aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

In Southeast Asia, while we were slow to pick up the trend, that did not stop players such as Roomorama or travelmob from setting up their businesses to ride on the trend. While short-term rental websites might be illegal in some countries such as Singapore, 2012 has no doubt been a great year for these companies. To quantify this, we spoke to Airbnb, Roomorama, travelmob and 9flats.

How was 2012?

Airbnb: Airbnb has grown incredibly fast in Southeast Asia in 2012. In 2012, total nights booked on Airbnb increased 400% in Indonesia, 275% in Thailand, 547% in Malaysia, and 345% in the Philippines.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Roomorama: 2012 has been a pivotal year for us as our main goal was and still is to consolidate our position in the B2C space of the short-term rental industry (as opposed to peer-to-peer). To do so we merged with and subsequently raised an undisclosed amount of money from VCs. The result is that we are now capable to grow our inventory at a much faster pace than ever before and empower Roomorama users with the fastest and most seamless way to book professionally managed short-term apartments and villas worldwide. In terms of results, 2012 was a pretty good year for us. We have grown our inventory to 80,000 units and we expect to quadruple this number by the end of 2013.



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Lastly, we are releasing our iPhone app in a few weeks and the Android app will soon follow. In terms of Asian expansion, we will announce significant partnerships with local players in the region in the next few weeks.

travelmob: We continue to focus on leading the social stay marketplace in Southeast Asia and intend to expand to the rest of Asia Pacific in 2013. With Asia set to be the fastest growing travel market by 2013, a study by travel event organizer ITB Asia said travel bookings in Asia Pacific will hit US$357 billion this year. We believe intra regional travel forms a big part of that given the rising incomes among middle class groups particularly in China, India and Southeast Asia.



travelmob「私たちは2013年、東南アジアにおけるソーシャルステイ・マーケットプレイスをリードすることへの取り組みを継続し、さらに残りのアジア太平洋地域への拡大を目指します。アジアの旅行市場は2013年、これまでで最も成長が早いと目されており、旅行市場展示イベントITB Asiaの調査によると、アジア太平洋地域での旅行予約の市場規模は3570億ドルに達するといいます。特に中国、インド、東南アジアの中産階級の収入増について考慮すると、この大部分を構成するのは地域内の旅行だ、と私たちは考えております。」

kenny2030 English → Japanese
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Airbnb: We don’t focus on imitators, we simply focus on making Airbnb the best product possible. Travel is inherently global. When people use a service like ours, they don’t want to only connect to a regional network, or a network that’s dedicated on providing listings only in a few markets. They want a global network and amazing destinations all over the world. That’s what Airbnb provides in a way that no other service does. Airbnb is connecting Southeast Asia to a vibrant, growing community of hosts and travelers all over the world, and that community has no competition.




kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

South Korean chat app KakaoTalk gets serious about Indonesia, partners with Telkomsel telco

Having just passed its 1000th day of existence just a couple of weeks ago with the release of the support of languages like Vietnamese, South Korean mobile messaging app KakaoTalk, gets even more serious about Southeast Asia this time. KakaoTalk has officially announced its partnership with Indonesia’s biggest telco, Telkomsel, to enable carrier billing for its app.

With carrier billing enabled, Telkomsel customers with KakaoTalk can purchase digital items (stickers, emoticons, and themes) with their Pulsa pre-paid credits.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

To add to the heat, social network giant Facebook was rumored to be considering purchasing WhatsApp, a mobile messaging app mostly used in the English-speaking world. While the rumor of a Facebook-WhatsApp acquisition seems to have died down, to compete with the likes of WhatsApp, Facebook recently disabled the need to login through one’s Facebook account to use its Facebook Messenger mobile chat app.

(Read: Why Tencent WeChat has a bigger presence than Whatsapp in China?

More interestingly, Facebook is also pursuing a simultaneous messaging trend: that of impermanent chats.


この競争をさらにヒートアップさせようと、ソーシャルネットワーク大手Facebookが主に英語を話す世界で利用されるモバイルチャットアプリWhatsAppの買収を検討中だと噂されていた。FacebookによるWhatsApp買収の噂は静まったようだが、WhatsAppのようなアプリと競争するため、Facebookは自社のモバイルチャットアプリFacebook MessengerをわざわざFacebookアカウントを通してログインしなくても使うことができるようにした。

(こちらの記事を参照:中国ではTencent WeChatのほうがWhatsappよりも認知度が高いのはなぜか?


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Snapchat allows users to send friends pictures that will self-destruct after a maxiumum of ten seconds (and users will be notified if friends take a screenshot!). The 1.5-year-old company sees more than 20 million pictures shared everyday (said to be 50 million now). Facebook Poke currently has more features and content options.

It will be interesting to see how the mobile communication space continues to evolve. From SMS, apps, social networks, de-socialed networks and to messages that never were, companies like KakaoTalk and the like still have much to battle it out.


Snapchatでは最大10秒で自動的に消える写真を友人に送ることができる(さらに、もし友人がスクリーンショットをとったなら、それはユーザーに通知されるのだ!)。創業から1年半となる同社によると、Snapchatでは2000万枚以上の写真が毎日シェアされている(今では5000万と言われている)という。Facebook Pokeでは現在、さらに多くの機能とコンテンツのオプションを提供している。


kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Hari Krishnan, LinkedIn’s first Asia-Pacific employee, is now managing director for Asia-Pacific and Japan

Professional social network LinkedIn announced today that it has appointed a new managing director for Asia-Pacific and Japan. He is Hari Krishnan, the company’s first Asia Pacific employee who joined in 2009.

Now based in LinkedIn’s Asia-Pacific headquarters in Singapore, the veteran tech executive and entrepreneur was formerly LinkedIn’s country manager for India. In his three years there, he set up operations from the ground up and grew the social network’s presence from 3.4M registered users in November 2009 to over 18M in December 2012.


LinkedIn最初のアジア太平洋地域出身の従業員Hari Krishnan氏が今、アジア太平洋地域および日本担当マネージングディレクターに就任

ビジネス向けソーシャルネットワークLinkedInは今日(8日)、新たなアジア太平洋地域および日本担当マネージングディレクターを任命したことを発表した。今回新たにマネージングディレクターとなったHari Krishnan氏は2009年にLinkedInに入社、同社最初のアジア太平洋地域出身の従業員となった。
