chee_madam Translations

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Almost 11 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
IT Law Manuals
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
chee_madam English → Japanese
Original Text

According to Zhen Hoe Yong, co-founder of Fulfilled, the service aims to help individuals develop a set of habits that will add up to a healthier lifestyle. Ultimately, it’s about creating self-reliance.

“While gyms often want to keep you on the membership program, we’ll be happy if one day you find you don’t need the app anymore,” he says.

fattofitYong’s partner-in-crime is Dionis Chiua (pictured right). Both were schoolmates at the National University of Singapore, and they’ve worked on a few projects together, including a social media conference and a social journaling website.


Fulfilledの共同創設者、Zhen Hoe Yong氏によると、このサービスは、人々が健康的な生活習慣を最終的に身に着けられるような、習慣を身につける手助けをすることを目的としている。最終的には、自立を達成させるということなのだ。


Yong氏の共謀者はDionis Chiua氏(写真右)だ。ふたりはシンガポール大学のときからの友人で、これまでも、ソーシャルメディアカンファレンスやソーシャルジャーナリングサイトをはじめとするいくつかのプロジェクトに一緒に取り組んできている。

chee_madam English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Samsung and LG both had 105-inch UHD 4K TVs with 21:9 aspect ratios on display at CES this year, but both were just conceptual prototypes. They each also showed off slightly smaller but still sizable bendable TVs – Samsung’s 85-inch LCD (pictured above) and LG’s 75-inch OLED – on which you can remotely control the curvature. LG’s will cost a mighty $70,000.

On a more attainable note, LG showed off its revamped webOS, which will come installed on half of LG’s line of TVs this year. The difference between webOS and other smart TV OSes is the seamless transition between apps and inputs. Switching between Netflix, your game console, and satellite TV is as easy as changing the channel.


SamsungとLGは双方ともに、21:9アスペクト比の105インチUHD 4Kテレビを今年のCESで展示していたが、また双方ともに概念的な試作品である。また、Samsungは85インチLCD(上記画像)、LGは75インチOLEDという、若干小さいが、まだ十分に大きなサイズのベンダブルテレビを誇らしげに展示していた。これらのテレビは、遠隔操作で曲度をコントロールすることができる。LGの価格は強気の7万米ドルである。


chee_madam English → Japanese
Original Text

sodium cocoyl hydrolyzed soy protein,glyceryl oleate, glyceryl stearate, daisy flower extract, mallow leaf extract, peppermint leaf extract, primula veris extract, veronica officinalis extract, melissa officinalis leaf extract, achillea millefolium extract, vaccinium myrtillus fruit extract, lemon fruit extract, orange fruit extract, sugar cane, sugar maple extract, thyme oil, origanum vulgare leaf oil, alchemilla vulgaris extract, emblica officinalis fruit powder, jojoba esters, hydrolyzed jojoba esters, carrageenan, xanthan gum, sucrose, arginine, fragrance, potassium hydroxide, alcohol denat., alcohol, phenethyl alcohol, potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate, phenoxyethanol, citral, geraniol, limonene, linalool


ココイル加水分解ダイズタンパクNa、オレイン酸グリセリル、ステアリン酸グリセリル、ヒナギク花エキス、ゼニアオイ葉エキス、ペパーミント葉エキス、キバナノクリンザクラ エキス、トラノオエキス、セイヨウヤマハッカ葉エキス、セイヨウノコギリソウエキス、ビルベリー果実エキス、レモン果実エキス、オレンジ果実エキス、サトウキビ、サトウカエデエキス、タイム油、オレガノ葉油、ハゴロモグサエキス、アムラ果実粉末、ホホバエステル、加水分解ホホバエステル、カラギナン、キサンタンガム、ショ糖、アルギニン、香料、水酸化カリウム、変性アルコール、アルコール、フェネチルアルコール、ソルビン酸カリウム、安息香酸ナトリウム、フェノキシエタノール、シトラール、リモネン、リナロール

chee_madam English → Japanese
Original Text

Hi how's it going. I really just love this razor and want to get. I'm in the military and I'm moving bases in a week or two so not sure where too as of still. Is there any way I could get you to hold off on selling this to anyone?? I really do want to purchase this beyond belief. Just I don't want to loose it in the shipping process, as well as I'm a little tight on cash right now just finished paying bills off. I really really hope you can do me the favor of holding it off or placing it on the side for me until I'm ready to purchase it and have a solid address for you to send it to. I'd really appreciate it, thanks have a good one.



chee_madam English → Japanese ★★★★★ 5.0
Original Text

Quietly rolled out near the end of last year, Red Cross Connection crowdsources help from its users to drive blood donations in times of need. This is similar to the Indian Blood Donors app. Once installed, users create their profile and indicate their blood type. When blood supplies run low, users would receive Blood Alerts through the app – indicating the specific blood type needed, with a map function to find the nearest Red Cross center for them to make a donation.

Even if users cannot donate the blood themselves, they can still help by sharing the alert with their Facebook friends.


昨年の終わりごろにひっそりと初披露されたRed Cross Connectionは、必要な時にそのユーザからの献血を促進するようクラウドソーシングという形で援助してもらうというものだ。これはインドの献血アプリと同様のものである。アプリをインストールすると、ユーザはプロフィールを作成し、各自の血液型を表示する。血液の供給量が低減すると、ユーザはアプリからのBlood Alertsという警報を受信する。この警報には、必要な血液型と、献血できる最寄りの赤十字センターを見つけるマップ機能がついている。
