freckles Translations

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About 14 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

“It’s an honor to receive this award once again,” said Emilio Egea, vice president and chief diversity officer. “At Prudential, we integrate diversity into our human resources and business processes. This approach empowers our employees to create products and services that are relevant to a broad base of customers. We recognize that it is the talent and skills of our diverse employees that will enable us to continue to lead in the marketplace. That is why they are our greatest and most valued asset.”
Prudential recruits talent from organizations such as ALPFA and NSHMBA. In addition, Prudential supports organizations such as the NCLRaza and HACR that address issues pertinent to the Hispanic community.


「この賞を再度頂けることは、光栄です。Prudentialでは、人資源と事業プロセスに多様性を組み入れます。このアプローチにより、私たちの社員に広範なお客様に対して、最適な製品とサービスを提供する機会が与えられます。私たちの多岐に渡る社員の才能とスキルによって、弊社は市場を継続してリードしています。だから、彼ら社員こそが最も価値のある資産なのです。」と副社長兼チーフダイバーシティオフィサーであるEmilio Egeaは述べている。
PrudentialはALPFA やNSHMBAなどの組織から才能のある社員を採用している。さらにPrudentialはNCLRazaやHACRなどの、ヒスパニック社会に関連した問題を提起する組織等を支援している。

freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

"Throughout my eight years with Prudential, I've consistently been provided with opportunities to grow as well as help develop talent from diverse backgrounds,” said George Castineiras a vice president in Prudential Retirement.
In January, Hispanic Business recognized Castineiras on its 2010 “Corporate Elite" list ranking the top 25 Hispanic executives of the year.
“Prudential encourages leaders and all employees to create a workplace where different perspectives are included,” said Castineiras. “And we leverage our varied ideas to create innovative solutions that drive business outcomes.”


Prudentialの8年間において、わたし自身が絶えず成長する機会を与えられ、また、さまざまな背景を持つ才能ある社員たちを成長させる機会も与えられてきました。」と、Prudential Retirementの副社長であるGeorge Castineirasは述べている。
1月にはHispanic Business社がCastineirasを2010年の年間トップ25人のヒスパニック系エグゼクティブリストである「Corporate Elite(企業リーダー)」に記載した。

freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

After 18 months of waiting for health care reform to play out, employers find themselves in a very challenging cost position for 2011,” said Ken, Hewitt’s health care practice leader. “Reform creates opportunities for meaningful change in how health care is delivered in the U.S., but most of these positive effects won't be felt for a few years. In the meantime, employers continue to struggle to balance the significant health care needs of an aging workforce with the economic realities of a difficult business environment. While health care reform cannot be blamed entirely for employers’ increasing cost, the incremental expense of complying with the new law adds fuel to the fire, at least for the short term.



freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

But the growth was just 19.8% over January-July 2009, compared to close to 40% growth in previous months.
However, the facultative civil liability and credit life, which are connected to the growing infrastructure and housing markets respectively, were up 22.0% and 20.7% respectively - much faster than their previous growth rates and above the market's growth rate.
Group personal accident insurance also surged up 20.1% to 1.43bn reais.
Auto insurance grew 13.4%, while group life was up just 7.5%.

The Brazilian market's profitability is following the strong growth of its premiums and improving efficiency, while local financial markets' relatively weak performance has done little to stem this tide.




freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
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After excluding duplicate profit figures for subsidiaries and related parties, the consultant found that insurers in Brazil had profits of about 3.6bn reais (US$2.08bn) in January-July, which was 18% higher than in the first seven months of 2009.
Castiglione also found a combined ratio of 91% compared to 95% in the same comparison, which he said was based on premium growth of 15.3%, reductions in loss ratios to 50% from 53% and controls of administrative costs.
Castiglione, who also heads the surety bond company of Minas Gerais-based Banco Pottencial, wrote that the market should finish 2010 in a strong position and that increasing profits should come from better reinsurance contracts.


Castiglioneは、ミナジェライスに拠点を置く保証証券会社のBanco Pottencialの取締役の1人であるが、2010年の保険産業市場の好ましい動向はこのまま年末まで継続し、再保険契約の回復からも利益が増加するであろうと予測した。

freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

"With the opening of this market [in 2008], insurers are getting access to more favorable reinsurance contracts, which allow greater risk retention and other commercial advantages than before the end of the monopoly of [state-run] reinsurer IRB-Brasil Re," he wrote.

Brazil's second largest private sector bank Bradesco (BBD) has no plans for an IPO for its insurance unit Bradesco Seguros(BS) , nor does it plan to form a partnership with federally controlled Banco do Brasil (BB) to finance infrastructure projects, local news service Agencia reported Bradesco CEO as saying.
BS is currently the biggest insurance group and contributed 31% to Bradesco's recurring earnings of 2.46bn reais in the second quarter.


「この市場が(2008年に)開いてから、保険業者はさらに好ましい再保険契約にアクセスができるようになっている。これにより、(国営の)再保険会社であるIRB-Brasil Reによるモノポリーが終わる前に、自家保険と他の商業的利益の増加が可能になる」とCastiglioneは述べている。

ブラジルの第2大手の個人銀行であるBradesco (BBD)は、その保険事業であるBradesco Seguros(BS)の株式の新規公開(IPO)をする予定はなく、また経済インフラストラクチャのプロジェクトのために連邦の管理下にあるBanco do Brasil (BB)とパートナーシップを結ぶ予定もないと、現地のニュースサービスであるAgenciaがBradesco のCEOの言葉として伝えた。

freckles English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

The executive said that the bank had considered an IPO for its dental insurance division, but came to the conclusion that a partnership with local dental insurer OdontoPrev would add more value to its shareholders.
In October last year, Bradesco announced its plans to swap the dental division, which it spun off of its insurance division Bradesco Saude in 2008, for a 43.5% stake in OdontoPrev.
Then in August this year, Bradesco, OdontoPrev and BB signed a non-binding MOU to form a strategic alliance. BB will hold 75% of total capital and 49.99% of the voting capital on the proposed company, while OdontoPrev will hold the 25% left of the total capital and 50.01% of the voting capital.


Bradesco のCEOは、Bradesco銀行はその歯科保険事業部のIPOを考慮したが、地元の歯科保険会社であるOdontoPrevとのパートナーシップの締結のほうが株保有者に利益を還元するために有利であるという結論にいたったと述べた。
昨年10月にBradescoは、その歯科保険事業部であるBradesco Saudeを2008年にスピンオフしたが、その後OdontoPrevの43.5%の株式と交換する計画を発表した。今年8月にはBradesco、OdontoPrev、 BBの3社が、戦略的な同盟を結ぶという形で法的拘束力のない覚書に署名した。この新会社では、BB が75%の資本、および49.9%の議決権資本を保有し、OdontoPrevが残りの総資本の25%と50.01%の議決権資本を保有することが提案されている。

freckles English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

They may be cleaner than their gas-guzzling cousins, but manufacturers are increasingly concerned that electric cars' near-silent motors could pose a problem for pedestrians navigating city streets.

The safety issue is spurring on UK researchers to test-drive a range of artificial sounds which could see the traditional sound of the combustion engine being replaced by the sound of, among other things, space invaders.

Using a specially built electric van called ELVIN (Electric Vehicle with Interactive Noise) researchers at Warwick University's WMG (formerly Warwick Manufacturing Group) are finding out what noises alert pedestrians efficiently and without annoyance.


Warwick UniversityのWMG(前Warwick Manufacturing Group)では、研究者が開発したELVIN (Electric Vehicle with Interactive Noise - 騒音付き電機車両)と呼ばれる、特別仕様の電気商用(小型バン)車を使って、歩行者に警告を与えつつも、嫌悪感を抱かれないような自動車の騒音を開発しようとしている。