〜2秒間ストーブのバルブを開きます。
5. ストーブに点火し、プライミング燃料を完全に燃焼させます。
6. ストーブバルブを再度開き、炎をQuietStove の穴に向けてストーブを再び点火します。炎をOuietStoveの下部に向けないでください。アンダーバーンの原因になります。[メモ]タブを参照してください。
1. ストーブとQuietStoveが完全に冷却されるまで待ちます。
2. QuietStoveの側面をしっかりつかんで、上方向に引っ張ります。
3. QuietStoveをベルハウジングから取り外す際、付加的な努力を必要とする場合があるかもしれません。

makocho English → Japanese
Original Text

Then he summoned Lucius to his presence and praised him for his attachment to his brother,because he had taken the blame upon himself while carrying out Antony's wishes,but reproached him with ingratitude,if, after meeting such a favor from himself, he should now refuse to make confession regarding Antony, who was said to have formed an alliance openly with Pompeius. "Having confidence in you," he said, "when Calenus died I took charge of his provinces and army through my friends for Antony, so that they might not be without a head, but now that the plot is unveiled I shall keep them all for myself, and if you wish to go to your brother I will allow you to do so fearlessly." He spoke thus, either to test Lucius



makocho English → Japanese
Original Text

They then separated, and Octavian praised and admired Lucius because he had said nothing impolite or inconsiderate (as is usual in adversity), and Lucius praised Octavian for his mildness and brevity of speech. The others gathered the meaning of what had been said from the countenances of the two parties.Lucius sent tribunes to receive the watchword for the army from Octavian, and they took the army roll to him, as it is customary for the tribune who asks for the watchword to deliver to the commander the daily register of the number of troops present.After they had received the watchword they still kept their outposts on duty, for Octavian himself ordered that each army should keep its own guard that night, and

