keisp Translations

ID Verified
Over 12 years ago Male 40s
Japanese (Native) Portuguese (Brazil) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
keisp English → Japanese
Original Text

Every item is exactly as pictured and described in the eBay listings you
have. My descriptions and pictures are accurate. I am not going to get
involved in moving items to and from Japan. It's all great and rare Imperial
Japanese military stuff. I am taking them to the military show tomorrow if
you don’t want them and they will sell there without the time expense and
work of being boxed up and shipped to Japan and eating a PayPal 3% fee.
I have several other wood and metal boxed items I will send you pics if this
deal closes because I can use a reliable contact in Japan provided I am left
room for some profit too.
Please tell me if you want the four items.



keisp English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

We will not charge for the samples. If you, after receiving the samples and discussing
internally with your colleagues, come to the decision that you do not want to order
our products we will charge only the shipping costs.
Upfront I send you attached to this Email our current catalogue including product
descriptions and price list.
In case you have further questions or require additional information please get back to
me anytime.

Thanks for reaching out to us. I'd like to explore this further with you. Can you please tell me what quantity you are interested in on first order and how many you might expect to purchase in the first year? How many retail locations do you serve?




keisp English → Japanese
Original Text

1.Thank you for the reply. Yes, they are shipped in one 24 x 14 box. We are trying to study if this is more effective to our customers for order of 60 or more playmats. Once you receive the package please let us know the condition of the package and its content so we can evaluate and negotiate with the carrier for a discount rate so we could pass the shipping discount to you.

2.Please disregard our last email. It was shipped already since 2/16/2012 and should be in Japan already. The following information provided;

Tracking Summary
Your item was processed through our ISC LOS ANGELES CA (USPS) facility on February 19, 2012 at 6:54 pm. The item is currently in transit to the destination.


1. ご返信いただき、ありがとうございます。商品は24x14のひと箱で出荷しました。お客様にとって60個以上の遊戯マットを発注したほうがより効率的かどうか調査しております。商品到着後、外装箱および中身の状況をご連絡ください。頂いた情報をもとに運送方法を評価し、運送業者と送料のディスカウントが可能か交渉いたします。

2. 最後に送付したメールを破棄してください。貨物は既に2月16日に出荷されており、日本に到着している見込みです。

あなた貨物はISC ロサンゼルスのUSPS施設を2月19日のAM 6:54に通過しました。現在、貨物は目的地に向けて輸送中です。