Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Keep the zip back as close to the skin as possible. Do one side at time. Residual wax will simply wipe off with vegetable oil.


1. Preparation: ensure skin is clean and dry and the strip is supple, not too hot, not too cold.
2 Comb hair to be in the same direction.
3 Press firmly: the more you press the more hair is encased in the wax.
4 Tight skin: ensure the skin is taut enough to stop it moving.
5 Zip-back direction: zip-back close and parallel to the skin, never up and away from it.
6 Zip-back speed: the faster the strip is removed, the
more effective the woxing result.



1 準備:お肌が清潔で乾燥していてシートやしなやかで暑すぎず冷たすぎないことを確認する。
2 むだ毛を同じ方向に梳かす。
3 しっかりと押さえつける。しっかりと抑えるほどむだ毛がワックスにしっかりと包み込まれます。
4 お肌をピンと引っ張る。お肌が動かないように十分引っ張ってあることを確認する。
5 シートを引きはがす方向:お肌の近くでお肌と平行にはがす。上方向に高く位置ではがさないでください。
6 シートを引きはがすスピード:シートをはがすスピードが速ければ速いほどワックス処置の効果は高くなります。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

These were the earliest of his senatorial associates and the only such recorded for a long time. Hirtius was accessible to the sinister influence of Balbus --no good prospect for the Republicans, but a gain for Octavianus. Less is known about Pansa. Yet Pansa was no declared enemy of Antonius; and he had married the daughter of the Antonian consular Q. Fufius Calenus, an able politician. 1 Pansa, however, encouraged Octavianus at a quite early date. Along with Pansa in this context certain other names are mentioned, P. Servilius, L. Piso and Cicero: they are described as neutrals, their policy dishonest. No word here of the consulars Philippus and Marcellus.Another source, though likewise not of the best,


彼らは彼の最初の元老院の仲間で、長い間記録されていた唯一の人物だった。Hirtiusは Balbusの邪悪な影響力を利用しやすく、共和主義者にとってはよい見通しはなく、 Octavianusにとってはよかった。 Pansaに関してはあまり知られていない。 PansaはAntoniusの明らかな敵ではなかったが、彼はAntonius派の領事で有能な政治家Q. Fufius Calenusの娘と結婚した。このようなコンテキストの中で Pansa と共に他の数人の名前が言及されている。P. Servilius,、L. Piso、Ciceroだ。彼らは中立的で不誠実な政策を行なう者として記述されている。ここには領事Philippus、Marcellusについての記述は何もない。最良の情報源ではないが、他の情報源は

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

alleges that the pair made a secret compact with Cicero, Cicero to provide political support for Octavianus while enjoying the protection of his financial resources and his army. Even if stirred by the example of his father's actions on behalf of the young Pompeius,he was reluctant to break with Antonius.Nor was the devious Marcellus wholly to be neglected--he had family connexions that could be brought into play, for the Caesarian cause or for the Republic.
Which of the principes were ready to give their sanction?
Three men had spoken against Antonius, and therefore might be said to have encouraged the designs of Octavianus. That was all they had -in character, career the three consulars were discordant.


この2人は Ciceroと秘密の盟約を結び、Ciceroは自分の財源と軍隊の保護を享受しながらOctavianusに政治的支持を提供したと主張している。若きPompeiusのための父親の手本に動かされたとしても、彼は Antoniusと絶交することに気が進まなかった。うさんくさいMarcellusは全くなおざりにされていたのではなく、Caesar派或いは共和主義者のために利用できる家通しのつながりをもっていた。
3人の長はAntoniusに対する反対論を述べていたため、 Octavianusの計画を後押ししたと言われてきたのかもしれない。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

History, intent to blacken his rival, has preserved instead the public invectives which designate, with names and epithets, the senatorial partisans of Antonius as a collection of bandits, sinister, fraudulent and murderous-Domitius the Apulian who poisoned his nephew, Annius, freedman's son and fratricide,M. Insteius the bath-keeper and brigand from Pisaurum, Plancus Bursa the incendiary, the histrionic Caesennius Lento, Nucula who had written pantomimes, the Spaniard Decidius Saxa. The fact that Octavianus was deemed to be on the side of the Republic precluded a full and revealing account of his associates,save honourable mention of three tribunes and a legionary commander whom he had seduced from the consul.


代わりに彼の競争相手の名誉を傷つようと意図した経歴は市民の激しい非難を残し、 Antoniusの元老院の同志をその名前/あだ名と共に無法者の集団として名指ししている。その者達とは、腹黒い詐欺師で冷血漢の自分の甥に毒を盛ったApulian出身のDomitius、解放奴隷の息子で兄弟を殺したAnnius、Pisaurumの盗賊で風呂の管理をしていた扇動者Plancus Bursa、役者がかったCaesennius Lento、パントマイムを執筆していたNucula、スペイン人Decidius Saxaらだ。Octavianusが共和主義者側についていたと見なされた事実は、彼の友人の完全で明らかな説明を除外し、3人の護民官と彼が誘惑して執政官から離れさせた軍団の指揮者の立派な説明を記録に残している。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

• For your protection, all orders are subject to billing verification.
• If we need additional information to verify billing identity, we will contact you by email.
• We email tracking as soon as your order ships.
• Your order may arrive in multiple shipments; you will not be charged extra.
• Shipping charges for the entire order are billed on the first shipment.

If you've already created an account, login to My Account to view your order status.

I have reprocessed your return and set up a new exchange for you. You may receive notification that your order was cancelled. This is normal.

You will receive confirmation by email shortly and then a tracking number once it ships.



すでにアカウントをお持ちの場合は、お客様のご注文の状況はMy Account にログインされましたらご覧になれます。



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Thank you for your purchase and your interest in becoming a distributor in Japan.
As you know we sell our product on Amazon.co.jp, but I would like you to know that we have been looking for someone to be our distributor/re-seller in Japan, I must say it is your lucky day, also I find this very fortunate that you have expressed interest as well.
We need someone who speaks Japanese and can handle day to day question and answers, you can do it on your own terms and as your own company, we will sell you products at a discounted rate and you simply re-sell them and make some money in the process.

We have large stock of all products, so you will never have to worry about stock.




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

If the player is discontinued we will let you know how many units is still left. For example Pioneer 150 has been discontinued we have 144 units left in stock, after that thee is no more pioneer 150. But they will have a new model from Pioneer like BDP-160.

We can discuss special pricing for you on any of our products or on all of our products, you decide the more you buy the bigger the discount. I do not know anything about you or if you own a company or if you have any presence in USA, perhaps we can meet? I do not know anything so please tell more information about you and your company if you have one. We are looking forward to future contact and prosperous business relationship with you.


プレイヤーが製造中止の場合は、いくつ残っているかお知らせします。例えばPioneer 150 は製造中止で弊社には140ほど在庫があり、その後pioneer 150はもう在庫切れですが、PioneerからBDP-160のような新モデルが出ます。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The Maecenas present along with two other Etruscans, M. Perpema and C. Tarquitius, at the banquet where Sertorius was murdered is presumably a member of this family.
Agrippa was the same age to within a year as Octavianus.
It was in truth what in defamation the most admirable causes had often been called a faction: its activity lay beyond the constitution and beyond the laws. Neither is the fate of the private fortune of Caesar the Dictator and the various state moneys at his disposal. Antonius is charged with refusing to hand over money due to Caesar's heir perhaps unjustly.His own patrimony he was soon to invest 'for the good of the Commonwealth'-and much more than his patrimony.


Maecenas一家が他の2人のエトルリア人M. Perpema、C. Tarquitiusと共にSertoriusが殺害された祝宴の場にいたということは、おそらくこの一家の一員であったのだろう。
最も尊敬に値する理念がしばしばファクションと呼ばれてきたことは、実際何という不名誉なことだっただろう。その活動は憲法や法律を超えたところにあった。独裁者 Caesarの私財や彼が自由に使えた様々な国庫による結果でもない。AntoniusはCaesarの相続人のせいで、金を譲渡するのを拒否したとしておそらくは不当に起訴されている。彼自身が世襲した財産は、自分の財産という以上に「公共の利益のために」すぐに投資することになった。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

No other authority gives ' Salvius' as his name: had he taken to latinizing the alien gentilicium? or else ' Salvius' is a cognomen.
Q. Pedius had been legate in Gaul and proconsul in Hispania, after which last command he triumphed. Pinarius, otherwise unknown, was a general at Philippi and probably the same person as the Antonian Pinarius Scarpus.Of another relative of Octavianus, Appuleius,the husband of his half-sister.
Before long a very different character turns up, Maecenas.His family could not be stripped of their ancestors-Octavianus' friend was of regal stock, deriving his descent on the maternal side from the Cilnii, a house that held dynastic power in the city of Arretium from the beginning.


Q. Pedius はGaulの総督代理、Hispaniaの地方総督を歴任し、その後最後に指揮を取って勝利した。他の面では無名なPinariusはPhilippiの将軍で、おそらくAntonia派のPinarius Scarpusと同一人物だろう。Octavianusの他の親戚には母親違いの妹の夫Appuleiusがいる。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

We are not sure what day that is going to be yet but we will definitely be there that following week between May 20-28.
I will be in touch with you in the next couple weeks as we get closer.

On a happier note....
We can spend as much time as we want with you, we have no schedule.
But we also don't want you to go out of your way to do anything special.
We just want to hang out and relax with everyone.
Because we are flying standby on Hiromi's airline pass, we are still trying to figure out when we can fly out to Tokyo.
I may try to get there sooner. I am flying direct from Boston to Tokyo and plan to meet up with Kazuko.
It's very complicated right now.
I will let you know as we get closer




3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Yes I double checked the tracking number and have no idea why it shows delivered in a different state than yours. I checked my paypal account for the purchased shipping label and it does show:

as the destination... I have no idea what happened in transit at all. All I could think to do is file the insurance on it and have usps try to figure out where my package ended up and refund the money to you.
There should be a message in your inbox for the insurance claim on the item.
I beleive you have to click accept on your end to start the process.
I also contacted them directly through my email and am awaiting a response



この処理を開始するためにはaccept on your endをクリックしなければならないと思います。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Philippus, however, appears to have helped his step-son to pay the legacies: for his later services, attested or conjectural.The fact comes from a source that had every reason to enhance the courageous and independent spirit of the young Caesar. Octavianus' other relatives were of little consequence. When Salvidienus tended flocks upon his native hills as a boy, a tongue of flame shot up and hovered over his head, a royal portent.Salvidienus was the elder and the more important of the two, cf. Brutus' abusive reference to him.No mention of either by Cicero--their mere names would have been a damaging revelation. Salvidienus may well have been an equestrian officer in Caesar's army.


しかし証明されていたり憶測だったりするが、Philippusは彼の後の貢献から、自分の義理の息子が遺産を払うのを助けてやったようだった。この事実は、若きCaesarの勇敢で独立心に富む精神を高めるための正当な理由をもつ情報源からのものだ。Octavianusの他の肉親は取るに足りない人々だった。 Salvidienusが少年の頃、自分が生まれた丘で牛の世話をしていた時、炎の舌が放たれて彼の頭の上に覆いかぶさった。王になる前兆だった。Salvidienusの方が年上で2人の中ではより重要だった。参照  Brutusの口汚い彼に対する言及。 Ciceroからはどちらの名前も挙がらなかった。彼らの名前だけでも不利な啓示だったのだろう。SalvidienusはきっとCaesar軍の騎馬隊の士官だったのだろう。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Fancy Hands, Inc reported today in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission it had raised $1M in new funding. Companies file this special form with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission in the majority of cases when closing new funding.
Fancy Hands, Inc did not disclose revenue figures according to the SEC Filing detailing the transaction. The type of investment being offered was listed as debt (opposed to equity, warrants, or other types of investment options). Fancy Hands, Inc noted they began raising the money on November 18, 2011. As of today, the entire $1M offering has been sold to private investors, no remaining investment is being sought at this time.


Fancy Hands, Inc社は今日100万ドルの新資金調達を米国証券取引委員会に届け出たと報告した。企業はたいていの場合、新資金調達を完了するとこの特別の書式を米国証券取引委員会に提出する。
Fancy Hands, Inc 社は取引の詳細を記した証券取引委員会への届け出の獲得金額は明らかにしなかった。提供された資金の種類については(普通株、ワラント債や他のタイプの投資オプションとは反対の)負債を記載された。Fancy Hands, Inc 社は2011年11月18日から資金調達を開始したと記している。今日現在、提供された100万ドル全額は個人投資家に売却されており、現時点では残った投資は求められていない。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Fancy Hands, Inc noted they began raising the money on November 18, 2011. As of today, the entire $1M offering has been sold to private investors, no remaining investment is being sought at this time.
Digging into Fancy Hands, Inc's fundraising history, this is the first SEC filing we've seen from Fancy Hands, Inc. This doesn't mean they haven't raised money in the past, this is the first time Fancy Hands, Inc has raised money and filed a special form with the SEC.
The SEC Filing can be viewed in its entirety by clicking here:

Fancy Hands: Why would a VC invest in Fancy Hands?
Is the model scalable enough? Why did Fancy Hands raise $1M? How would you see this company grow? Could it ever reach a $50-100M valuation?


Fancy Hands, Inc 社は2011年11月18日から資金調達を開始したと記している。今日現在、提供された100万ドル全額は個人投資家に売却されており、現時点では残った投資は求められていない。
Fancy Hands, Inc社の資金調達の履歴について掘り下げてみると、今回の証券取引委員会への届け出は我々が知る限りではFancy Hands, Inc社の最初の届け出である。これは同社が過去資金調達をしなかったことを意味するものではなく、Fancy Hands, Incは今回初めて資金調達して証券取引委員会の特別申請書を届け出たということだ。証券取引委員会に提出された全届出はここをクリックしてご覧になれます。

Fancy Hands社:  なぜベンチャーキャピタルは Fancy Hands社に投資するのか。
モデルは十分拡張性があるのか。なぜFancy Handsは100万ドル調達したのか。同社の成長をどう見るか。過去50万ドルから100万ドルの評価額に達したことはあったか。