juntotime (juntotime) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

If you want your employees to behave in a certain way, it is imperative that you behave in that way, too. If it is important to you that your employees present a certain Image, you must present that image, too. If on your team you expect anyone who sees work that needs to be done to do it you can't avoid doing work that you find, either.

Determine the direction
Leadership means that you are at the front of the pack, setting the pace and determining the direction. If you are angry all the time, you can expect anger in employees. If you are ready to work with a positive attitude, you will see that exhibited in your employees. If you want employees to show up for work early, show up early.


30章 1


juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

To demonstrate good leadership, you must have sound principles. What do you value? There is a simple exercise that will get you in touch with your core values. The exercise was designed by Stephen Covey, the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
Sit back with a pencil and paper, and imagine that you are at your funeral. Imagine that three people are going to speak at your funeral service. One is a coworker, one a family member and one a very close friend. Write out what you would like for them to say about you. When you are finished writing, you will have an idea about the values that you hold dear. Compare them with the way that you are currently living.


第一章 2

よいリーダーシップを発揮するには、健全な行動理念を持っていなければならない。あなたは何を評価するのか。あなたの行動理念の確信に近づくための簡単なエクササイズがある。それは、The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peopleの著者であるスティーブン・コヴェイにより提唱された。

juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 142-3
Ultimately, though, it was Bill Gates' restlessness that more than any other factor explains Microsoft's success and will no doubt drive his philanthropic foundation forward to greater achievements.

He always understood that the rapidity of change in his industry was fundamental to the competitive position of the company he created. Microsoft was faster on its feet than the rest of the pack. But to maintain its position, its famous leader was never afraid to abandon the past to pursue the future. Gates more than any other figure of the twenty-first century understood what the phrase 'technological revolution' really meant. He knew there were only the quick and the dead.


142ページ 3


juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 137-3
'I have often thought that if Microsoft were a car, we'd have a very large gas pedal and a very small brake. There'd be a very large windscreen at the front to see where we were going, but no rearview mirror - we know the competition is right on our tail, so we don't need to look back', said Mike Murray, the former vice president of Human Resources at Microsoft.

Fundamental to Microsoft's success was Gates' willingness to keep his eyes firmly on the road ahead. 'Looking in the rear-view mirror is ... a waste of time, basically', Gates has said. The comment is reminiscent of Henry Ford, who said: 'history is more or less bunk'.


137ページ 3



juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 136-1
Gates was at the top of the tech world for more than three decades. Early on at Microsoft he became the richest man in the world - not bad for someone who was still in his 30s - even now he has only just passed the 50 mark. Yet despite his enormous wealth and achievements, Gates showed little sign of slowing down. He said he was driven by a 'latent fear' that he might miss the next big thing. He had no intention of repeating the mistakes of other dominant computer companies such as IBM and Apple. 'I know very well that in the next ten years, if Microsoft is still a leader, we will have had to weather at least three crises', he says.


136ページ 1

juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

Dear friend.you just bid a preorder item.I hope that you have look at all of page of item before you bid.The item isn't in stock
now.And the factory often isn't tell the exact time of release.So we don't know exact time of release.We must to wait news and item
at first.I'm live at TianJin(chinese mainland),sometimes different seller get item at different time.For example: Hot Toys is
release new model for VIP of hong kong player at first.Then maybe the seller have to wait about one month.So i hope that you can
keep talking with me.If you don't like to wait,like get item fast.please tell me,i recommend that we cancel the deal,then bid it
again when i get item.

