juntotime (juntotime) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 104-1
Gates' own direct, slightly impatient manner and his unwillingness to suffer fools also made him appear rude. On a good day he was charming, but on a bad day downright abrasive. At industry gatherings he could seem condescending - even patronizing - about the ideas of others. At internal meetings he was prone to outbursts - some say tantrums - if he didn't like the way the discussion was moving.

'That is the stupidest idea I've ever heard', was a typical Gates line. Direct, but hardly likely to make the person he's talking to inclined to volunteer more ideas. Steve Ballmer, a long-term Gates aide and friend for more than 20 years was well aware of how the Microsoft CEO came across sometimes.


104ページ 1


juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 103-2
Gates always spoke the language of computer programmers. Programming was in his blood after all. Programming pervaded his everyday speech. He talked frequently about 'maximum bandwidth', and even nicknamed one girlfriend '32-bit'. This was both one of his great strengths as a leader and also one of his great weaknesses. Talking to fellow techies, it gave him an open channel of communication allowing him to inspire Microsoft employees to greater heights. On the negative side, however, his nerdy vocabulary and directness could make him seem inarticulate when he tried to communicate to the wider public.


103ページ 2


juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 103-1
Findings from the study suggest that effective leaders of creative groups do five critical things:

1 they give members of the team a great deal of freedom;

2 they encourage them to approach issues as a team to maximize the creative energy focused on any given problem;

3 they give support to individual members, particularly in the period after a failure;

4 they give extensive responsibility to individuals, allowing them to decide not just how they will do a task but the tasks they choose to do; and

5 they shield the team from external pressures from other departments.

But these elements are important to different people in different ways.


103ページ 1







juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 102-2
・they understand the interplay between creativity and criticism, setting up 'creative tensions' between team members and providing constant feedback; and

・they are adept at promoting social interaction between team members - often through informal meetings outside of work.

Beyond these personal skills, they have a vision of what can be achieved, based on a broad technical understanding of the field. They select team members with complementary differences, taking account not just of technical expertise but of the mix of personalities and give them a great deal of freedom, and they shield the team from external pressures from other parts of the organization.


102ページ 2



juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 102-1
The research indicated that people who excel at leading creative teams foster an environment conducive to innovation and which is supportive of the aspirations of the individuals involved. They also have their own ways of nudging people to get the best ideas - or as one leader put it, of 'tickling their thinking'.

People who do it well have a number of common characteristics; the research suggests that:

・ they are often gregarious individuals, with the ability to stimulate ideas by expressing the same issue in different ways;

・they have the ability to read others, a skill which enables them to push the right buttons to get their best performance;


102ページ 1




juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 100-2
Despite Gates' reputation as a visionary, a criticism often made of Microsoft was that the company was not a great innovator, and simply raided the ideas of others - converting them into Microsoft products. Windows, Microsoft's PC operating system, for example, is still seen by many as an imitation of Apple's Macintosh software.

The company has also been accused of a predatory attitude towards its partners. Microsoft has been described as 'the fox that takes you across the river and then eats you? But according to one industry insider, most of the criticism is sour grapes on the part of its competitors


100ページ 2



juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 100-2
Despite Gates' reputation as a visionary, a criticism often made of Microsoft was that the company was not a great innovator, and simply raided the ideas of others - converting them into Microsoft products. Windows, Microsoft's PC operating system, for example, is still seen by many as an imitation of Apple's Macintosh software.

The company has also been accused of a predatory attitude towards its partners. Microsoft has been described as 'the fox that takes you across the river and then eats you? But according to one industry insider, most of the criticism is sour grapes on the part of its competitors.


100ページ 2



juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 99-1
Today, many companies are moving away from hierarchical command-and-control management structures. Leading the way in this movement towards more decentralized structures have been the high-tech companies, which rely on knowledge workers such as software designers to carry out their work unsupervised. Microsoft was in the vanguard of this movement.

Gates said that he paid his people to 'sit and think'. But even more than the Microsoft programmers, Gates himself regarded his role as that of the company's visionary. He was dismissive of the more mundane aspects of running a business, believing that his job was to chart the future.


99ページ 1



juntotime English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

PAGE 98-1
When Bill Gates emerged onto the global CEO stage it was clear that he was a new type of business leader. Over the years, he repeatedly demonstrated that he was the closest thing the computer industry had to a seer. His in-depth understanding of technology and unique way of synthesizing data gave him a special ability to spot future trends (with one notable exception - the Internet) and steer Microsoft's strategy. This inspired awe among Microsoft fans and intimidated competitors. (Gates himself was always dismissive of the visionary role. 'Vision is free. And it's therefore not a competitive advantage any way, shape or form', is a typical Gatesism.)


98ページ 1

juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 86-2
At the same time, being incredibly rich and successful also brings its share~ of sycophants. The wealthy and the famous, the politicians and the Hollywood movie moguls all courted Gates and his Microsoft executives. Most of those who beat a path to his door wanted to meet Gates or one of his right-hand men to discuss the digital future and the possibilities of collaborating with Microsoft.

Over the years, too, Gates has shown that he understands the importance of having friends in high places. Despite his long running battle with the US antitrust regulators, he courted the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, conducting CEO forums in Seattle and other cities across the US


86ページ 2


juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 76-3
The company was also fanatical about learning from past mistakes. 'I used to have this memo that I updated every year called the Ten Great Mistakes of Microsoft, and I would try to make them very stimulating so people would talk about lessons for this company's future', noted Gates.

PAGE 77-1
'Many of our mistakes related to markets we didn't get into as early as we should have. The constraint was always the number of people we could hire, while still managing everything, and ensuring that we could meet all of our delivery commitments. We were always on the edge. We really pushed the limits of how fast we hired people.'


76ページ 3

77ページ 1

juntotime English → Japanese
Original Text

How Indonesia’s Tech Scene Grew in 2011

What a year 2011 has been! The development that we have seen in the Indonesia tech scene over the past year is remarkable. We’ve seen many great startups launch over the past year (see LocalBrand, Bouncity, and Meet Doctor for starters), and the term ‘startup’ itself is a hot topic among entrepreneurial university students.

The many communities that have sprouted the nation’s cities have contributed to this growth and curiosity. #StartupLokal is a great example of a community in which more than 250 people regularly attend its monthly meet-up. The spirit has spread to other cities and we expect that this will help the ecosystem as a whole.



2011年はなんという年だっただろう!去年、我々が目にしたのインドネシアの技術系シーンの進化は眼を見張るものだった。昨年は多くの事業立ち上げ(LocallBrandやBouncity、そしてMeet Doctorなどが皮切りだった。)を目にし、そして「立ち上げ」という用語自体が用語自体が経営系の大学の学生の間で話題となった。
