chipange Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 86-3
Yet for all the publicity he attracted, Gates was - and remains ¬fiercely protective of his private life, which he does not consider a matter of public interest. It is a rather naive attitude. Not only is he co-founder of one of the most powerful companies in the world ¬and one that, on a daily basis, is changing the way people live their lives, he is also the richest man in the world. When you add in his celebrated intellect, his reputation for tantrums, and his decision to spend $50 million plus on a mansion just outside Seattle, then it becomes clear that his every move is going to be closely watched by the world's media.



chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

I've had this processor for a few years and it is in very good condition. There are a few very light scratches on the top from my active crossover; besides that it is clean. I tried to take photos of them but I couldn't get them to show in photos. I'm just moving to a dedicated 2 channel as I'm not much of a HT guy.

I was using it with a Oppo Bluray player which offers good 7.1 analog out with the latest codecs. Unfortunately, there is nothing that will match the Krell sound quality that has HDMI plus all the latest codecs without spending a ton more money. This worked well for me and I know it will for you.



最新のコーデックにより、すばらしい7.1チャンネルアナログアウトを出すPPO製のBlu-rayプレーヤに使用していました。残念ながら、HDMIプラスを持つクレルの音質に適うものはありません。大金を払わずにjすべての最新のコデック。 とても良いものでした、きっとあなたも気に入ると思います。


chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 82-1
Many high-tech companies have a vested interest in future Microsoft releases because the software and systems they produce are reliant on Microsoft software. They benefit from advance information from the company's development teams about the direction that technology is moving in - a factor that can make an important difference to the success of their own future products.

'If Hewlett-Packard knew what it knows we'd be three times more productive', Lew Platt, former chief executive of the US computer giant, once observed. And H-P isn't the only major corporation company that has been keen to embrace the latest panacea for business success.


PAGE 82-1

”ヒューレットパッカードは、会社が三倍以上生産的であるべきであったと気づくべきだった。”とアメリカのコンピュータ会社大手の前最高経営責任者のLew Platt氏は振り返った。ヒューレットパッカードだけが、ビジネスでの成功のための特効薬を模索する企業ではない。

chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

PAGE 81-2
There is one other crucial factor that has kept Microsoft at the top of its industry. Gates was always willing to test software on customers, a practice continued at Microsoft to this day. Beta versions of the company's software are offered to customers who are prepared to provide some feedback for advance knowledge of the new software. In this way, the company's developers get real feedback from the people who will use the final version of the software. Customers involved in beta testing tell the developers back in Redmond about any bugs or glitches they find, and offer input on the usability of the software.


PAGE 81-2


フィードバック情報を提供してくれる客を用意し、彼らにソフトウエアのベータ版を提供し、新しいソフトウエアについての情報を得る。 このようにして同社の開発者は、最終版のソフトウエアを使用するユーザーから本当のフィードバックを得るのだ。ベータ版に関わる客は、レッドモンドにいる開発者に発見したバグや欠陥、ソフトウエアのユーザビリティ(使いやすさ)に関するインプット情報を提供する。

chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Online Shopping in China in 2011 [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Infographic of the Day series visually expresses important stories from Asia and the world of technology.

Over the past few weeks we’ve been taking a look back on 2011 and the major stories and trends that stood out. In China, this was an especially big year for online shopping and ecommerce.

For a few key facts and figures [1] about how this corner of China’s internet industry is growing, check out the following graphic that I’ve put together on the subject.

1. Update January 4: RMB amount spent online updated from 7,000,000,000,000 to 7,500,000,000,000. ↩





