aaaa (kenny2030) Translations

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About 12 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

On one hand, it provides a glimmer of hope that crowdfunding is gaining mindshare in Asia and that there is enough local talent with marketing savvy. While the region’s film industry isn’t quite at the level of the United States, there is certainly room for much growth.

On the other hand, it proves that local platforms have a lot of work to do. Unlike Indiegogo, they can’t provide local fundraisers access to a wide user base in the United States, which makes the task of attracting fundraisers tougher.

Perhaps featuring highly localized projects with strong domestic appeal might be the ticket.





kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

Beijing Startup Tries to Crowdsource Financing Round on Taobao

Crowdsourcing has become an increasingly popular way to raise money for new ideas in the West, but the concept hasn’t really taken hold in China yet. But that doesn’t mean there’s no desire to crowdsource things. Getting investment can be tough, and one Beijing-based startup called Meiwei Media thought of a novel approach: why not just sell shares of your stock on Taobao? The platform is well-trusted and robust, and while it was designed for selling actual objects, why couldn’t stocks be sold on Taobao, too?



クラウドソーシングは、西欧ではますます一般的となっている資金調達の手段だが、まだそのコンセプトは中国で本当に定着したとはいえない。しかし、それはクラウドソーシングを活用したいという願望がないことを意味するわけではない。状況によっては、出資を受けることが難しいこともあり得る。そこで、北京を拠点とするMeiwei Mediaという名のスタートアップは斬新なアプローチを考えた。Taobao(淘宝)で自社の株を売ればいいんじゃないか?Taobaoは人々から信用されており、しっかりしたプラットフォームだ。手に取ることのできる商品を販売するのを目的として設計されてはいるが、どうして株式もTaobaoで売ってはいけないのだろうか?

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

The answer to that question, it turns out, is that doing that is illegal, at least according to the legal experts consulted by China Business News. Public companies must meet with regulatory approval before publicly selling stocks, and private companies cannot have more than 50 stockholders. Meiwei had already racked up 1,191 stockholders when its Taobao operation was apparently shut down, probably because it was offering its stock at rock-bottom prices: 1.2 RMB ($0.19) per share. That may not sound like much, but the company actually raised more than 800,000 RMB ($126,000) this way, though it now seems likely they won’t actually be able to keep it.


結局、その質問への答えは、少なくともChina Business Newsが尋ねた法律の専門家によると、非合法とのことだ。株式公開会社は公的に株式を売却する前に、当局の許可を得なくてはいけない。そして、非公開企業の場合は、50名以上の株主を持つことができない。Meiweiは、Taobaoでの売却が停止されたと思われる際、すでに1,191名の株主を集めている。おそらく、これは同社がその株式を1株につき1.2元(0.19ドル)という最低価格で提供していたからだ。たいしたことのない額のように思えるかもしれないが、しかし実際には80万元(126,000ドル)以上を同社は集めた。しかし、今ではどうやら実際にその額を手元に置いておくことはできないようだ。

kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

I don’t think InstaWaves’ design is as good as it could be. But I do think that it provides a pictorial storytelling approach for users to consume content, like the way you can use Storify to contextualize Twitter posts about a certain event. By following a hashtag on Instagram, users understand the story in pictures. It’s a clever use of user-generated content, so I thought that was pretty cool as soon as I saw it. But if only InstaWaves could look sharper and feel more like a pictorial storybook – that would be even more awesome, wouldn’t it?



kenny2030 English → Japanese
Original Text

But it’s passion that really lead to success. When showing off his tiny Tokyo office packed with the only 15 employees in the company, Tokushige says:

We do not pay for a large office, instead we spend money on bike development.

Hayashi says he used to sleep on the floor in that same office, and the team worked really hard on sales. Well, it’s paid off. By 2011, Terra Motors was already the market leader in the e-bike market in Japan and by 2012, it held 40 percent of the market. Those 15 employees? They’re in a company that manufactures 1,000 e-bikes per month.

By mid-2012, Tokushige sent two of his staff into the Philippines and Vietnam.




林氏は、このオフィスの床で寝ることもあり、仲間と一緒に本当に一生懸命、販売に取り組んだのだ、と語った。そして、それは実際に報われた。2011年までに、Terra Motorsは日本の電動バイク市場でリーダーとなった。2012年までに、市場全体の40パーセントのシェアを獲得した。同社には15人しか従業員がいない?そう、彼らによって同社は1カ月に1000台の電動バイクを生産しているのだ。
