diego Translations

ID Unverified
Over 12 years ago
English Japanese
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
diego English → Japanese
Original Text

we can certianly assist you with returning a package.The options for returning a package are:
1. Ship back to the sender through your account. Our domestic shipping rates are not very competitive. Please enter the complete shipping address with telephone number if you choose this option directly from your ship request section.
2. Return to Merchant via prepaid shipping label. Please contact the merchant to inquire about the return policy and procedure and to request a prepaid return shipping label. There is a $7 charge for us to process the return which includes attaching the prepaid label, removing the package from your account and tendering the package to the courier company.


1 あなたのアカウントを使って、送り主に送り返す。私どもの国内配送の料金はそれほど他と比べて安くありません。もしこの方法で配送希望のセクションから直接返却するなら、送付先の正式な住所と電話番号を入力してください。

diego English → Japanese
Original Text

Anyway, Gumi’s social games turned out to be more popular and profitable than its social network business. Hironao said that in Japan, people are affluent and are willing to pay for virtual items in mobile games, and that allows him to generate revenue quickly.

He revealed that Gumi is making a whopping US$6 million per month and growing. It is also one of the largest game developers on GREE.

When asked about his expansion plan, he said that Gumi is now looking to expand to the US and then to Europe. But he also confessed that it is tough for Japanese companies to expand to the states. He said:





diego English → Japanese
Original Text

Cornell thrived on the excitement of Manhattan, but he lived out his entire adult life in a simple frame house.He was never formally trained as an artist, nor did he travel to Europe, yet his works are filled with recondite references to obscure figures of the past.Fascinated by the world of images and in love with literature,and music,he worked in the basement of his home to combine these separate disciplines into the very personal poetry that is his art.He revered Marcel Duchamp above all, considering him the greatest intellectual he knew, and admired Max Ernst and Matta.But he was outraged by Pop art.Warhol trivialized and sensationalized the common objects of daily life for which Cornell had great respect.


コーネルはマンハッタンに興奮して成長した、でも彼は大人になってからずっと簡易風宅に住んでた。彼はアーティストとして本格的にトレーニングをしたことはないし、ヨーロッパに行ったこともないです、でもかれの作品は過去のぼんやりとした形に難解に言及しています。世界のイメージに魅了され、文学と音楽に恋しています。彼は自宅の地下室でこれらの別々の規律を彼の芸術品である個人的な詩にまとめています。彼はMarcel Duchampをとりわけ尊敬し、彼を知る限りの最高の知識人と考えています。そして、Max Ernst と Mattaを賞賛しています。しかしポップアートには憤慨しています。ウォーフルはコーネルが尊敬の心を持つ日常生活の一般的なモノをつまらないものにし、大袈裟に表現した。