Victor (aspenx) Translations

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About 12 years ago Male
English (Native) Japanese Chinese (Simplified)
technology Business Travel
40 hours / week
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
aspenx Japanese → English
Original Text



At Iroha (Pte Ltd), we specialise in the manufacture of fabric for gold-brocaded silk damasks and embroidered art pieces.
The gold-brocaded satin damask has a long history that originated from China. It was used for use in rituals and ceremonies that took place in the imperial court.
In the present day, the gold brocade goes by the name of HIKIHAKU KINRAN and is produced by a weaving technique unique to Japan.
In 1948, we developed and patented an automated machine to produce the HIKIHAKU KINRAN which could only be made by hand before and hence succeeded in providing it at a lower cost.
With the implementation of the one and only slik damask loom, we now dominate 70% of the Japanese market for gold-brocaded satin damasks.