kenji (kenji614) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kenji614 English → Japanese
Original Text

In recent years a new architectural sensibility has emerged, one that not only reflects the distance of our culture from the machine aesthetic of the early twentieth century but marks a fundamental shift in emphasis after three decades when debate about architecture focused on issues of form. In projects notable for artistic and technical innovation, contemporary designers are investigating the nature and potential of architectural surfaces. They are concerned not only with their visual and material qualities but with the meaning the may convey. Influenced by aspects of our culture including electronic media and the computer, architects and artists are rethinking the interrelationships of architecture.



kenji614 English → Japanese
Original Text

When Antipater heard about this, he looked askance at Nicolaus, and sent more and more [of his friends] to frighten the king, saying that if he did not quickly put the youths out of the way, he would immediately be killed by them, because they had corrupted his whole army and his retinue. Herodes was afraid for his own safety, and made a decision that was hasty rather than wise. Without consulting Nicolaus any more, he sent some men to kill the youths by night. And so the youths died, which was the beginning of great evils for Herodes, although previously he had enjoyed good fortune.After he had brought about the death of his brothers, Antipater treated Nicolaus as his enemy.



kenji614 English → Japanese
Original Text

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kenji614 English → Japanese
Original Text

I have two older brothers and one older sister. I've lived on my onw for three years now but my younger big brother, Matti who is two years older than me, is still living with my parents. My mother has been working as a full time nurse for over 30 years, but now her hands are causing her pain sometimes and she is working part time, still as a nurse and in the same hospital. My father worked in a paper factory before he got sick about a year ago. Now he is hospitalized for the treatments. We need to wait and see how it goes... I'm sorry to hear about your father. When he died he was only six years older than my father is now.



kenji614 English → Japanese
Original Text


we don’t do typical days! The life of a translator changes depending on the work they have on, and there is no nine to five. So you have to be flexible and resilient, and since I work alone most of the time, you need to be disciplined. When the workload is big and deadlines are tight, you need to work around the clock – coffee is often the only friend in your life.

A good tip here is printing out your work and going to the cafe or better, the pub, and reading through the translation – it helps you see it better. The beauty is, though, that we can generally work from anywhere, and this can help you distance yourself from the work.


翻訳家には典型的な1日などありません! 翻訳家の生活は取り組んでいる仕事によって変わり、定時といったものはないのです。だから柔軟かつ快活でなくてはなりません。またほとんどの時間を一人で過ごすため、規律を守る必要があります。仕事量が多く締め切りがきつい時は、休みなく働かなくてはなりません。コーヒーが唯一の友であることもしばしばです。


kenji614 English → Japanese
Original Text

I get a lot of legal documents in, which can be tedious but it’s not difficult and there is a lot of demand. But in general, 80% of the volume of translation on a global level is technical, so I do a lot of that, and it interests me.

I have worked at conferences on an EU level, and you meet interesting people there. Barroso, the ex-European president, I’ve met him. I interpreted for a tour guide in a mine once – fascinating stuff, and really tests your technical vocabulary, too. And I have interpreted for David Copperfield, the illusionist, at a show in my home town. I would say that as a translator, and especially as an interpreter, you do get around more than other people, and learn about a lot of things



わたしはEUの会議で働いたことがあります。そこでは面白い人たちに会えます。わたしは元欧州大統領のBarroso氏に会い、鉱山のツアーガイドとして通訳を務めました。魅力的な仕事で、専門的なボキャブラリーが問われます。私の地元で行われたショーで、イリュージョニストのDavid Copperfieldの通訳をしたこともあります。翻訳家そして特に通訳者は、他の人たちよりもたくさんの場所を歩きまわり、たくさんのものごとを学ぶことになります。

kenji614 English → Japanese
Original Text

Whether his insistence that Caesar be avenged and the murderers punished derives more from horror of the deed, traditional sense of the solidarity of the family, or resentment at the thwarting of his own legitimate aspirations is a question that concerns the ultimate nature of human character and the deepest springs of human action.Exorbitant ambition mated with political maturity is not enough to explain the ascension of Octavianus. A sceptic about all else, Caesar the Dictator had faith in his own star. The fortune of Caesar survived his fall. On no rational forecast of events would his adopted son have succeeded in playing off the Republican cause against the Caesarian leaders.



kenji614 English → Japanese
Original Text

THE beginning of the game of Little War, as we know it, became possible with the invention of the spring breechloader gun. This priceless gift to boyhood appeared somewhen towards the end of the last century, a gun capable of hitting a toy soldier nine times out of ten at a distance of nine yards. It has completely superseded all the spiral-spring and other makes of gun hitherto used in playroom warfare. These spring breechloaders are made in various sizes and patterns, but the one used in our game is that known in England as the four-point-seven gun. It fires a wooden cylinder about an inch long, and has a screw adjustment for elevation and depression. It is an altogether elegant weapon.

