itprofessional16 Translations

ID Unverified
Over 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

To view current round time during golf round, go to the score card menu.

Use the [Up] key to edit the backlight duration; use the [Down] key to edit the power off duration. To return to the Setting Menu screen, press [Enter] key.

To edit the language of the device, select the Language option in the Setting Menu. Use the [Up] and [Down] keys to find the desired language, then press the [Enter] key to select it.

4.5 Time Set
Swami 4000 will set present time zone automatically according to relevant data of GPS satellites; but you can adjust the daylight saving time of your location. Select Time Zone Set from the Setting Menu. You can increase and reduce the time with [Up] and [Down] keys. Press [Enter] when finished.





4.5 時間設定
Swami 4000は、GPS衛星の関連データにより、自動的に現在のタイムゾーンを設定します。ただし、あなたの場所の夏時間を調整することができます。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

When desired option is selected, press and hold [Enter] key for a few seconds to return to the Start Menu.

4.2 Reset Round Time
After selecting Play in the Start Menu, a timer begins to record your round time. You can see this timer in the bottom left hand corner of Setting Menu screen. To reset that timer, select Reset Round Time in the Setting Menu and press [Enter]. To return to the Start Menu, press and hold [Enter] key for a few seconds.

4.3 Backlight Control
Swami 4000 can provide auto backlight off function to save power; if you don’t touch any key for a specific time period,
screen will turn to dark automatically. Select the Backlight Control option on the Setting Menu and press the [Enter] key.




Swami 4000は、電力を節約するためにオートバックライトオフ機能を提供できます。あなたが特定の期間いずれのキーもタッチしなければ、画面が自動的に暗くなります。設定メニューのバックライト制御オプションを選択し、[Enter]キーを押します。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

3.5 Editing Front, Center & Back Green Locations
To make changes to the Swami 4000 green locations, you must be on the hole you would like to edit. To begin, press and hold [Page] key for 3 seconds while on the Play Mode screen. The top of the screen will read “Map” while editing the green locations.

2. Next, stand with XXX at the point of new green location. (Example: If you are editing the front of the green,stand with the XX at the point you wish to mark as the new front of the green).
3. Press [Enter] key while at the new location of the green. A pop up message asking “Map New Front?” will appear. Use
the [Up] and [Down] keys to confirm the new location. Swami will change the GPS location after you select [OK].


3.5 グリーンの手前、中央、奥の位置の編集
Swami 4000のグリーンの位置を変更するには、あなたは編集したいホールにいなければなりません。まず初めに、プレイモード画面で[Page]キーを3秒間押し続けます。グリーンの位置を編集しているときには、画面の上部に"Map"と表示されます。

2. 次に、新しいグリーン上の地点でXXXを持って立ちます。

3. グリーンの新しい位置で[Enter]キーを押します。
"Map New Front?"(新しい手前位置をマップしますか?)というポップアップメッセージが表示されます。新しい位置を承認するためには、[Up]と[Down]キーを使用します。あなたが[OK]を選択した場合、SwamiはGPSの位置情報を変更します。

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

– Tip modification to cursive italic, stub, oblique and more!
– Tip size modification from a double broad down to an extra fine
– Re-tip or re-grind to a variety of styles including calligraphic and italic points. We cut italic nibs for both writers and calligraphers, including blackletter
Note: Read information on the difference between a re-tip and re-grind, or go to our FAQ main page. For those interested in a calligraphic customization, please call us at 323-655-2641 for a consultation.
– Nib restoration by recreating vintage grinds and custom shapes on both vintage, and new, fountain pens
– Increase flexibility


- ペン先を筆記体のイタリック、スタブ、オブリーク等に改良!
- ペン先サイズをダブルブロードからエクストラファイルに改良
- ペン先をつけ直したり、再研磨して、書道やイタリック体を含めて様々なスタイルに
- 年代物と新しい万年筆の両方に、年代物の研磨を再現してペン先を修復
- 柔軟性を向上

itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

Alberta man may be first to sell house for bitcoin virtual currency

Like countless young men across North America, Taylor More likes sports and hanging out with friends. And if his latest project pans out he’ll be unique — the first person to sell a house for bitcoins.

He’s already drawn world-wide attention after placing an online ad for his property in Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, a small community in the southwestern corner of the province. The story’s been picked up by the BBC in Britain, ABC in the U.S. as well as numerous Canadian news outlets.

Mr. More’s two-bedroom bungalow “with beautiful mountain views” is priced at the equivalent of $405,000 in bitcoins.






itprofessional16 Chinese (Simplified) → Japanese
Original Text



服务推广信息 及时发布
品牌互 动& 活动宣传 & 产品推广
营销活动专题 精准嵌入
已超 过10000 品牌开通人人公共主 页
新品 发布、促销信息、优惠活动





itprofessional16 English → Japanese
Original Text

This event is intended to celebrate six years from the launch of the original iPhone, under the leadership of Steve Jobs and the release of the iPhone 5S and iPad 5, under the leadership of Apple’s current CEO, Tim Cook, as both of these devices are developed entirely under Cook’s authority .

I believe that a large part of Apple’s success is due to the vision and popularity of Steve Jobs and after the recent disappointments like Apple Maps, AAPL stock price going down, weak sales and Tim Cook’s approval rating falling, the company is trying to reconquer the public and reassure the investors, showing that Jobs’ passion and vision regarding Apple are still contemporary within the company.


このイベントは、スティーブ・ジョブズ氏のリーダーシップのもとで初代のiPhoneの発売から6年とApple社の現CEOティム・クック氏のリーダーシップのもとでiPhone 5SとiPad 5のリリースを祝うことを意図しています。これらの両デバイスはクック氏の権限のもとに完全に開発されました。

私はApple社の成功の大部分は、先見の明とスティーブ・ジョブズ氏の人気に起因するものであり、最近のApple Mapsの失望、AAPLの株価下落、販売低迷、ティム・クック氏の支持率低下の後で、同社は、Apple社に関するジョブズ氏の情熱と先見の明が今でも社内に存在していることを示して、公衆を再び征服し、投資家を安心させようとしています。