Yumie (3_yumie7) Translations

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About 12 years ago
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A listing of the public translations that were written by this user. This listing does not include the requests that have yet to be completed.
3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

a minimum and are not to be trusted. We should not look to states, on this view, to take more expansive and substantial action to further the well being of persons and groups. While it is always good to reduce suffering or injustice, solve social problems, and promote well-being, we should not depend on states to do it. Critics of the state have at least three kinds of argument for the claim that citizens should reject reliance on state institutions to solve social problems and promote justice as the equal opportunity for everyone to develop and exercise capacities: libertarian, communitarian, and post-Marxist. I will reconstruct each of these arguments, and then respond to them together.★
Although a society may



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

universalize and formalize these activities and curtail local autonomy. Government regulatory, redistributive, welfare, and social service bureaucracies, moreover, transform citizens into passive followers of orders and clients of services. State efforts to promote citizen well-being, furthermore, allow individuals and communities to shirk their personal and particular responsibIlities to contribute to the well-being of community members. State actions break up the civic sources of mutual aid and solidarity. Government programmes to achieve substantive ends of equality or self-development generate an 'entitlement' mentality according to which citizens clam-our for particular benefits to serve their interests



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

On the coasts Ahenobarbus threatened Italy from the east, Pompeius from the south and west. If this were not enough, all his provinces were assailed at once. Pompeius drove out M. Lurius and captured Sardinia; in Hispania Octavianus' general Carrinas was faced by the invasion of a Moorish prince whom L. Antonius and Fulvia had incited; in Africa the ex-centurion Fuficius Fango, fighting with valour and resource in a confused war against T. Sextius, the former governor, who had remained in the province, was at last overcome and killed. Caesar's heir would soon be trapped--and crushed at last. That way all odds pointed and most men's hopes.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Pilot production of the device is allegedly already able to satisfy demand for the initial launch. As such, suppliers reportedly indicated they expect Apple to give shipment estimates as soon as the end of this month.

While the full-size iPad is rumored to see a refresh in September, the iPad mini may have to wait a little longer for its second-generation model to launch. Sources told DigiTimes that Apple is "still considering whether to adopt a Retina display for the device."

If Apple does opt for a high-resolution display in its 7.9-inch tablet, the release of the product could be delayed until the fourth quarter of calendar 2013, the report said.



フルサイズの iPadは9月にはリフレッシュされるとのうわさですが、iPad mini第2世代モデル発売にはもう少し時間がかかると見られています。情報筋がDigiTimesに伝えたところによると、Appleは「まだこの端末にレティナディスプレイを採用するかどうか検討中」とのことです。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

It also added that Apple is pushing component suppliers to further shrink the iPad mini bezel, and that the company is pushing for a largely bezel-less design.

Apple launched both the first iPad mini and the iPad5 at the same event last October. The updated full-size iPad was a moderate surprise, as the third-generation model with Retina display had debuted only six months prior.

The iPad5 is expected to adopt a design similar to that of the iPad mini, including more rounded edges and a thinner bezel. Leaked schematics have suggested the new iPad will also be thinner than its predecessor, while well-connected analyst Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities has said the device will be 25 percent lighter.


また、 Appleは部品の納品業者に対し iPad miniのベゼルをさらに縮小するよう迫り、業者もベゼルを大幅に縮小したデザイン作成を進めていると付け加えています。

Appleは 初代iPad mini、 iPad5の2機を昨年10月の同じイベントで発表しました。レティーナディスプレイを搭載した第3世代モデルが半年前に出たばかりなので、アップグレードされたフルサイズのiPadは穏やかな驚きをもって迎えられています。

iPad5は一層丸みを帯びた角と薄いベゼルを含め、iPad miniに似たデザインを採用するとみられています。リークした図面は、新 iPadも先行モデルより薄くなっていることを示唆しており、一方、KGI Securitiesの人脈豊富なアナリストMing-Chi Kuo氏はこの端末は25%軽くなると述べています。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

④• If "No" - how would you manage order fulfillment and customer returns?

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IMPORTANT: If you wish to sell medicines (such as Ibuprofen, Paracetamol etc.) you must also provide a pharmacy premise registration.
Also, you nee

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Please note that Ebay is not accepted as a transactional website for Jewellery and watches. In order to enable us to make a decision, please reply to us with a link to your website.
Also, you need to offer a significant selection to be approved (unique or volume).


④• お持ちでない場合- どのようにして一連の注文処理作業(フルフィルメント)やお客様が戻ってこられるような管理をされるおつもりですか。



** 重要な情報:また、 カテゴリーマネージャー(商品分野の設定・管理者)商品を確認するために有効なウェブサイトを閲覧する必要があります。Ebayは宝石・時計取引のウェブサイトは取り扱っておりません。弊社が決定できるよう、貴店のウェブサイトを添えて返信いただきますようお願いいたします。また、承認されるためには(珍しい商品、大量の商品等の)重要な選りすぐり商品を提供されることが必要です。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

The partnership in arms of the young Caesar, his coeval Agrippa and Salvidienus Rufus their senior had triumphed over all hazards. Confronted by their vigour and resolution, the most eminent and the most experienced of the partisans of Antonius had collapsed, two consulars, the soldier Ventidius and the diplomatic Plancus, and one consul--for the illustrious year of Pollio had begun. Yet Octavianus was in no way at the end of his difficulties. He was master of Italy, a land of famine, desolation and despair. But Italy was encompassed about with enemies. Antonius was approaching with an armament from the East, Antonius' man Calenus still held all Gaul beyond the Alps.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Smaller items that are suitable for the normal postal service, can be sent to Japan. Larger items must be shipped via transport company. When bidding on an item, you will be able to see quotes for the shipping costs.
You can add the shipping cost during payment, but only for items that can be sent via the post (the option will automatically appear). For the larger items (large paintings, furniture etc.) you can get a transport quote when logged in under ‘Shipping’:

On the traditional used items, no VAT is charged, and therefore no VAT can be refunded. You can possibly get the VAT refunded when buying a ‘Brand new item’ (marked by a yellow tab on the list) because VAT is included in the hammer price.



従来の中古品については、 VATは課せられません。したがいまして VAT分の返金もございません。新品I(リストの黄色のタブがついている商品)を購入された場合は、競り落とし値にVATが含まれていますので、VATの返金を受けられるでしょう。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Where Caesar's heir now stood, Italy learned in horror at Perusia and in shame at Nursia. On the monument erected in memory of the war the men of Nursia set an inscription which proclaimed that their dead had fallen fighting for freedom. Octavianus imposed a crushing fine. The generals of Antonius dispersed. Along with Fulvia, Plancus fled to Greece, deserting his army. Ventidius and Pollio turned back and made for the coast of the Adriatic. Ventidius' march and movements are obscure. Pollio retired north-eastwards and held Venetia for a time against the generals of Octavianus.Then all is a blank, save that he negotiated with Ahenobarbus, whose fleet controlled the Adriatic, and won his support for Antonius.



3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

A colorful, and apt, image of the world of the new user of a computer system is found in the often quoted phrase of William James: “a bloomin’ buzzin’ confusion.” People in this situation see many things going on, but they do not know which of these are relevant to their current concerns. Indeed, they do not know if their current concerns are the appropriate concerns for them to have. The learner reads something in the manual; sees something on the display; and must try to connect the two, to integrate, to interpret. It would be unsurprising to find that people in such a situation suffer conceptual?or even physical?paralysis. They have so little basis on which to act.


コンピューターシステムの新規ユーザーの世界の色彩豊かで適切なイメージは、ウィリアム・ジェイムズのしばしば引用される「咲き誇るガヤガヤした一つの 混沌」という言葉の中に見出せる。このような状況に置かれた時、人は様々な出来事が起こっているのを見るのだが、その出来事のうちどれが自分の現在の関心事と関係しているのかわからない。実際、現在の関心が自分が持つべき適切な関心なのかどうかがわからないのだ。学習者はマニュアルの中で何かを読み、ディスプレイで何かを見、その2つを統合し解釈するために接続しようとするに違いない。そのような状況にある人々が概念的、さらには肉体的な停滞に苦しむのを見たとしても驚くには当たらない。学習者には、基づいて行動すべき基礎がほとんどない。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

A series of images and a stylized video hit the Web on Saturday, all purporting to show a buttonless rear shell attached to a display assembly bound for Apple's rumored low-cost "iPhone Lite."

According to a post on its blog, accessory reseller Techdy claims to have snagged a white copy of the iPhone Lite's rear shell, as well as the device's accompanying 4-inch display, from up-chain supply sources in China. Making the claims highly suspect, however, is a complete lack of physical buttons on the exterior of the chassis.

It should be noted that AppleInsider cannot confirm the veracity of Techdy's report and offers the following information for purposes of discussion only.


土曜日、画像や図案化された動画がインターネット上にぞくぞくと出て記録的なアクセス数を記録しましたが、どのサイトも 噂のAppleの低価格iPhone Lite用ディスプレイの組み立て部品に付属するボタンのない背面カバーであると主張しています。

ブログに掲載されたある投稿によると、パーツ再販業者 Techdyは中国のアップチェーン供給業者から白色の iPhone Liteの背面カバーと端末に付属する4インチの画面の複製品を入手したと主張しています。しかし、その主張がどうかと思われるのは、筐体の外側に物理的なボタンが全くついていないことです。


3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

Most suspicious of Saturday's images is the absence of any physical control buttons or cutouts on the shell — even for a power switch — meaning the sample is either an early working prototype, or, more likely, has been fabricated out of whole cloth.

Adding to the confusion, seated within the purported shell is a metal anchor plate meant for internal components. The lining has cutouts for external controls, like volume and power, which is consistent with previous rumored leaks, though Techdy's shell show only shows small holes where these ports should be. This could mean the plate was taken from a previously-leaked shell and placed in the fabricated version.



このような不明瞭な点に加えて、iPhone Liteカバーだとされるものの中にあるのは、内部コンポーネント用の金属のアンカープレートです。内張りには。以前噂された流出情報と一致する音量、電源等の外部コントロール用切り抜き部分がありますが、Techdyのカバー画像にはポートが位置するべき小さな穴がいくつかあるのみです。このことは、プレートが、以前流出したiPhone Liteのカバー情報から取られて、この偽の製造版に設置されたことを示しています。

3_yumie7 English → Japanese
Original Text

I made a mistake, I thought you were from US…… I have just discovered you were from Japan.

So then, forget the delivery address in the AUS, It is not worth to send the item in Jacksonville, I would prefer you to send it to France at my personal address


24 rue Marcel PALAT

I saw the delivery cost is higher for France, tell me please which amount I need to transfer to complete the total you expect to get and your email address on pay pall so that I can do the transfer asap.

I am really sorry about this mistake.

Please advise me everything is ok for you and email is well understood.

I sent you an email by ebay for the delivery place in jacksonville , the payment has gone, should be over the US soon




(名前)Herve COSSARD
(住所)24 rue Marcel PALAT



ebayを通して jacksonvilleの届け先住所をEメールで送信して支払いもしましたので、まもなくアメリカに着くはずです。