M.Nagai (brother346) Translations

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Over 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native) German Hebrew
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
brother346 English → Japanese
Original Text

The follow-up to Apple's iPad mini will reportedly feature a Retina display with a pixel density of 324 pixels per inch - higher even than the display on the fourth-generation iPad.

The rumor comes via investment news service BrightWire and cites sources close to Taiwanese Apple suppliers, who say that AU Optronics is piloting the production of a second-generation 7.9-inch iPad mini.

Packing the resolution of the larger iPad into the smaller version would allow Apple to have a high-resolution smaller device without making developers have to tailor their apps to yet another screen size. Apple did much the same with the introduction of the current iPad mini, which has the same resolution as the iPad 2.




より大きなiPadの解像度をより小さなバージョンに詰め込むことは、開発者がアプリをさらに別の画面サイズに合わせる必要なく、アップル社が高解像度のより小型のデバイスを持てるようにします。アップルは現在のiPadミニの導入で大いに同じことをしたわけですが、それはiPad 2と同じ解像度を持っています。

brother346 English → Japanese
Original Text

Apple did add a new resolution to its lineup last fall, when the company launched the iPhone 5 with a taller 4-inch display. But because the iPhone 5 retains the same pixel width as its predecessors, legacy applications can run in a "letterbox" mode with unused space at the top and bottom of the screen.

Rumors of a high-density display in the next version of the iPad mini are nothing new, having persisted since the device's introduction. While Apple was criticized in some media outlets when the iPad mini debuted due to the lack a Retina-level display, the mini has seen strong sales in the months since its release. Supplies of the tablet have only recently begun to approach demand.


アップル社はiPhone 5をより高い4インチディスプレイで市場に出した時、新しい解決を昨秋そのラインアップに加えたわけです。しかし、iPhone 5がその前作と同じピクセル幅を保持しているので、レガシー・アプリケーションは画面のトップと下部の未使用領域で「郵便ポスト」モードで動作することができます。


brother346 English → Japanese
Original Text

■ is not responding well when I ask them for the new list. If you tell me the models you want, and a lot of them, I will check right away. Regarding ▲. Do you know where else can we sell them? Outside Japan maybe? They are popular in the USA very much. If you put some on ebay, starting from $1- they end for more than $100 in most cases. I would like to set up a working relationship with ▲ as well. Can you help me selling 250/units a month? I am under contract to them to sell that amount of watches per month. Please let me know ASAP. Maybe other dealers you know want to carry them ?



brother346 English → Japanese
Original Text

When in addition to what he had received as Caesar's heir,he offered for sale his own property derived from his father Octavius,and whatever he had from other sources,and all that belonged to his mother and to Philippus,and the share of Pedius and Pinarius which he begged from them, in order to make the distribution to the people (because in consequence of the litigation Caesar's property was not sufficient even for this purpose), then the people considered it no longer the gift of the elder Caesar, but of the younger one, and they commiserated him deeply and praised him both for what he endured and for what he aspired to be. It was evident that they would not long tolerate the insult that Antony was doing him.


(訴訟の結果としてシーザーの財産がこの目的のためにさえ十分でなかったので)人々に配給するために、彼がシーザーの相続人として受け取ったものに加えて、彼は父Octaviusから譲られた自分の財産と他の出所から得たもの、彼の母とPhilippusに属していたすべてと彼が彼らを求めたPediusとPinariusの分け前など何でも売りに出しました。その時人々はそれをもはや元老院議員シーザーの贈り物ではなく若者からの贈り物と考えました。そして、彼らは深く彼に同情し、彼が耐えたもの、そして彼が切望したことを称賛しました。Antony が彼にしていた侮辱を彼らがもはや大目には見ないことは、明白でした。