kyokoquest Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kyokoquest English → Japanese
Original Text

If your customer do not have basic graphic skills, we can format it for you and we will send you the preview and sent it to your customer for preview and approval before we can manufacture it.

If you are interested on any playmat you see in Ebay that we don not have please let us know we can design as similar or better quality - same low price 26.99 USD.

All image or designs you have provided will not be sold to others and will be manufactured exclusively just for You.

Please let us know how we can further assist you.

We appreciate your business and looking forward doing more great business with you in the near future.



Ebay でご興味あるプレイマットで、当社が扱っていない物がある場合はお知らせください。当社で近いデザインのより高品質の物を手配出来ます。価格は同じく 26.99 USDと低価格です。




kyokoquest English → Japanese
Original Text

I don't really understand your English phrasing. I have not offerd nor will I offer a 50% refund. You may return the item for a full refund, or I will offer a partial refund of $50 to satisfy you. If you return it and I can prove by serial number that it is the same fan that I sent, I will refund the full amount, and I am confident that I can resell it for at least $195.00 if not more.

I you do file a claim with eBay, you will have to return the fan anyway. So, why don't we work this out with a $50 refund now? I am trying to be reasonable and work with you on this issue


あなたの英語のフレーズがいまいち理解できません。私は50%の返金をするとも言っていません。全額返金でしたら、商品を返送してください。または、ご満足行くよう一部返金として$50を支払います。返品頂き、私の方でシリアルナンバーを確認して、こちらから発送した商品(扇風機/扇子)と一致した場合は全額を返金します。それに、私にはこの商品が少なくとも$195.00 で再度販売できる自信があります。

eBay にクレームを報告するのであれば、どちらにしても商品(扇風機/扇子)を返送しなければなりません。

kyokoquest English → Japanese
Original Text

Unfortunately, we are unable to verify the cardholder's billing address with the card issuer. For your security, we must now perform an additional verification procedure to confirm card ownership before we can dispatch your order.

We have refunded a small amount in EUR to your MASTERCARD card 5xxxxxxxxxxx3008.

To verify card ownership and complete your order, please contact your card issuer and find out the EXACT amount in EUR refunded to your card.

Once you have confirmed the amount, please reply to this email and provide us with this value so your order can be dispatched. Please note that it may take a few days for the amount to appear on your account.






kyokoquest English → Japanese
Original Text

This is a nice and extremely hard to find celluloid Mickey Mouse toy that is actually the "Rambling Mickey Mouse" once distributed by "Borgfeldt Corp." in 1934-35.

example is DAMAGED as it has a broken right foot which is missing but this great all original toy is very nice otherwise. The wind-up mechanism works very well and it is clean and undamaged. The celluloid portions of the body, head and arms are also nice with no crushed or punched in portions. The elastic ? string between the arms is very loose as is the case most times but the arms are not detached or split. The metal tail shows some black paint loss but it is not bent. other foot is also pushed in a bit on the inside portion but it is not split 


こちはら非常に状態の良い、他では非常に見つけにくいセルロイド製のミッキーマウスのおもちゃです。1934年から35年に"Borgfeldt Corp." (ボルグフェルド社)が販売した"Rambling Mickey Mouse" (ランブリングミッキーマウス)です。