ダイアモンド (blackdiamond) Translations

ID Verified
About 11 years ago
English Japanese (Native)
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

Your order has been placed on hold until we are able to hear from you. If we do not hear from you within 2 business days, your order will be canceled and the random authorization and the authorization for your order will be deleted and the funds returned to your account.

Please e-mail our verification team (verification@mrwatch.com) the amount of the authorization under $2.00. If your credit card account is not in USD please indicate the currency of your account.

If you have any other questions please feel free to contact our customer service representatives and ask them, you may also respond to this E-Mail. Again we apologize for the inconvenience and we hope to hear from you soon.


お客様のご注文は、お客様とご連絡の取れるまでは保留にさせてい頂いております。 2営業日以内にご連絡を頂かない場合は、お客様のご注文はキャンセルとなり、お客様のご注文に関する無作為承認及び承認は削除され、資金はお客様の口座に返金されます。

2ドル未満の承認額につきましては弊社検証部(verification@mrwatch.com)へメールでお問い合わせください。 お客様のクレジットカード口座は米国ドルでは無い場合は、口座の通貨を明示ください。


blackdiamond English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

WeChat is Now the 5th Most Used Smartphone App In The World

The market research crew at GlobalWebIndex has compiled a list of the 10 most used smartphone apps in the world in Q2 2013.

Among the list of usual suspects – Google Maps first with 54 percent usage; Facebook’s app second with 44 percent – is one interesting non-western app. In fifth place you’ll see WeChat, the China-made messaging app that has nearly 400 million registered users and global ambitions. Though most of WeChat’s users are in China (about 70 million are overseas), the app apparently has such an engaged user-base that it was used by 27 percent of all smartphone owners in Q2. That puts it above Twitter and Skype in this survey.




常連 – Google Mapsが54%の使用で第1位; Facebookのアプリが44%で2位 –の中で、唯一関心の高い西欧社会アプリがある。 第5位のWeChatだ。中国製メッセージアプリで約4億人の登録ユーザと地球規模の野心を抱いている。WeChatのユーザはほとんどが中国国内に存在し(約7000万が海外)、 そのような契約ユーザーがベースとなっていることが明らかで、第2四半期の全スマートフォン所有者の27%が使用している。 そのおかげで、この調査の中ではTwitterとSkypeの上位にランクしている。

blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

Top 10 Innovative New Apps Made in Taiwan

What is the first thing that pops into your mind when people mention Taiwan? Hot chicks, mouth-watering night market food, fascinating culture, or beautiful scenery? Soon you may be adding innovative apps to that list. These are my top 10 mobile apps from Taiwan:.

1. Whoscall (iOS and Android)

This caller ID app helps you to identify unknown incoming numbers through an internet search and a community report within seconds. It gives short descriptions of the caller on your phone so you can evaluate whether to answer the phone or not. Very useful to drop calls from sales companies.



台湾といって人々が真っ先に思い浮かべることはなんだろうか? セクシーな女性、おいしそうな夜の屋台の食べ物、魅惑的な文化、それとも美しい風景? その中にまもなく革新的アプリが加わるかもしれない。 以下は、私が選んだ台湾からのモバイルアプリトップ10だ:

1. Whoscall (iOSおよびAndroid向け)

この発信者IDアプリは、非通知で着信した番号を特定するのに役立つもので、インターネットやコミュニティリポートを介して数秒で特定するものだ。発信者に関する簡単な説明を画面に表示、その上で受信者は応答するかどうかを判断する。 営業電話の排除に役に立つ優れものだ。

blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

4. Waygo (iOS)

Waygo uses your phone’s camera to translate Chinese characters into English. It works even without an internet connection. It is extremely useful for expats living in this region or for tourists visiting Mandarin-speaking countries. Check out our story on the app from when it was called Waigo.

5. Popapp (iOS)

Here’s a great one for app devs. Popapp helps you to simulate a prototype app design drawn on paper. It basically transfers your sketched designs on paper into digital form. The best part is that you can share it with other designers working on similar apps or with reviewers so that you can refine the UI before you’ve even coded the app.


4. Waygo (iOS向け)

Waygoは、カメラを使って漢字から英語への翻訳を行うものだ。インターネットに接続しなくても機能する。この地域に居住の外国人や中国語圏を訪れる観光客にとても便利である。 このアプリがWaigoと呼ばれていたときの記事も要チェック。

5. Popapp (iOS向け)


blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text


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- please use the browser Mozilla Firefox
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Could you please specify what you mean by "change the debit account"?

If I have understood your question correctly as deposit, please follow these instructions:





- ブラウザーはMozilla Firefoxをご使用ください。
- ブラウザーのキャッシュとクッキーを削除ください。


"change the debit account"が何を意味しているのか明確に書いてもらえますか?


blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

We will be enhancing our valuation reporting procedures to provide you with more direct ability to enter the prices paid for merchandise shipped to your MyUS suite address.
We will research the value of merchandise that arrives with no merchant invoice or with a merchant invoice that does not indicate the price you paid. If the values we assign as a result of our research do not reflect the actual price you paid, you may choose to edit the values from your inbox prior to shipping. In some cases, we may need you to provide the actual merchant invoice or purchase receipt in order to make the adjustment.
The value you choose to enter should be the true and accurate price that you paid for the merchandise.




blackdiamond English → Japanese ★★★★☆ 4.0
Original Text

Epidemiologic estimates of the prevalence of GERD are based primarily on the typical symptoms of heartburn and regurgitation. A systematic review found the prevalence of GERD to be 10 – 20 % of the Western world with a lower prevalence in Asia. Clinically troublesome heartburn is seen in about 6 % of the population.
Regurgitation was reported in 16 % in the systematic review noted above. Chest pain may be a symptom of GERD, even the presenting symptom. Distinguishing cardiac from non-cardiac chest pain is required before considering GERD as a cause of chest pain. Although the symptom of dysphagia can be associated with uncomplicated GERD, its presence warrants investigation for a potential complication.



blackdiamond English → Japanese
Original Text

This is a brand new never been used out of the box vitamix. No cookbook no cd no tamp. Blender mortar and pitcher with tip. Everything pictures. Tamps are 12 bucks through vitamix. Free two day shipping with tracking.

Pre-set programs for making smoothies, frozen desserts, soups and purees make the 750 the most versatile Vitamix yet. Its low, wide shape allows it to blend faster, finer and more efficiently—and fit on under-cabinet counters better. It's also the most powerful blender on the market today and boasts a 64-oz capacity, bringing true professional performance to the home kitchen.
Five pre-set programs: Smoothies, soups, frozen desserts, purees and wash.


