keromoo Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
San Jose
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
keromoo English → Japanese
Original Text

The secret was that the lip-reading test never arrived.
Regardless, male test scores plummeted at the mere anticipation of being observed by a female. Again, women displayed no such effects.
So what gives? It's hard to say for sure. The researchers think that it could be explained by the fact that men are more strongly attuned to potential mating opportunities. Or, it could be down to a more modern perceived social pressure for men to impress women during social interactions—which uses precious processing power.
Regardless of exactly why it happens, it's clear that men have difficulty thinking clearly when women are involved.


つまり何が分かったか? 確実なことを言うのは難しいのですが、研究者たちは、男性には出会いの機会を探るための何かがより強く働いているということで説明できると考えています。もしくは、男性にとって社会的な交流の場で女性に自分の良い印象を与えることが現代においてはさらに強い社会的なプレッシャーになり、大事な脳の処理能力を使っていると言うこともできるでしょう。

keromoo English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

One, stop us in our tracks or two, force us to get creative.
I did a year of research. Still couldn't figure out what kind of legs to use.
I couldn't find any resources that could help me.
So, I decided to make a pair myself!
My leg maker and I put random parts together.
...and we made a pair of feet that I could snowboard in.
As you can see, rusted bolts, rubber, wood and neon pink duct tape.
And yes, I can change my toe nail polish.
It was these legs and the best 21st birthday gift I could ever receive,...
...a new kidney from my dad, that allowed me to follow my dreams again.
I started snowboarding, then I went back to work, then I went back to school.
Then, in 2005 I cofounded a non-profit organization.



keromoo English → Japanese
Original Text

This card is MINT! Straight from package to sleeve!
- You are bidding on a Playset of Rescue Rabbits or three other holos. By Bidding on this item, you agree that you have read this and understand the item you are purchasing. You also agree to not leave negative feedback if you do not win the Rescue Rabbits. "As this is not a random lot or Dice roll this does not violate ebay's policies," you are bidding on a lot for three holos, you just happen to know what three of those holos are.


このカードは新品の未使用状態! 包装から出されてすぐまた入れ物に入れられています。
- あなたはお助けうさぎの Playset もしくはその他3つのホロに入札しています。この商品に入札することは、あなたがこの文章を読み、購入しようとしている商品について理解しているという前提に基づいています。また、あなたはお助けうさぎの入札ができなかった場合でも、否定的なフィードバックを残さないということにも同意したことになります。「この商品はランダムなロットやサイコロを振って当たるようなものではないので、ebay のポリシーに違反するものではありません」し、あなたは3つのホロに入札していますが、その3つがどのホロになるかは購入決定後に分かるということにもご留意ください。

keromoo English → Japanese
Original Text

Do your homework in advance, in order to reduce stress in your life. If you want to reduce stress in your life; you need to change before change is necessary. Prevention is cheaper than the cure. If you wait until change is necessary, then you will be under tremendous stress. If you study well in advance of the test, you won't have stress, but if you wait until the night before the test to study, you will be under stress.

So prepare before the big day comes. Look down the road and see what is coming that you can prepare for now. Then take action to do your homework, and be ready when the event you are preparing for comes.




keromoo English → Japanese
Original Text

Many people are afraid of success because they feel that the more they do, the more other people will expect from them. I believe that is true and I also believe that one of the people who should be expecting more is you. Most of us can do more than we are currently doing, and we hold back for various reasons. Whom does this underperformance hurt? In many ways, it's you. If you could do more for your business, isn't there a good chance you would get some reward from it, in some way? The same is true in your personal life. If you could do a better job of watching your diet, or getting more exercise, who would benefit?


多くの人が成功することを恐れるのは、より多くのことをを成せば、より多くのことが期待されるのではないかと考えてしまうからです。それは確かに真実であり、また、より多くを期待してしまっている人のひとりは自分だということもまた真実です。ほとんどの人は、現在やっているよりも多くのことを成せるのですが、様々な理由でそれを自制しています。期待しているより低い働きをしていて誰が傷つくのでしょう? 多くの場合、それは自分なのです。仕事でより成果をあげられれば、何らかの報酬が得られるチャンスではないでしょうか。個人の生活においても同様です。ダイエットがうまくいくとか、より運動できるようになるとすれば、誰が一番嬉しいのでしょうか?

keromoo English → Japanese
Original Text

If you practice the way you play, there shouldn't be any difference. That is Michael Jordan's secret, and it can be yours as well. Practice as hard as or harder than you play in the game, and the game will seem easy. Also be sure to avoid one of the biggest, and most disastrous, mistakes many people make. That is to change your style once you start to play for real. People say to themselves, "Oh boy, the pressure is really on, so now I am going to change my grip," or something like that, and the results are usually disastrous. Make all your decisions on style, etc., before the pressure is on, and then concentrate on making it hap¬pen, once the real thing starts.



keromoo English → Japanese
Original Text

The shipping on the Auction for the 10 x 28" Bears is included free with auction $709.

Hallowwen DUffy lot 20 shipping on 20 bears $68 I can ship up to 40 12" bears in one box 40 bears shipping is appx $100.00
for 40 bears one box.

The 28" Duffys are so large I can only ship maxium of 10 per box.
If you are wanting to buy directly through me like many Japan clients I can discount $10 per auction

Dear upset_music,

Yes I combine auctions

$175 for wristlets
$299.00 for 20 Halloween Duffy bears
$77 . combined shipping shipping which is savings of $29

$709.00 for 10 28" duffy auction. free shipping on this auction only 10 bears can fit in one box.





upset_music 様:




keromoo English → Japanese
Original Text

The item us under pressure.
Please review the options below and advise what you would like us to do with this merchandise:
Ship to a US address. Please provide the complete shipping address with telephone number if you choose this option. We will then ship the items back at the cheapest domestic rate.
Return to Merchant. Please contact the merchant to inquire about the return policy and procedure and to request a prepaid return shipping label. If you can obtain the prepaid label, we can return your goods for a flat $7 fee.
Please let us know what you would like us to do with this merchandise by March 2 or it will be removed from your account and properly discarded.
We look forward to your reply.

