みもじ (jsmanami) Translations

ID Unverified
Over 13 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
jsmanami English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

His press conferences were famous for their style - General Eisenhower showed total command of whatever question he was asked, and he was able to describe a situation and explain a policy in two or three beautifully polished and elegant sentences. Ten years later, the same journalists who had been his admirers held President Eisenhower in open contempt. He never addressed the questions, they complained, but rambled on endlessly about something else.
And they constantly ridiculed him for butchering the King's English in incoherent and ungrammatical answers.
Eisenhower apparently did not know that he was a reader, not a listener.



jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

This auction is for vintage Barbie doll lot including 9 dolls from 60's, 70's & 80's in good, clean condition with some TLC. Some of the dolls have issues but are still nice for display. 60's dolls include Barbie ponytail that has had her ponytail cut, she has curved foot, no green ear, no neck splits. Bubblecut has green ear and no neck splits, some minor damage to right hand and left foot. This auction includes 70's dolls, 2 Malibu Barbies, Malibu Skipper, Casey (one leg cracked at knee so that leg does not bend, big green ear on one side of head), and three other dolls from 80's.

Two vintage Barbie cases are included along with extra bag of mostly handmade clothes.




jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

The YBH-301M is ideal for DCI style marching ensembles which have no trombones. It can add a unique voice to your band, darker than a trombone yet brighter than a euphonium, a very rich and strong sound. In addition, the 301M is a well-balanced instrument, making it easier to play, and easier to maneuver with in formations.
This model is used by groups such as the 2002 DCI World Champion Cavaliers Drum & Bugle Corps because of it's warm, rich tone with plenty of projection.
The Yamaha is working perfect but shows some dings or dents on the bottom please check pictures for details, other than that just minor used signs.



jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

Here is a lovely vintage Silver plated spoon in its original box. It was produced by Mappin & Webb for the West Riding County Council to commemorate the Coronation of King George VI, 1937. The handle is beautifully decorated with a depiction of the King and Queen Elizabeth and states, "Coronation 1937". The back of the handle is stamped, "Mappin & Webb Souvenir From W R C C". It measures 4 3/4" (121mm) long. It is showing some signs of age related wear, however, is in nice condition. A stylish piece. Suitable for use, the authentic touch to design, and for the collector. Please see the photographs for condition.


素敵な銀メッキ仕上げのスプーン、オリジナルの箱入りです。マッピン&ウェッブ社が1937年ジョージ6世の戴冠を祝って英国ウェストライディング州議会のために製作したものです。持ち手には王とエリザベス女王を描いた美しい装飾が施され、「戴冠1937年」と書かれています。持ち手の裏面には「マッピン&ウェッブ WRCCからの記念品」と刻印されています。大きさは長さ4 3/4"(121mm)です。年代ものであることの証である擦れなどが見られますが、よい状態です。上品な作品です。使用に適したスプーンで、そのデザインには本格的な味わいがあり、コレクター向きです。状態については写真をご覧ください。

jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

Everyone knows you can’t have a business without customers. However, one of the worst mistakes any business can make is focusing its marketing efforts on attracting new clients while neglecting past and current customers. Studies have shown that the cost of acquiring a new customer is far greater than what it costs to generate business from an existing client.
Thanking your clients for their business can also set you apart from your competitors, increase loyalty, boost sales and even build relationships that last a lifetime. Effective marketing depends on repeat exposure and showing appreciation is an affordable and effective way to build your company’s presence.



jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

5. Fill customer service roles with people who are patient and have a pleasant attitude.Encourage your employees to be personable, particularly when they interact with your customers.“It’s the simple things that mean the most to everyday people, it’s about caring and listening to the customer,” Jane Judd, the senior manager of Zappos' Customer Loyalty Team, tells Econsultancy. “Many times retailers are about the sale and not the experience.We try our best to be personable and we don’t upsale our customers or put a time limit on our calls.”
6. Implement your customers’ suggestions and tell them about it.Score points with your customers by proving to them you’re taking their suggestions and complaints seriously.




jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

According to a study by Pearl Research, game operators in China put up stunning revenue growth in 2010. The online games market grew 25% to $5 billion, and it is forecasted that in 2014 it will exceed $8 billion.

The research firm outlines in its 150-page paper that Tencent led the market with $1.4 billion in revenue, followed by Netease with $749 million, Shanda Games with $680 million, Perfect World with $374 million, and then Changyou with $327 million.

This rapid growth spurt puts China ahead of the U.S game industry which fell to 22% according to The People’s Daily citing Digi-Capital. That dramatic headline read “Game over for US: China to take lead in video games.”





jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

Acquisition of insurance service provider is a classic soft market strategy for insurers. A quality service provider can shave points off an insurer’s expense ratio or loss ratio.
An added attraction to service providers is that they do not carry reserve risk.
Low prevailing fixed-income investment yields added to the challenges of the soft market, forcing insurers to seek as much improvement as possible to margins within their control.Providers could furnish some of this improvement to loss ratios and expense ratio.
Commercial insurers sought to improve their risk selection and pricing techniques with analytical predictive modeling tools that personal lines insurers have long been employing to good advantage.



jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

"When you wanted to look at issues unique to our company it was sometimes difficult to get the view of requested data, so we decided to move to a tool that we owned and that ran on our infrastructure so that we could get access to the necessary data on demand."

While the decision to install IBM TSRM for internal knowledge management capabilities was made before re-evaluating the outsourced help desk arrangement, installation of the tool proved fortuitous, Corbin acknowledges. "When we decided to bring service desk in-house, it uncomplicated the transition significantly because we didn't need to execute a transition of tool and data: that was already in place," he says.



内部での知識管理能力にIBMのTSRMを導入することは 外部委託のヘルプデスクの配置を再評価する前になされ、そのツール導入は思いがけないことだったということがわかる、とコービンは認めている。「社内にサービスデスクをもってくることにしたら、ツールとデータを移行する必要がないので移行がとても簡易になりました。すでにそこにあるのですから。」

jsmanami English → Japanese
Original Text

Considered one of the best and brightest 35mm accessory finders ever made this Leitz 35mm (Code name SBLOO) Chrome finder with case is in truly collectors condition. If you look very, very close it is not quite perfect; but it as close to perfect as any we have seen in a very long time. There are no cracks or optical defects and it is absolutely clear and bright.

The SBLOO is the perfect finder for you to use on your Leica M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, MP, M8 0r M9 camera body.

This came from an estate. Being auctioned separately are a 35mm Chrome 8-Element Summicron and a 90mm f/2.8 Tele-Elmarit in the same collectors condition. Please check out these other auctions.




この商品は遺産から出品されたものです。別に35ミリクロム 8エレメント ズミクロンと、90ミリf/2.8テレエルマリートが同じくコレクター品としてオークションにかけられています。これらのオークションもどうぞご覧ください。