岡 広美 (gracehill) Translations

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Over 9 years ago Female 50s
Japanese (Native) English
Food/Recipe/Menu Website Travel Manuals
6 hours / week
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
gracehill Japanese → English
Original Text



I change smoothly it at times when I talk about the circumstances and feel temporarily relieved. I confirm a reservation and inform it that I talk to the older brother (the older brother whom I was a lot, but talked to accidentally an older brother of a car dealer) of the jinrikisha in front of Kaminari-Mon Gate and show a voucher immediately. I do it without asking and take the photograph! I took a lot of photographs left in the memory in a wonderful angle not to readily get. A course to leave Asakusa for this time in a course for 30 minutes! It is taken his hat off by the Asakusa knowledge of the older brother. It was different from usual times in the scenery of Asakusa to look at from the higher position again and was wonderful. The next wants to try a course for one hour!