いろは淳子堂 (irohajunkodou) Translations

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Almost 11 years ago Female
Japanese (Native) Chinese (Simplified) German English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
irohajunkodou English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Unlike some other countries, including Japan, there is no formal tea ceremony in Btitain.
But more tea is drunk per head in Britain than anywhere else and a kettle is probably the most important item in the kitchen.
That's because Britain tea should be made with water freshly boiled and still boiling, not the 80-90℃ acceptable for green tea.
As oil is to an engine, tea is to many British people's daily social life. There's even an old, populer sond which says everything 'stop for tea'.
Many activities do: people stop work to enjoy their tea break in mid afternoon, when even international cricket matches take a 20 minute break called the 'tea interval'.


すべてが『お茶のために立ち止まる』という古くて有名な歌( sond→song?)さえあります。