Lawnsgarden (kohashi) Translations

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About 9 years ago Male
Japanese (Native) English Dutch
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kohashi English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

This McKinley goes for a bit. I a.m.happy to send it for what I put you thru. Also, I will send the others for free. It's not all about the money for me. I am going to my storage tomorrow. I have every title ever, it feels out there. You still get the others, also. If there are any titles you are looking for, I can put them tho the side. I have probably 5,000 boxes of lps that I have not been thru. It's fun to see the crazy records you find. Some have not been open since the 1960s. I found3 Beatles butcher covers in first box. I appreciate your understanding, and feel we still be friends for a long time. I will get the L.P. From my friends house and send out to you.


このマッキンリーでも若干大丈夫。貴方に負担を掛けたので喜んで送付します。また他のものも無料で送付します。私にはお金が全てではないので。明日倉庫に行ってきます。過去のものは全て揃っています。多分そこにあると思う。他のものも購入できます。他に欲しいタイトルがあれば、取っておきますよ。まだ中を確認していないlpsが多分5000箱程あります。クレイジーなレコードを見つけられるので楽しいです。一部は1960年代から空けてません。最初の箱でビートルズのbutcher coverを3枚見つけました。色々ご理解ありがとう。貴方とは長く友人でいる気がします。あのLPは友人宅から貰いお送り致します。