kazoo621 Translations

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Over 10 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
kazoo621 English → Japanese
Original Text


May 20の時点でバイヤーから連絡があり、バイヤーが May 21にホテルから出る事を初めて知りました。バイヤーがこの時点( May 20)でキャンセルをしたいと言うので私たちは了承しました。そして私たちは返金は商品が日本に返品された後にすると伝えました。


昨日バイヤーからReturn requestがあったのでそれを受け入れました。
ですがなぜか本日になってA-to-z Guarantee claimが申請されました。



2. The item is aready delivered so the buyer is wrong about saying he is not recieved.

We recieved message from the buyer at May 20 saying he will be departing the hotel on May 21. The buyer wanted to cancel at this poin (May 20) so we accept it. We also told him that we will send a refund after the item returns back to Japan. And we told him that if he will checkout of the hotel, tell the employee at the hotel to not to recive the item. The buyer said that he understood and accept it. Because if the employee at the hotel recieves the item, the buyer has to pay for the shipment to return. If nobody recieves the item, the item will automatically return back to Japan and the buyer does not have to pay for the shipment fee.

The communication between the buyer and us written above, we thought that the buyer understood and we were waiting for the item to return to Japan. However, when we were checking the tracking number for USPS, we found that the item is already recieved.

3. We will not refund unless the item is return back safely.
Yesterday, we recieved the Return request from the buyer and we accept it.
But, A-toz Guarantee claim wa issued today somehow.
We asked many many times to return the item and we will refund when the item arrives safely back to japan.
But the buyer never did return the item.

This is the details and what we have done.
We will again claim that we will not refund until the item is shipped back to Japan as we have been saying.

kazoo621 English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

I have just got off the phone with FEDEX. There are several problems.

1. As you are aware, and have known since before I made this purchase, I am Canadian. I do not have a US tax ID, nor do I have a US SSN. The watch is stuck with FEDEX customs until you can come up with someone to act as the importer of this high value watch to the USA.

2. You declared the strap as alligator, despite the fact the Omega site states that it is leather. US Fish and Wildlife is now involved and has to inspect it.

There are 2 possible solutions here:


