freckles Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

The Future Computing Environments Group mission is to invent and better understand what constitutes an effective, everyday partnership between humans and emerging computing technology. A critical component of our approach is building and extensively experimenting with prototype environments, which we refer to as living laboratories. Largely due to initial successes with these living laboratories, the FCE Group is recognized as a leading research group in ubiquitous computing . Our reputation has resulted in growth in associated faculty and research breadth and depth.



freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

We are in an excellent position to pursue a research agenda in which we not only create ubiquitous computation and ubiquitous sensing technologies (both embedded in the environment and worn by the inhabitants), but also uncover the essential HCI principles that will allow these technologies to be smoothly and appropriately incorporated into the ebb and flow of everyday activity. Our view of the major application themes for HCI research in ubicomp (capture, context, natural interfaces and everyday computing), as well as additional challenges to understanding the impact of ubicomp on our everyday lives, are discussed in.



freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

We have initiated a research agenda centered around computing in the home. Because we feel that any signifi- cant research in this area must be conducted in an authentic yet experimental setting, much of this research will take place in the Broadband Institute Residential Laboratory, a research house that will be completed early in the year 2000. The Residential Laboratory will serve as the living laboratory for ubiquitous computing in home life. We refer to our collected efforts as the Aware Home project, signifying our intent to produce an environment that is capable of knowing information about itself and the whereabouts and activities of its inhabitants.


私たちの研究は、家庭におけるコンピューティングを中心に据えて、その指針が決定された。この課題に関する実験は、本物でありながら、実験的要素を含む環境で行うことが必要と考えたためである。この研究の大部分は、2000年の始めに開所される予定の、ブロードバンド学会レジデンシャル研究所で行われる。このレジデンシャル研究所は、家庭におけるユビキタスコンピューティングのためのリビングラボとして機能する。私たちは、一連の研究作業をAware Home(居住環境の認識)プロジェクトと名づけた。この名は、環境自体に関する情報と、居住者の位置と活動を認識することができる環境を作り上げるという、私たちの目標を反映したものである。

freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

Different research have progressed rapidly by augmenting spaces and objects with sensing, computation, and communication capabilities. These capabilities in different spaces and objects converge on the boundary between physical and digital worlds.
When bringing ubiquitous computing to smart spaces, architectural design can be considered as interaction interfaces between humans and computation. Viewing architecture as human-computer interfaces introduces a new set of problems, since interaction interfaces must be constantly present in the real world and support continuous interac- tions in everyday life. Several research issues for integrating physical-digital interaction interfaces in smart spaces have emerged.



freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

Human-computer interaction is moving from command-based devices to support natural interaction using gestures, handwriting and speech. The move toward natural interaction poses multiple novel technical, design, and social challenges. For example, stepping on the floor of a room is sufficient to detect a person’s presence there. Therefore, a new interaction model with user input/output is needed to support several distinct features of implicit human interaction, as follows: Implicit user input cannot be easily defined in terms of a finite set of modes. The user input has no clear boundary. Implicit human input may be nested and long-lasting. Multi-modal user interactions may operate concurrently.



freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Output can be multiscaled in different geographical locations. Output may be kinetic operations distributed in different locations. Examples of interaction modalities that integrate physical and digital interfaces for design presentation are shown in Fig. As computers vanish into the background, human-computer interaction becomes similar to the way humans interact with the physical environment. Researchers increasingly believe that building space should be transformed into a set of interaction interfaces between humans and computers. Buildings become a ubiquitous tool taking on a role similar to computers- enabling media facilitating rich everyday experience in a coherent way.



freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

To handle these problems, a system architecture was developed for building ubiquitous media applications in a smart space, as shown in Fig. The system architecture decouples sensor networks from spatial system components, services, and application programs. Second, a separate coordination manager layer consisting of context agents is required to coordinate activities across system components in the backend. The context agents schedule events and monitor the validity state of the spatial system components, so that the applications and services can be executed in the correct order.



freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

Using sensors for implicit input-output interactions has potential to alter the nature of our built environments.
Smart space is uniquely human-centered design. In smart space, ubiquitous media are designed to reduce the cognitive load of human users. Paradoxically, ubiquitous media might turn around and place a considerable demand on humans because they have become part of the physical environment to which people strive to adapt. Even with the most human-centered methodology, ubiquitous media might not be a natural part of the human system. Therefore, researchers need to study how ubiquitous media affect human cognition, and how humans adapt to technological and environmental changes.



freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Creating user experiences stipulates natural cognitive mapping between human actions and sensing effects. Together, sensor-based interactions require a ubiquitous computing infrastructure that maps to the physical space and its corresponding interaction model. Sensing and perceptual technologies have been increasingly recognized as useful in developing context-aware smart environments. Often, a mixture of location, mobile and environmental sensors can be applied to command control, replacing existing user interfaces and physical switches in the real world. The nature of sensor-based interactions is implicit, continuous and human-centered.



freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

People live in a world of mixed reality with two distinct environments: the physical environment where people reside with face-to-face interaction and the digital environment where virtual agents interact. Much work is needed to support multi-user interaction in a smart space, and to articulate and connect events in the physical and digital worlds.
This work identifies two significant facets of sensor-based interactions that are relevant to smart space design. The first aspect is a sensor network combined with an adaptive software platform to develop ubiquitous media applications. The other aspect refers to creating user experiences in the cognitive process of sensor-based interactions.



freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

People can simply manage their mobile phone experience from personal computer. For example, people can easily locate a missing phone by triggering the handset to ring loudly, even if it is set to silent, or to flag its location on a map. If the phone’s been lost or stolen, users can remotely lock the phone, forward calls and texts to another phone, send a message to the phone to arrange its return or even remotely wipe all personal data from it. makes it easy to setup a new HTC phone or access archived mobile content such as contacts, text messages and call history from a PC browser. People can also customize their phones with exclusive HTC content like wallpapers, HTC scenes, sounds or plug-ins.

