chipange Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chipange English → Japanese
Original Text

Today we received a package for you from Sonic Electronix which was incorrectly addressed. In order to avoid delays, your new ● address and suite number must be shown on all packages and merchandise that you have shipped here. When you place orders with any merchants, please verify and update your shipping address with your complete ● address and suite number. Please specifically make a note to update your address with the particular retailer noted above. Each package that arrives to our facility with an incomplete, inaccurate or old address requires special handling. This special handling is required to verify the correct recipient, delays your package and results in a $5 per package address correction charge.


今日Sonic Electronixからあなたの荷物を受取りましたが住所が誤っていました。
遅れないようにするには、あなたの新しい● 住所、番地を全部の箱とあなたがこちらに送った商品に書かなければなりません。商品を注文する際は、● の住所が最新のものか確認願います。(番地まで含め)