freckles Translations

ID Unverified
About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

We will assist you in making dining arrangements from casual to exquisite dining at fine restaurants that will become a part of your travel memories of Japan. Cultural, medical, religious, and other special dietary needs will be accommodated.
Optional Tours
Japan Anbis International Medical Support Center provides services in arranging tours inside Japan at reasonable prices as well as customizing travel for visitors.
Japan Anbis International Medical Support Center assists you in providing the best transportation services possible such as in obtaining domestic airline tickets, bullet train tickets, bus tickets, and car rentals.



Japan Anbis International Medical Support Centerは、患者様のご希望に応じて、日本国内ツアーをお手頃な価格でご提供したり、個別の旅行日程のご相談にも応じております。
Japan Anbis International Medical Support Centerは、快適なご旅行ができますように、国内線飛行機の切符や、新幹線やバスの切符ならびにレンタカーの手配もをいたします。

freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

In July, defined benefit pension plans experienced asset increases of $32 billion and liability increases of $7 billion, resulting in a $25 billion increase in funded status.
"The July improvement in pension funded status is welcome news after a three-month period that witnessed a $171 billion decline," said John, co-author of the Pension Funding Index. "We still have a long ways to go just to get back to 80% funded status. In order to reverse the deficit, it will require more than just positive asset performance. If you look at the last year, we've actually experienced a 10.2% cumulative asset return -- but have still seen a $61 billion decrease in funded status thanks to lower trending discount rates."


「7月の年金基金の増加は、3ヶ月におよぶ、合計1710億ドルの減少があった後で、明るいニュースである。ただし、基金の状態を80%までに回復するにはまだ時間が必要であろう。損失を回復するには、資産パフォーマンスからの利益だけでは足りない。実際、昨年は10.2% の累計資産利益があったが、低い公定歩合でのトレードが原因で、基金の積立状況は610億ドルの不足となった。」とPension Funding Index(年金基金インデックス)の共著者である、ジョンが語っている。

freckles English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Contrary to the arguments of some that much of the pacific was settled by Polynesians accidentally marooned after being lost and adrift, it seems reasonable that this feat was accomplished by deliberate colonization expeditions that set out fully stocked with food and domesticated plants and animals. The undisputed presence in Oceania of the sweet potato, which is New World domesticate, has sometimes been used to support theories. However, this is one plant out of a long list of Asian domesticates. As Patrick points out, rather than being brought by rafting South Americans, sweet potatoes might just have easily been brought back by returning Polynesian who could have reached the west coast of South America.



freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

Those will certainly help to boost the units in certain styles, especially the shirting which is the most popular category for S&H by far. I sent you the attached document simply to reference the styles that are selling extremely well for us so far. Those will definitely get produced. Then there are others that are selling so-so. Those we also hope to produce through the outstanding orders yet to come in. Then there are some that have very few units, if any. Those run the risk of being cut. However, if you have a customer that wants to buy a lot of them, maybe we can make them. It’s a matter of communicating with us so we can reduce the number of cancelled styles and produce as many styles as possible.



freckles English → Japanese
Original Text

Giant trash islands threaten China bridge, dams
BEIJING--Vast floating islands of rubbish and debris, accumulated after torrential rains and flooding, are threatening to topple a bridge and jam two big dams in China, state media reported on Wednesday.
One layer of garbage covering 15,000 square meters -- more than 150,000 square feet - had lodged under a bridge in the northeastern city of Baishan in Jilin province and was blocking water flow, the China Daily reported.
Officials fear a fresh wave of flooding, if crews fail to clear the debris, could bring down the bridge. If the island is washed downstream, it could block floodgates at the Yunfeng dam, now operating at full capacity.


北京 – 豪雨と洪水のにより大量に漂流したゴミが蓄積した巨大なのゴミの島が、中国の橋および2基の大規模ダムを破壊することが懸念されていると、国営メディアが水曜日に報道した。