aimmnoot Translations

ID Unverified
Almost 13 years ago
Japanese (Native) English
A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
aimmnoot English → Japanese
Original Text

Facebook Adds Game Stories to the News Feed, Privacy Settings to Limit Them
August 12th, 2011

Facebook yesterday announced several changes to how games work on the Platform, including that stories about game may be published to the news feeds of a user’s friends, including non-gamers, when the play a game for more than 15 minutes or complete an in-game objective. Depending on their prevalence in the news feed, game usage and achievement stories could help developers gain new users for free, but could also clutter the news feeds of people who don’t care about games.




aimmnoot English → Japanese
Original Text

Still to attain the rapid, massive growth that attracted developers to Facebook in the first place, they’d need access to all users, not just existing gamers. So Facebook may now publish the stories listed above as well as posts users opt to fill out and share to the news feed, allowing all users, including those that don’t play games, to discover games from the home page. Previously, news feed stories were only published when a user first started playing. Facebook will only show a gamer’s friends these stories if its algorithm determines they are highly relevant, so users should only see stories about their closest friends.

