Yes, when you place your American Express card on your account as the form of payment then we can apply the Amex discount. You only need to send the link you provided above for the discount at that time.There is no fee to do this. Please email the owner of the other account with your suite numbers and the package id numbers all to the left of the packages that you want to move in the subject line. Place package descriptions and your request to move them to suite 081-516 in the email. Then have the owner of that suite forward the email with their agreement to their account manager. THen the transfer will take place.The email must come from the owner of that suite, it will go to
はい。お客様の口座の American Expressカードを支払い形式として選んで頂きますと、Amexの割引が適用できます。その時ご提供いただきました上記リンクをお送り頂くたけで結構です。これには手数料はかかりません。他のアカウントの所有者に、お客様のスイート番号とお客様が移動させたい荷物の左側にあるID番号を件名に含めて電子メールをお送りください。パッケージの説明とお客様のスイート081-516 を移動させたいという請求を電子メールに記載してください。その後、そのスイート番号の所有者は契約を電子メールに添付して、口座担当者に転送してもらってください。すると移動が実行されます。電子メールはCS6@myus.com宛てに、スイート番号の所有者から送られる必要があります。
We also would really like to do business with you. As e-Bay charges the fee, if we can do business directly, we can give you additional 5% discount. Of course, if you can buy more than one products at once, we think we can offer you sizable discounts. We also think that we can ship directly to customers in Brazil. By the way, you would like to purchase just Iwata's products? We would appreciate if you could let us know the products of another manufacturers you would like to get.Thank you.
続き"The Amazing Spider Man" Movie Masterpiece 1/6 MMS 179 30cm, photos a l'appuis en pièce jointe.Et autre point négatif: le réglement du dédouanement de l'objet d'un montant total de 81,00euros or aucun avertissement a ce sujet!!!Merci de bien vouloir me renvoyer gratuitement la figurine Iron Man 2 Iron Man Mark II Armor Unleashed 30 cm, ainsi que les formalités de renvois de la mauvaise figurine a vos frais bien entendu.En attente d'une réponse rapide et favorable de votre part,
続き(受け取ったフィギュアは)大作映画「Amazing Spider Man」の1・6サイズMMS 179 30センチフィギュア フィギュアスタンド同梱でした。別のマイナス点は、商品の関税の合計81ユーロもの支払い、それにこの点に関して全く知らされていないことです!!!Iron Man 2 Iron Man Mark II Armor Unleashed 30センチフィギュアを無料で再送して頂きますと共に、当然のことながら間違って送られたフィギュアの返送は貴店が負担して頂きますようお願いいたします。早急な前向きなお返事をお待ちしております。
Alligator straps are imported to canada all the time, in fact, I just got one from Thailand last week.I was gifted a railmaster XXL this time last year, imported from Italy with a croc strap, with no problem.Is this a problem that it can't leave japan, or can't enter canada?If it really is a problem for you, switch it out and I'll have another one made by my strap maker in Thailand. The deployment buckle MUST be sent with the watch, and I will take the 500$ discount.Megan's birthday is May 8. PLEASE get it here before then.
i, sorry for late reply, but I just now opened my packages that I received from you.I wanted to let you know that you sent me 2 of this brown blanket, though I had bought 1 brown blanket and 1 pink blanket The brown one is $20 more, so I wanted to PayPal you the money that I still owe, and let you know that you sent 2 brown blankets.Also, I will buy the pink blanket again through Buy It Now.Hope this all makes sense :-P
お返事が遅くなり申し訳ありませんが、あなたから受け取った荷物を今開いたばかりです。あなたにお知らせしたいのは、あなたはこの茶色の毛布を2枚送ってくださったのですが、私が購入したのは茶色の毛布1枚、ピンクの毛布1枚です。茶色の毛布は20ドル高いため、不足分の20ドルをペイパルで支払うこと、あなたが茶色の毛布を2枚送られたことをご連絡したかったのです。またピンクの毛布もBuy It Nowを通してもう1度購入しようと思います。これで全てつじつまが合うよう願っています。 :-P
Dear..........,Hello,I would like to purchase the following product additionally. Product name:As for the quantity, I need 100 pieces. As for the payment method, do you accept payment via PayPal? Please let me know the total amount. Thank you. Is it ok to pay $○○, the same amount as before? I would appreciate if you could send a PayPal invoice, if there is no problem. Thank you.
I think it is not a preferable act to include one seller's name in the product and exclude other sellers like this case. I think one seller should not monopolize the sale of one product unless he owns at least trademark right and an exclusive distribution is permitted by laws or regulations. I would like to know your opinion in this matter. Wouldn't you rather send an alert at least for the act to include his own name in the product and exclude other sellers? I think excluded sellers should be able to continue the sale by , for example, changing the package of the same product.
One seller sells the following product exclusively and include his own name in the product. Is it possible to list and sell this product on your website? I say this because it is clear that this product is the combination of the existing products and it is not the original of this seller. In addition, I think this seller does not have the rights such as trademark right but each manufacturer obviously has its own rights. I think if I try to sell this product, this seller will probably hold an alert for me because he owns the UPS code. What should I do in such a case. Can I ignore the alert?
We received a package from Victor Rivera for you today, but it did not have your correct or complete address on the shipping label. Common address issues include a partial suite number or a missing suite number. To avoid delays, please update your shipping address with merchants. When you place an order, please verify that your shipping address includes your suite number (106-537) as well as your full U.S. shipping address.Your shipping address should look like this: Each package that arrives at our facility with an incomplete or inaccurate address requires special handling in order to verify the correct recipient. This process delays your package and incurs an address correction charge of US $5.
Victor Riveraさんからお客様への荷物を今日受け取りましたが、配送ラベルにお客様の正しく完全な住所がありませんでした。これは、部分的なスイート番号、不明のスイート番号を含む共通の住所の問題です。配送の遅れを防ぐため、マーチャントの配送先住所を更新してください。注文する時には、お客様のスイート番号(106-537)および完全な米国内の配送先住所を含む配送アドレスを確認してください。お客様の配送先住所は以下のように示されていなくてはなりません。弊社施設に到着する不十分もしくは不正確な住所が記載された荷物は、正確な受取人を確認するために特別の処理が必要になります。このプロセスによりお客様の荷物の配送に遅れが生じ、住所訂正手数料に5ドルかかります。
FR4313Bonjour, Je vous remercie de m'avoir contacté. Je vous excuse sincèrement pour la gêne occasionnée. Pour ne plus vous déranger, j'ai préparé les deux options suivantes. Veuillez choisir l'une des options suivantes. Je vais m'en occuper immédiatement. Je vous souhaite une excellent journée ! 1. Remboursement complet Veuillez vous connecter à B et choisir le retour ou l'annulation de l'order dans votre historique des commandes. 2. L'envoi d'une nouveau produit L'envoi est gratuit.
評価 IGI2712こんにちはご連絡ありがとうございます。ご迷惑をかけて申し訳ございません。私あなたにこれ以上迷惑はかけられません。私は以下の対応を準備致しました。どちらか選択をお願いできますでしょうか?すぐに対応させて頂きます。良い一日を①全額返金Bへログインして頂いた後に、注文履歴から返品、キャンセルの選択をお願い致します。②新しい商品を手配致します。送料は無料です。
Feedback IGI2712Hello,Thank you for contacting me.I apologize for the inconvenience and can not bother you anymore. I have prepared the following options. Could you please select one of these options? I will deal with it right away. Have a nice day! 1. Full refundPlease log into B and select return or cancellation from your order page. 2. Send a new itemI will send a new item free of charge.
IGI 9964I would need to pay a handling fee as well and dont wish to do this.Can you either refund me or send me a new product. Your product will no doubt be sent back if I dont pay the VAT and handling fee.IGI8729As Japan Post EMS has no record of this shipment under Tracking Number ●JP the parcel must be "lost".I would prefer to receive the order rather than a refund, so I would be grateful if you could send a replacement and advise the new tracking number as soon as possible.Thank you for your help in this matter.
IGI 9964私は取り扱い手数料も支払わなければなりませんが、それをしたくありません。返金してくださるか、または新たに商品を再送して頂けますか。もし私がVATと手数料を払わなければ商品は間違いなく返送されてしまいます。IGI8729日本郵便同様、追跡番号を見るとこの配送のEMSの記録はありません。日本郵便のこの荷物を紛失してしまったに違いありません。返金よりも注文商品を受け取る方がよいので、できるだけ早く交換品を送って頂き、新しい追跡番号を教えて頂けるとありがたいです。この件につきサポートいただき有難うございます。
Minami-za es el símbolo del barrio Guion y la magnifica pared de la fachada rotulada del estilo Momoyama atrae la atención de la gente. En la era Genna del periodo Edo, Kyoto-Shoshidai( la sede administrativa) autorizó la inaugración de siete torretes ( teatros) en el lado este de Shijogawara. En la era Kyoho, el numero de teatro fue reducido al seis y en los fines del periodo Edo se quedaron sólo los dos - Minamiza y Kitaza. En 1893, Minamiza se convirtió en el único teatro de Kabuki en Kyoto y continua existiendo hasta la fecha actual. Cada año en un dìa aproximadamente el 25 de noviembre( el día 25 en 2012), los paneles publicitarios con los nombres de las estrellas de Kabuki que suben al escenario son puestos en la entrada principal de Minamiza. En el periodo Edo, el contrato de los actores de Kabuki era basado en el régimen de sueldos anuales desde el mes de noviembre( según antiguo calendario) hasta el mes de octubre del año suiguiente.
ITA7921please can you answer to my request in english?I'd like to know when I'll be able to receive my Intel PRO/1000 PT Dual Port Server Adapter, can you provide me a delivery tracking number?You are kindly invited to offer your best efforts despite any acceptable inconvenience or delay.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
pointless私の要望に英語でお答えいただけますか。私のインテル PRO/1000プロデュアルポート・サーバーアダプターをいつ受け取れるのか知りたいのですが、配送の追跡番号を頂けますか。容認できる程度の不便や配送の遅れが生じたとしても、できる限りの努力をして頂くようよろしくお願いいたします。お早いお返事をお待ちしております。
ame3851Thank you for response. But, the return label indicates that the item has to be returned to Japan and postage has to be paid therefore, it may not be worth for me to send it. I would love if I can return it to a USA address.ame62639 days and this order is probably not shipped out yet!I do not have time to wait for you to check.If you want me to believe you shipped out my order, then please show me the shipping receipt or customs label with the tracking number ●JP.Otherwise like you said, please ship out my order fast or cancel my order because a late birthday gift will be pointless!I really do not want to call Amazon and tell them you are stealing customer's money and providing fake tracking numbers.
このギターは日本限定モデルとしてギブソンが限定生産したギターです。カラーは人気のTVイエローです。アメリカでは手に入らないとてもレアなレスポールスペシャルです。我々のネットショップでのセール価格です。Fender A US$**⇒US$**Fender B US$**⇒US$**ブラックパーツ→エイジドホワイトにパーツを全部チェンジは、パーツ代と交換工賃でUS$60で対応いたします。1985ピックアップと、新品57stであれば、私は85の方がいい音であると思います。
This is the guitar fabricated by Gibson as Japan limited model. The color is popular TV yellow and very rare Les Paul Special guitar which is not available in the United States. The sale prices of our net shop is as follows: Fender A US$**⇒US$**Fender B US$**⇒US$**We will support the whole change of the parts from black to edged white for US $60 (the price of the parts and the labor cost to change them) Between a 1985 pick-up and a brand new 57st, I think the sound of 85 is better.
直接問い合わせたところ、下記のとおり返事がありました。 「xxxxx」おそらくBracketsはMYUSのスタッフが捨ててしまったもしくは、日本への輸送中に紛失したかのどちらかだと思います。なぜなら、私が一つ目の荷物を受け取ったとき荷物にバンパーのみが入っていましたが、梱包がかなり破れていました。一つ目の荷物にも二つ目の荷物にもBracketsは入っていませんでした。
I made inquiry directly and received the following answer. 「xxxxx」So, I think a staff of MYUS tossed them or they lost them during they transport them to Japan. I say it because when I received the first package, I found only a bumper in it, but the packing of the bumper was seriously damaged. I did not find the brackets neither in the first package or in the second package.
The packing of the bumper was done in a really careless manner and I even found a big hole and a break. So there is a high possibility that the brackets came out of the box through the hole. I am asking to DHL to look for them, but they are still unfound. I am attaching the image of the bumper, so please check it. If the brackets stay lost, the bumper does not work. In case the brackets will not be found, please reimburse me the the price of the product as well as the shipping costs in the USA and to Japan. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Hello,Thank you for reading the PR document this time,First of all, let me tell you the overview of my business and my wish to sell this product. I graduated from a university last year and currently I work as a office worker at a company. There are many stress in my actual life that I can not do what I really wish.So I decided to change the job and dedicate in the import and export excellent products from overseas. For that purpose, I would like to set up contracts to import excellent products with are not available in Japan and start my new business.
While I had such an idea, I found your products and I became captivated by them.I love cycling and I travel by my bike. During the travel, I peddle a bike taking a look at maps and smartphones. Being unfamiliar route, in many times, I have to look at maps repeatedly and often I take a wrong route and have to go back to the start point and peddle again. Sometimes, I almost hit a car looking at the smartphone screen on the bike in metropolitan areas. ( In Japan, there are no special lanes for bicycle)