Eiko (gloria) Translations

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gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Urei 1620 LE mixer- new condition. This mixer is new in original packaging. I have added 2 Phono pre amps (each costs $250.00) to make it able to handle 4 turntables (they can easily be pulled out if you want the inputs for CD, MP3, etc and re-installed when needed) ! If you are looking at this, you probably are already aware that the Urei is the #1 club mixer in the world- bar none

Extremely rare for one of these to come up for sale, especially in this pristine condition! This mixer is a GREAT DEAL @ this price ($2500-$3000 normally). Neither the Rane, Allen and Heath nor the Vestax (nor any other, including the Bozak) is even in the same league as the Urei. Hands down the best rotary club mixer in the world!


Urei 1620 LEミキサー、新品状態。このミキサーはオリジナルのパッケージ入りの新品です。私は2つのフォノプリアンプ(それぞれ$250.00)を追加して4つのターンテーブルを使えるようにしました(CDやMP3などにインプットしたいとき、必要に応じて再インストールするときに、ターンテーブルは簡単に引き出せます)!あなたがこれをお探しなら、Ureiが断然世界でナンバーワンのクラブミキサーだということをご存知でしょう。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Baidu Launches Android-Based Mobile OS

This morning, Baidu – at its annual Baidu World event in Beijing – launched its Android-based mobile OS, dubbed Baidu Yi (pictured above).

As it builds upon Google’s Android OS, it’ll have all the same core features, such as integrated voice search. But of course Baidu also has lots of its own apps ready for Baidu Yi – there’ll be Maps, Yue (a reader app), Shen Bian (like Google Places), and Ting (its music app).

Baidu also has some good Android apps that have been available for a while that it can now integrate into its new Baidu Yi platform, such as its input-method editor (IME) for typing or hand-drawing Chinese characters.


今朝、百度(Baidu)は例年開催の北京での百度ワールドイベントで、百度易(Baidu Yi)と名付けられた同社のアンドロイドベースのモバイルOSを発売した(上の写真)。

これはグーグルのアンドロイドOS上で構築されており、ボイスサーチが組み込まれているなど、全く同じコア機能を持つ。しかしもちろん百度も百度易用の自前のアプリをたくさん持っている。例えばMaps、阅(Yue)(読み取りアプリ)、身边(Shen Bian)(グーグルプレイスのようなもの)、听(Ting)(音楽アプリ)などだ。


gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

In Chinese Online Gaming, 8.7 Billion RMB in Revenue, Tencent Still King

A scene from Tencent's 'Crossfire' first-person shooter game. (Image credit: cf.131.com)

New figures for Q2 2011 show which Chinese tech companies get the biggest slice of the online gaming market in China, in terms of revenue. Total revenue in the industry is 8.7 billion RMB (US$1.36 bil), which is up 3.1 percent on the previous quarter.

Tencent is still the online and social gaming king in China, with its broad spread of titles – from numerous QQ games, to its Zynga CityVille tie-up, to the 3D first-person shooter Crossfire (pictured above). It took 29.5 percent of all online gaming revenue in the country in the most recent quarter.






gloria English → Japanese
Original Text

Shanda and Netease are joined for second place with a matching 17.1 percent of revenues in the market. Shanda has titles such as the newly-released World Zero, while Netease is known for MMORPGs like Westward Journey.

Beijing’s Perfect World (NASDAQ: PWRD) is in fourth place in Q2 2011; and slightly trailing them is ChangYou, which is a subsidiary of Sohu. We recently looked at how ChangYou had spent $80 million in developing its newest game The Deer and the Cauldron.

Here’s our interactive graph of all the online gaming market shares; data comes from Analysis International and was then compiled by Digitimes:

China market: Leading online gaming services by revenues


盛大(Shanda)と网易(Netease)が収益でどちらも17.1%と第二位につけた。盛大は最近リリースされたワールド・ゼロなどのタイトルを持っており、网易はMMORPG風のWestward Journey(西遊記)で知られている。

北京のパーフェクト・ワールド(NASDAQ:PWRD)は2011年の第2四半期には4位だった;そして僅差で彼らを追うのが搜狐(Sohu)の子会社の畅游(changYou)だ。我々は畅游が最新のゲーム、鹿鼎记(The Deer and the Cauldron)の開発にどのように$8,000万を費やしたかを最近観察した。

